Sunday, September 11, 2011

Texting for Seniors

OMG - that's about me! We have spent more than a few weeks this summer trying to get new phones for the family. My daughter had an unfortunate accident with hers awhile back and needed a new phone before she went away to school. It was very expensive to upgrade her phone with the service plan we had so we were all doing the research to change plans and get the best phone deal (if there even IS a deal with those so-called Family $$ Plans.) My daughter left the state and my son moved into an apartment all the way into the city so we had to make sure that the plan provided good service here, there and EVERYWHERE. 

Talk about headaches . . . But we did it and we're all happy with our phones and think it encourages us to keep in touch. My kids don't always seem to answer their phones if they're busy (apparently they don't want to be THAT close to Mom - imagine, having to actually listen to my annoying voice) but texting always works since my messages are shorter and I don't nag so much when texting. I almost always get an answer if I text.

I'm still getting used to texting on the new phone - my chubby fingers and the tiny touch screen don't always get along. So sometimes the messages are a little garbled and they  text back -  WHAT??? You can almost hear the Big Sigh and see the rolling of the eyes. The first few days after I got the new phone, every time I turned it on it seemed to automatically dial my son - "Mom, NOW WHAT???" Oops, sorry again, I haven't had time to play with the settings yet. My daughter jokingly said she is going to set up a Twitter account just so I don't have to bother texting her so much - she can "Tweet" me several times a day to let me know what's going on  - what she ate for breakfast, yes, she's wearing a jacket, etc. I thought maybe I'd just go to abbreviations to keep it simple, the way the kids do it.

Someone I know recently went to her 40th high school reunion and has been feeling old but still has maintained her sense of humor about it, thank goodness. She sent the following to me. I don't know why, because I'm really not old yet. She must have me confused with someone else. Perhaps you've already seen it, received in an e-mail from a friend who also thinks you're old and will appreciate it. It was too good not to share with those of you who may not have seen it. I'm not quite ready for these yet (well, maybe one or two . . . )


Since more and more Seniors are texting and tweeting, there appears to be a need for a standard STC (Senior Texting Code). If you qualify for Senior Discounts, this is the code for you. Please pass this on to your children and grandchildren so they can understand your texts.

ATD: At The Doctor's

BFF: Best Friend Fainted

BTW: Bring The Wheelchair

BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth

CBM: Covered By Medicare

CGU: Can't get up

CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center

DWI: Driving While Incontinent

FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers

FWIW: Forgot Where I Was

FYI: Found Your Insulin

GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!

GHA: Got Heartburn Again

HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement

IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On?

LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out

LOL: Living On Lipitor

OMMR: On My Massage Recliner

OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas.

ROFL... CGU: Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up

TTYL: Talk To You Louder

WDICIHF: What Did I Come In Here For?

WAITT: Who Am I Talking To?

WTP: Where's The Prunes?

GGLKI: (Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In)

When I turned 50 my husband signed me up for an AARP card as a joke. Haha, very funny. I got over it and I'm now proud to be old - we actually use it for discounts so what the heck. And I love to read those articles about older celebrities. Who knew some of them were even still alive??

GGBMF - (Gotta Go Buy More Fabric),

- Kathy

*   *   *

In other news, The Girl and The Quilt made it to the college campus safe and sound last week. It was one of the first things she unpacked!

Quilt's new home.  (Room still in unpacking mode)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Goodbye to Summer

It's finally nice and a little cool here in the Chicago area this morning, and I'm reminded of the old days when school started the day after Labor Day and the mornings were always just a little chilly. Now it seems like most schools begin the middle of August. Labor Day in the U.S. typically is the "unofficial" end of summer. Vacations end, pools close and, oh yes, as my mother used to tell me, it's time to put away your white shoes and purse and bring out the cardigans. If it's September, it's always the beginning of  fall for me. Not everyone loves it like I do though. As school starts up again, my kids always used to say: Fun stops. Homework regimens kick in, the days get shorter and the weather cooler and mom gets a little more intense and strict about bedtime and video games. The fun stopped for THEM but it started for me when they were back in school and I had my days free again, LOL.

