Friday, September 29, 2023

Autumn Leaves Sew Along - Part 2

This week we'll sew the four leaves together that you made in Step 1 and make the center of the quilt. Follow the directions in Step 2 of the file to cut and sew the triangles for the setting. You'll find the directions in my Facebook group files. If you 're not on FB, go to my website and find the directions on the Autumn Leaves Sew Along page.

After you've completed that part, you'll add a narrow border. 

I decided to use a nice teal green for my border. 

Here's where you can get creative. Try using different setting triangles instead of the light prints I've used. If you like a more primitive look, then use darker prints for the triangles. And a contrasting border. There will be an option to use different prints to bring this all together in the last step where we'll  make a pieced border. 

Hope you're having fun! I'm still trying to keep up with my Scrappy Ohio Stars from Repro Quilt Lover's blog.  But, as usual, distractions abound so I'm a little behind. I may decide not to make all of the blocks Taryn is showcasing and turn it into a smaller quilt using my favorite blocks. I can always pick it up again later if I change my mind.  We'll see what happens. 


Seven blocks finished. Quite a few more to go. 

I know it looks like I made a mistake with the star points but that's the way the quilter made hers. As I mentioned before, I've been inspired to recreate the blocks from the antique quilt as closely as I can with colors. Style too, to get a true antique look. You have to ask: Did she do that randomly, by mistake or deliberately? Did she want to add a sense of quirkiness to her quilt? Did she make a mistake and then shrug and say "Oh well, I'll just leave it?" Was she distracted by something more important while she was sewing? We'll never know. But it shows that modern day quilters have a lot to learn about creativity from quilters of the past. 

It's been fun picking through my reproduction fabrics and scraps to find the perfect ones that "match" the ones in the antique quilt that Taryn shows. But, for me, that seems to take FOREVER. And then I wind up going with the prints I like better anyway. But -  it's still great fun. Visit Repro Quilt Lovers blog for more info.

                          Have a good weekend! More sew along fun next Friday, Oct 6. 

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