Friday, September 14, 2012

Quilt Exhibit

I was able to run downtown yesterday to see the exhibit of Civil War quilts from the Illinois State Museum at their Chicago gallery. I live about 25 miles north of Chicago and, while that's relatively close and the exhibit had been here all summer, I was so busy these past few weeks that I just could not get down there until yesterday. Right under the wire too, as the exhibit is closing today.

My sister and I took the "L"  (Chicago's elevated rapid transit system)  into the city to avoid driving and facing any traffic disruptions due to the Chicago teachers' strike. We arrived in the morning and then left by early afternoon just as the marches were getting started so the trip was not as bad as I expected. My son happens to be student teaching at a Chicago Public School right now (or will be as soon as the strike is over) so you can guess where my sympathies lie.

(Photo courtesy of the Chicago Tribune)

I love seeing full photos of antique quilts but I know it's difficult for you to get a good feel for the entire quilt this way. I took quite a few closeups though so hopefully you can get an idea. There were too many to include today so I'll continue with more pictures next week.

Album quilt (c. 1857 - 1862) made by Martha Jane Gourley, a neighbor of President Lincoln in Springfield IL. One of my favorites, maybe because of its simplicity and awkwardness and all of those imperfections . . . 

This is hand pieced and machine quilted.
Floral Wreath Applique Quilt, c. 1860
Double Irish Chain quilt, c. 1865
 Another one of my favorites - "Seven Stars"  (Seven Sisters), c. 1870
Not perfect by any means. Still beautiful to the eye of this beholder . . .

Sunburst crib quilt, c. 1855
Wool Courthouse Steps, c. 1864. Almost looks like it belongs in a modern art gallery, doesn't it?

Happy me - taking them all in. I'll show you a few more next week.


Strlady said...

How fantastic that you were able to get in there before they brought down the exhibit. AND you avoided the craziness of the strike.
I used to be a teacher for two years, so I know how much time and effort it takes to be a good teacher. I also had my only daughter emotionally abused by her 4th grade teacher. It's sad that those few teachers that have lost the love for the profession have to ruin the benefits for those that so deserve it.
Thanks for the pics! I look forward to the ones that will follow!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, thank you for sharing. Lizzie

Janet said...

What marvelous quilts! Those stars in the 7 sisters quilt must be teeny tiny! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures, I look forward to seeing more!

Judith said...

Thanks for showing us, can't wait to see THE other pictures NeXT week. Enjoy your weekend.

Rosa said...

Thanks for sharing,they are spectacular!!

Have an awesome weekend.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathy for showing these quilts. Just the sort I love to see, imperfections and all. (It is the imperfections that give them real character.)I am looking forward to the next lot of pictures and am really glad you had a good visit. Val in Bristol UK (yahoo smallquilt group)

marian said...

oh WOW what priceless gems!! they are simply perfect in their imperfections and so tactile, imagine the stories they could tell!!

KijkDaarIs said...

Marvelous...the hexagons...the stars..ehhh everyting..!!!
Thanks fot sharing...
Have a nice day..;0)

Pom de l atelierpapillon said...

Merci pour ces beaux quilts, pour les photos superbes.

Kathryn said...

Such a special day! Thanks for sharing!

Marla said...

Thank you so much for showing us the exibit. I so wanted to go up to Chicago to see this but did not get the chance. This way I still get to see it!-Marla

Anonymous said...

So glad you made it, they are stunning to see.

Ingrid said...

Glad you were able to make it to the exhibit! Lovely quilts! You were brave to take the "L." I haven't taken it in years. I'm always afraid it will topple over when it goes around corners. Actually it did do that many ears ago when I was working downtown - fortunately not the train I was on.

cityquilter grace said...

gorgeous photos of beautiful big are those stars in 7 sisters?

pandchintz said...

Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful quilts. I look forward to seeing more next time.

Daniëlle said...

Has been ages ago. Thanks so much for your photos! I have seen some antiques in the Elzas, France. The Moda ones, with the newly made copy on the side, must admit I prefer the antiques with there own special look: not too perfect! Happy sewing, hugs, Daniëlle