Monday, January 1, 2024

Basket Quilt Sew Along 2024

Happy New Year, quilters! I wanted to let you all know that we'll be making baskets as a sew along/challenge in my Facebook group Kathleen Tracy Quilts this year. We've done this a few times over the years and it's always popular. We'll begin sometime in mid-January. Watch for details coming soon.

                      Who doesn't love a little basket quilt??  An oldie but goodie - Civil War Baskets.   

You'll have the option to make the basket quilt of your choice. I will give you instructions to make a basic 4" basket block and there are several patterns in some of my books for you to choose from as well if you'd prefer to make one of those instead. 

Here are some basket quilts to consider:

Posy baskets from Schoolgirl Sampler

Civil War baskets from my book Remembering Adelia.

Olivia Loves Baskets pattern is available in my Etsy shop.

Prairie Baskets is from my second book Prairie Children & Their Quilts.

Cherry Baskets

     Aunt Sarah's Sewing Basket

January always puts me in the mood to organize my fabric and scraps so  I'm hoping to get  a little of that done this week as I work out the details of the sew along. My sewing room's been neglected for awhile. It really needs to be cleaned up on a frequent and regular basis but last year really threw me off my game a bit so it just didn't get done very often. I find myself avoiding walking into that room right now . . . . So I'll grit my teeth and try to clean it up for a few minutes every day to keep my creative urges going in the right direction. It's a good idea to try this if you're thinking of joining me in the upcoming basket sew along. A clean space or table sometimes really makes all the difference and can feel like a fresh start. 

I hope you all have a happy New Year! 


pens and needles said...

Basket quilts are just about my favorite !!! I’ll be very excited to take part in this!

Char said...

Searching your books for basket patterns! I have got to spend time in my sewing room too. And it’s not to do the fun stuff 😵‍💫. Happy New Year!