Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Book Sale Shopping

Lucky me - look what I found at a library-sponsored book sale last week:

I went the last day of the sale since I only heard about it at the last minute. That day everything was half off, which meant that these books, originally priced at $2.00 ($2.00!), were just $1.00, LOL. How could I resist? These were books that were donated to the library so not just old, unwanted library books. They were in perfect condition. Some were 50 cents.
I was not even aware of this book by Mary Bywater Cross, author of Quilts of the Oregon Trail and Treasures in the Trunk. Looks like it has lots of good info and wonderful photos too.

These were the only interesting quilting books I found - wished there were more. Still, I came home with 2 paper grocery bags full of other books - all for $16.00. A real steal. I picked up and just finished reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. A timeless classic I couldn't put down. Don't know how I missed reading it all these years.

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Don't forget - We're making my little Hexagon quilt for October, which is next week. Yikes! Already? Whew, thank goodness mine is made. All these flowers are left over because I could not stop. Maybe I'll do something different with them.



Donna~~ said...

Wow--what great book finds! Lucky you!

Me and My Stitches said...

Looks like it was your lucky day, finding those books - and who could resist that price! Doesn't it just make your day to find such treasures? Love your hexies - I think you need a hexie pendant!

WoolenSails said...

Great finds, love library sales. It is amazing what they sell and ours are a buck for hard covers. I still have my christmas hexagons to finish, too many projects to finish and too many I want to make, lol.


Judy Dietrich said...

I am going through my mom's doll collection to get rid of some of the "stuff" before figuring out to do with the rest. I found a copy of "American Doll Quilts". I never bought it the first time around & now it is OOP. I am so excited to add this to my collection!!! Thanks MOM for smart enough to get this one.

Anonymous said...

A tree grows in Brooklyn is the first book I ever read that sparked my love of reading.. I now work in a library and do the book ordering.

antique quilter said...

great books you picked up, what a deal! I won't even mention how much I paid for some of them :)
one I don't have ...wonder if I need it! LOL
love the little hexes !

Betty Lou said...

Your books are great finds with pictures of lovely old quilts. Spent a couple hourse yesterday at The Good Wive Co. quilt shop in Marion, Ohio. You and your books were well represented in print and in kits. It is a wonderful shop. Wrote a post last night with pictures you can see it here

Beth said...

What a great deal!!! The quilt books you did find look like real finds! Enjoy them.

Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

Oooh! Luck find!

Unknown said...

What great finds, wish I could be that lucky

Anonymous said...

Well, I am going to see if Barb has figured out the mystery of trying to post. You are so lucky to have found such great books!!

Jean Carlton said...

You hit the jackpot...I have all of those books and all are great resources. I also am a big fan of library book sales. What a bargain. Books have become so expensive - even paperbacks. I volunteer at our library and we get first pick when we set up the sales! Just an idea if you have time for another commitment!

Céline said...

I wanted to buy quilt treasure of great britain. You tempt me I so like the old quilts. Good reading

ann hermes said...

What a nice selection of books you found. If you come across photos of antique pieced or applique pillowcases, please let me know. I am starting to design some needlecases, inspired by the ones in your book.

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