Saturday, January 29, 2011

Book Signing

This morning was my first book signing "event" for The Civil War Sewing Circle at a local quilt shop. I came, I talked, I signed, I shopped. And, I conquered my fear of  . . . Brown.

Carrie from Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop in Fox River Grove, IL was nice enough to invite me to spend some time with her customers talking a little about the book and then signing some copies.

Warming up the crowd.

The shop made their own samples from quilts in the book and kits to go with them.

Carrie liked her version better than mine, LOL. You know how I feel about brown . . .

Everybody loved my little hexagons quilt.

This is one of my favorite quilts in the book - lots of red and blue and shirtings.

Here's a full shot of the Friendship Signature quilt made with blocks sent to me by my friends in my Yahoo group.

Some blocks that didn't fit on the front made the backing special

Soldier's Cot Quilt

Double Hourglass quilt

Union Stars quilt - I will be teaching this quilt at the shop's retreat in March in Woodstock, Illinois.

Sewing Box with Wool Applique

Carrie surprised  me with some fat quarters of her new fabric line for Blue Hill Fabrics  - Alice's Wash Day Blues. Oooohhhh. You know how I feel about blue . . .

But look what else I went home with - all these browns. I just couldn't resist!


marian said...

WOW Kathy, i'm speechless!!
How lovely for all the ladies who got to meet you and drool over your darling little quilts..i'm just a tad green with envy :(
All your quilts look stunning and it's nice to see Carrie's versions too..they're all beautiful!
btw congrats on being brave & purchasing some brown fabric lol..believe me blue & brown complement perfectly, you'll see :))x

marian said...

oooooh i just noticed that sweet little box made of old wooden rulers [in the last pic] very cute & handy..i wonder where i could get one??

supergoof said...

Oh BOY, what a beautiful quilts!!!!!!!!
I wish you were here in The Netherlands,...

Elin said...

I received your signed book yesterday, thank you very much! Wonderful! I'll make a blog post very soon.

ria vogelzang said...

It's great to see you with all those lovely dollquilts! And what lovely fabrics!!!

Kat said...

Help please..
I found a picture of a quilt with a nice block pattern in internet. Unfortunately, there was no title to or a label. Maybe there is somebody in blogland can help me? I would intressted the name and perhaps the history of the pattern.
It was a wonderful two-color quilt in blue and white. I made a sketchy picture and put in my blog.
I would be happy to answer a helping.
greets from Berlin/Germany
Kat :)

Cheryl said...

Wish I could have been there to see the quilts in person. I have made one already and it is at the quilter and I picked up the fabrics for the Album Quilt, also my fav in the book.

Impera Magna said...

What a great way to spend the morning: attending your lecture and book signing! I'm not a big "brown" person but I'm trying to move out of my comfort zone a little.

Frances Leate said...

Lovely quilts Kathy and I will look forward to adding this book to my collection with all your others. I am not too fond of brown but often use it in quilts because it looks so good with blue and red. Thanks for the inspiration!

LibbiesHome said...

I just bought your book last weekend. I am really enjoying reading it for now. Hopefully I'll have time to make some of the quilts in the near future. But I'm not sure which one I will start with - I love them all!

Lori said...

It looks like a great day! It would be wonderful to see your quilts up close and personal. I adore your new fabric too!

Diane H said...

Lucky lucky ladies who got to share in such a fabulous gathering. Love all of the quilts.

Gaby Prado. said...

Querida Kathllen:
Muy lindos proyectos y se ve que las has pasado muy bien!!! Felicidades sigue adelante.


Merilyn said...

What a wonderful way to spend a morning! Seeing as my book hasn't arrived yet, it was nice to see some of the quilts, they are all fabulous, love the Soldier's Cot quilt, stunning in it's simplicity and the 'red & blue with shirtings' gorgeous too! Would love you to come to Australia some day!!!

Frummie said...

Congratulations on your book signing! What a grand show you put on.
Do you every get to Palm Beach, FL? I do have a guest room...LOL


Maureen said...

Thanks for the quilt show! What beauties - I can't even pick a favorite!

Connie204 said...

Great little quilts.

I'm looking forward to your next post on "SNOW" I guess we're supposed to get up to a foot or more. Connie204

Louise said...

I arrived home on Friday to find a package on my front porch which contained your newest book. I think it might just be my favorite. Can hardly wait to make one of your newest designs.

Daniëlle said...

Hmmmmm, breathtakingly gorgeous, all of them! You really had a good time, I can tell! Have lots of fun working with the lovely browns, I know you can do it hihi!!!! XXXD