So I'm officially declaring that summer is over around here even though I'm sure we'll probably still get some 90-degree days. It wasn't the best summer I've ever had, so I can't say I'm sorry to see it go. In fact, I'd like to say good riddance to the heat, mosquitoes and cicadas. I never seem to get much quilting done during the summer and being sick and getting so behind with stuff only made me more stressed, I think. Who needs a stressful summer??

It wasn't a very exciting summer, either. No time for a real vacation with my husband's work schedule. Mostly I spent time with my kids, trying to rest and recover a little, catch up with work and neglected household things, running around at half-speed. Get my daughter ready for college. Make that quilt. A gazillion trips to Target. Then there was the knee thing that really tripped me up and made me slow down and take rests right after my other enforced rest from surgery. Ugh. Too much necessary resting. But I read at least 8-10 books and got much better at phone Scrabble. I enjoyed hanging out at the pool with my sisters and my daughter.

Aren't they cute? They're my older sisters but they're having so much fun playing in the water like little kids. Water Babies for sure. This is what retirement does to you, I guess. Thank goodness I was the one with the camera . . . there are NO pictures of me in a bathing suit, thank you. And if there were, would I be stupid enough to put them on a blog??

Once my daughter goes away to school this week, maybe things will settle down and I'll have more time to myself and perhaps get in the mood to do more quilting, planning. This fall I don't have a book to finish or any other deadlines so maybe I'll be able to make some things for myself under a little less pressure. I really need to make a nice throw for our sofa. Some pillows too. Or, make something out of these maple leaf blocks from last year's block swap and finish the table runner I started a long time ago. I can't wait for fall!

So, Goodbye summer - Hello quilting!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Great Finish for a New Beginning

The quilt for my daughter is finally finished! I got it back from the machine quilter the other day and have been feverishly trying to get the binding sewn on before she leaves. In between all of the gazillion other things we have to do. Yay, I can't believe I did it!

What do you think?? I am so darn proud of this quilt. Partly because I mostly make small quilts and for me a large one is quite an accomplishment. The pattern is a version of the Soldier's Cot Quilt (same block but smaller) and the colors I used in the Little Shoo-Fly Doll Quilt, both featured in my latest book, The Civil War Sewing Circle.

Also, while my daughter did not actually help me make it, she was definitely involved and I liked that. The next  best thing to making it together. This was probably the first time I can say that she showed this much interest in quilting. Now, granted, the quilt was for her so, of course, naturally, she showed interest. She seemed to grasp just how much work I was putting into it, which pleased me no end as you can imagine. Yes, it was a labor of love at times because there were just some days that I could not get very excited about working on it. Too many other things to do and, some days, just too tired to get going on it. But I plodded along, sewing in short spurts throughout the summer, even when I didn't feel like it. Seemed to take me forever.

The quilting totally made the quilt, and I owe a debt of gratitude to my friend Dawn Larsen for the time she spent and her excellent quilting. Thank you so much, Dawn. We love it!

While she did not actually do any sewing, Caitlin was involved in every aspect of planning the quilt - including the quilting design. She fell in love with the swirls on one quilt she saw and requested the same pattern for hers. Dawn told me the design was called "Enchanted" by Anne Bright.

This was extremely funny to me. All summer long I've been giving my daughter random motherly advice in preparation for heading off to her new life at college. In addition to many practical tips, at one point I jokingly told her to remember her upbringing, mind her manners and to make sure that she was polite to everyone she met. What's wrong with that?  Sounds like good advice to me. She laughed and called me old-fashioned and said of course she would be polite - why, every time she met someone new she would smile and give them her hand and say "Enchanted."

For a truly modern girl, she's also a little bit old-fashioned as well. I can see her wearing her sun hat (not mine, it's hers. To keep the sun off that delicate skin, you know. . . ) sitting on the quilt having a picnic. Or sketching, LOL.

