Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Very Easy Quilting Design

Esther left a comment on my last post about hand quilting where she mentioned she is using an Orange Peel design on one of her small quilts. I also did that on one quilt in my new book, The Civil War Sewing Circle (Coming out next week!!! Can you believe it?? Hold on just a little longer . . . ).

Instead of using an Orange Peel template or making my own from template plastic, here's what I did:

I marked the center of the block and then traced around a small bowl with a water soluble marking pen to make a half circle on one side. Then I turned the quilt and used the bowl again to trace intersecting half circles around the rest of the block. Better than a template because you can do it easily with any size block, large or small - just find the right bowl with a nice arc. Here's a sample square:

The half circles intersect and you'll get this peel design if you mark each side of the block with an arc.

Then, just quilt on the lines and dampen or wash the quilt gently to remove all traces of the marking pen. It was easy to do this on a small quilt and it turned out very nice, I think. I'm not sure I'd try it on a larger quilt unless I had a lot of time. You can also mark circles between the blocks to get the same Orange Peel design but doing it this way gave me a little more control as I was working on each block. I especially like the way it looks on the plain blocks where the stitches stand out a little more.

Oh, and if you haven't tried it yet, my favorite quilting thread is YLI quilting thread. I'm very partial to the light brown as it gives a nice antique look when stitched on both light and dark fabrics.


antique quilter said...

my favorite thread too!
funny how we all have different names for things/patterns/blocks, etc
I always think of this as pumpkin seed!
and YES I find something that will fit that I can trace too!
your quilting looks great!

Lori said...

What a terrific and simple idea! Thanks!!

Meredith said...

I am grateful that the Amish have left us with so many lovely hand quilting designs. The YLI thread rocks. Have you tried superior's hand quilting thread?

quilting Jeannet said...

It is my favorite threath too, and also the same color, now I am quilting quilt nr. four from the last three weaks. I love the idea from the orange peel. I have allready bought (payed) your book and I can,t waiting to have it!!!

Kathleen Tracy said...

Kathie, I've never heard of Pumpkin Seed but that works too.

quiltingnana said...

great idea....grab a plate that's much easier than finding just the right template! Will have to try the YLI quilting thread...I use YLI for applique

Michelle said...

I'll be adding this to my bookmarks, and will give it a go sometime soon(I hope) Thanks so much!

Jill said...

I have always loved using YLI quilting thread. Lately, I have had a hard time finding it in any Local shops. So, recently I have been using Superior Threads "Treasure" hand quilting thread. I really am loving this thread....NO tangles and glides through so nice, plus very strong.

Kathleen Tracy said...

I will definitely try the Superior brand.

Leeanne said...

Love the look, very soft.I use to hand quilt, but I now machine quilt and do so for others and get paid....that is pretty cool, to get paid to do something you love to do.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you about YLI, have always used this thread, its great because it can be used for handquilting and machine quilting. I have also used all manner of plates to trace out quilting lines on blocks if I don't have a stencil to suit. I can't wait to get your new book, your recent pics of quilts from the book are just too enticing LOL. BTW, my Quiltbee friend, Sharon, loves her new book!!! ...Merilyn

LibbiesHome said...

Thank you for sharing that idea! I am a beginning hand quilter (and will probably always fit in that category) and have been looking for simple designs to try.

Diana said...

I love YLI, too. I've used the gray and the off-white--I'll give the brown a try now too.

Diane H said...

Thanks for this, will certainly give it a try. I'm working on my first mini in homespuns and can't wait to get to the handquilting.

marian said...

another great idea Kathy, thanks for sharing! oh and what an adorable little quilt it is too!
you must be so excited about your new book launch..i know i am!!! x

Daniëlle said...

YLI is my number 1!! Runs so smooth, doesn't get those nasty curls or anything. Even use this thread for piecing bears. Trace around everything, traced my Hera marker once for use in a border, gave a nice swirly look hihi!! Quilting patterns to be found everywhere we look! Being such a patient girl here hihihi!! XXXD

RoseLady said...

Simple and Lovely ! YLI is the best. Joan

Jeanne said...

great quilting design - simplicity is the best on small quilts - emphasizes the fabrics and piecing - very nice

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your small quilts, blocks and hand stitching trying to learn from the very best because I am a newbie to quilting.
Thank you for sharing all your great tips and secrets with us. You are a blessing to know through your words and talent.

Unknown said...

I sure wish I was a hand quilter too because it is truly stunnig! I'll keep my eyes peeled for that book!

Anonymous said...

How funny to read a blog that start with one's own name! :-) Thank you for explaining your method. So looking forward to receiving your new book!

I am still working on the method by printing and laminating a quilting template. It is just hard if not impossible to find transparant paper. One day I will hope to show you pictures!

the Netherlands

Amy said...

I just started using YLI quilting thread.I love the wood spool.The thread is nice too,LOL!