Friday, May 17, 2024

Dear Jane Motivation

Quilting friends, I can't believe we're already on Week 9 of Dear Jane Fridays in my Facebook group. I hope some of you are following along too. I'm seeing lots of good progress.

For years, I enjoyed looking at all the wonderful Dear Jane quilts others had made and always thought: Never in a million years would I be able to finish one of those. Well, guess what? I loved this quilt so much and finally took the leap 14 years ago (!). I know, I know - some quilters finish in a year or less. Don’t let that deter you. You have to do it your own way. My journey was a lot longer than most - but my excuse is that I also wrote a few books and made numerous other quilts during that time. My DJ top is finished and now I just need to quilt it. Who’d have guessed?? Lesson: If I can do it, so can you. But you really, really have to want to do it.

Remember: There’s only one way to make this quilt and that's one block at a time. Do your best, persevere and you will get there. The blocks do add up over time.

If you get stuck, check out some of the online resources for help - is a good one. YouTube videos on making the Dear Jane blocks are also very helpful. If you're not hand piecing the blocks, learning how to paper piece by machine is a very quick and efficient way to make many of them. It's worth the effort to learn how to do this. Here's one of my favorite paper piecing tutorials if you need help getting started.

If you're thinking about beginning Jane's quilt or have gotten stalled on one you've already started, take heart - make small goals for yourself, stick to them and keep going. One block per week maybe? That's 50 blocks in a year. Make a list of the blocks you’ve completed and try to add to it. Don't beat yourself up if and when you need to stop. My progress was sporadic. Just keep making the blocks, continue on with your journey and who knows, maybe you'll also become motivated to finish.

Have a good weekend! Try making a block if you have the time.