So her quilt is done and that's the last big thing I'll do for her for awhile. The next time I write about  her it will surely be with a twinge of wistfulness. "Mom, you'd better not cry when you take me to school" she told me the other day. Okay, I promise I won't. Until I get back in the car at least. And then I'll probably spend some time wiping away the tears as I remember the tiny little hand tightly clenched in mine as we walked across the church parking lot on the first day of pre-school. The very first letting go. Just yesterday, wasn't it?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quilts with Breakfast

How often do you walk into a restaurant and see quilts hanging on the walls? This is not the first time this has happened to me and I'm beginning to think they follow me around, just waiting to be noticed. One day last week my son and I needed to go shopping for a few things and stopped for breakfast before we set out. As we walked along looking for someplace to eat I was thinking about small quilts and what I should write about on my blog - yet another shopping trip? Seems like that's all I've been doing lately - how boring.

We picked a random restaurant near this one store he wanted to go to and when we walked in -  there were quilts hanging on the walls! How unusual is that? I never go into restaurants and see quilts and now it's happened twice. I'm thinking it's some kind of karma. I'll have a cup of coffee . . . and 2 quilts, please.

He was a little embarrassed but very patient with me as I pulled out my camera. At least I turned the flash off so as not to draw too much attention to our table . . .

I did sneak off to the bathroom because I had to get a shot of this one. On the green wall.

On our way out, I asked the young man at the cash register if he knew who had made the quilts and he said he wasn't sure -  his mom, he thought.  Sounded like no one had ever asked before because he was surprised at my question. I told him I thought they were very nice and that I really appreciated how they added to the  "ambiance" of the restaurant. I hope he told his mom. After I got home I inquired a little further and found out that they were made by Martha Beard. Thanks, Martha! What an unexpected but pleasant surprise. We need more quilts in restaurants and other public places to lift us up and inspire us.

Monday, August 29, 2011

American Schoolgirl Doll Quilt Patterns

You may remember that last year I started a 6-month club called the American Schoolgirl Club that offered monthly patterns for doll quilts with a little bit of an antique look and a touch of history. I have run the club several times since then and there are still members getting their quilt patterns every month. Recently, I ran out of complete sets of the patterns and so have discontinued the Club. Instead of spending the money to print up more of these same patterns, I decided to just offer the remaining ones that are left for sale on my website, so click here if you're interested in buying the individual patterns. They are all very cute and each pattern comes in a little booklet with some historical information about the quilt or time period.There are not many left.

Those of you who have joined the club in the past few months - don't worry, I have enough to finish your club subscriptions and you will continue to get your patterns every month until you receive all six.

I'm not sure if I will design a new club someday. This  one was very popular and I would like to try to create a new one sometime next year if I have the time and energy. I'm still now just getting back to working on things and after my daughter goes to school the next thing on the agenda is making the little quilt for my retreat in October.

So that's all I have for now until I get back in the swing of things and decide if I will actually write another book someday. Who knows what's next? The thought of it stresses me out a bit right now, LOL. So much work. My thanks to all of you who continue to love the little quilts and keep me inspired to design more!

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Quilting Bug

Yay! I finished the college quilt for my daughter last night and am taking it to the quilter today. Now we just have to wait. But it's not like we still don't have a million things to do in the meantime before she goes to school.

The other day we spent several hours at a quilt shop picking out the borders and backing fabric for the quilt. Or at least it seemed like SEVERAL hours. I love a good quilt shop but  . . . Sheesh.

I was patient. Mostly I restrained myself and stood back and let her do it herself. Many of the blocks in the quilt were made with reproduction fabrics she picked out from my collection at home. I followed her around the shop and found my own favorites for the borders but she didn't like my choices at all so I just kept quiet.

The shop owner said - "She has very strong opinions." So true, but not sure that was a compliment. LOL, if she only knew . . .

I decided I would not even attempt to tell her what fabric to pick for her special quilt - those were the rules. I would make it if she would pick out the fabric. Sneaky of me?? You bet. I demanded a little involvement on her part. You should know that my daughter does not quilt. "That's YOUR thing, Mom," she always says. But when we left the shop I could see that twinkle in her eye and she said it was SO much fun! I had quietly watched her walking around the shop, lovingly touching the fabrics. Paying attention to the wonderful quilting designs on the quilts hanging on the walls. Studying the different types of fabrics. Noting designers. It was not a bad experience. So maybe there's hope, maybe someday she'll get the bug. Or perhaps she already has, who knows?

It all went together in the end. Can't wait for it to be quilted.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Old Quilts

My friend Julia felt sorry for me after reading my recent blog post about not buying any antique quilts for awhile and so the other day she came over with this vintage Apple Core quilt - for ME!

Seems she was shopping and it just whispered my name to her. It's very scrappy and pieced and quilted by hand. Although it has a few worn spots it's beautiful nonetheless. You know how I love checks and plaids . . . . and apples too! This one would be very cute in a small size and I remember seeing a pattern for a very colorful scrappy one made by Cindy Blackberg in a Jo Morton book. Cindy Blackberg sells the stamps on her website. One more for the list!

It sure looks like the quilter used up scraps from her scrap basket - maybe pieces of old shirts and worn housedresses.  I love the occasional patch of a black print next to the pastels. Very striking, don't you think?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ties to the Past

Doll quilts from the past stir our hearts and engage our emotions with their simple blocks and imperfect stitches. It's fun to imagine what kinds of quilts children may have made and played with long ago and making little scrappy quilts certainly brings the past alive, doesn't it?

Here's one of my recent finds - a little Bow Tie quilt. I've always always wanted to make one and just haven't gotten around to it. Then BOOM! I found one already made. What luck!

Love those checks!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

More Shopping

I can't believe how much shopping I've done this summer. Trips to IKEA are always fun and a great way to save money when both of your kids have new places to live but don't exactly have jobs yet.

What a deal!

My son just got an apartment and needed a few things to make it liveable. He's working on the job thing - meanwhile, he's going back to school.

This - or THIS?  Always best to bring the girlfriend along to make sure you get the right things.

My daughter will be going off to her school soon and you know how boring those dorm rooms can be if you don't spruce them up a bit.

What a decision! Black, silver or purple? Not sure how functional it is, but  pretty cool nonetheless and sure to be a big hit on campus. 

Everybody needs some bright-colored fake flowers when they go off to college, am I right?? (My fault - she watched way too much HGTV as a child, I'm afraid.)

He makes friends easily wherever he goes . . .

All I can say is, thank goodness we went to IKEA and not Pottery Barn. My daughter and I have a few more shopping trips to go before she's ready to go off to school, her new life. Let's see:  X-Long sheets, towels, shower caddy, mini-frig, and . . . oh yeah, a QUILT, in case I don't finish the one I'm supposed to be making for her . . . 

I'll have all the rows sewn together by tomorrow. I promise.

This empty nest thing  - it's very emotional if I take the time to sit and think about it. Better to keep busy. It occurred to me that maybe I'm dragging my feet on this quilt because subconsciously I'm thinking, if I don't make the quilt . . . perhaps she won't leave??? You know what my husband would say to that -  "Honey, I think you think too much." What does HE know. I'm missing them already . . .

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Doll Quilt Retreat

Only one more week to sign up for the Small Quilt Retreat! October 7 - 9, 2011 in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. With me and others who love to make small quilts. We could use a few more people to make it even funner . . . 

My classes are Super FUN! Just ask her . . .

Look at the great time she's having - Would she lie to you??

I have a few things planned for the weekend - a workshop to make a NEW little quilt.  I haven't designed it yet though (puh-leeze! My knee, remember? It hurts when I press pedal to metal  . . . ) but I will and I'm thinking Fall colors. Mine will have blue in it too, of course. Tips on how to get that old-fashioned look in your doll quilts. A Show & Tell where you can all bring the little quilts you've made and also a trunk show of some quilts from my books. A fabric or block swap. A race to make a cute little Needle Case if we have time.

I'll figure it all out as we get closer to October. I cannot WAIT for Fall after this hot hot summer we've had. Fall in Wisconsin is wonderful. Maybe I'll bring some bratwurst and we can have our own little Octoberfest! It IS Wisconsin, after all . . . Who knows, maybe S'mores too if they trust us around a bonfire . . .

If I have the nerve, I will bring the FIRST quilt I ever made to show everyone. If you promise not to laugh . . . I keep it around as a reminder of how far I've come.

So c'mon, time's a wasting people - get going and sign up. I need a few more people to fill it up. (Find my contact  e-mail at the top of the page under My Profile.)  It would really be fun to meet some of you I have "talked" with online.

Making little quilts all weekend - What could be better??