Sunday, December 8, 2024

Christmas and Tiny Trees

Have you made any little trees yet? Everyone seems to be making these. Large or small, it's the perfect seasonal quilt project. My pattern is especially tiny  -  each tree is only 2" x 4" finished. 

My Facebook group has inspired me to get a few more trees finished this year. Each December I bring them out and add a few to the pile.  Then I decide to use some to make a couple of gifts or small projects. Before I know it I've used up the ones I just made and I'm back to where I started. This season is going by too fast! I need to keep going so I can have a larger tree quilt someday . . . .

There's a free paper-pieced pattern in Files in my Facebook group and there's also one on my website. There's another one using flying geese if paper piecing is not your thing.

"It's coming on Christmas, I'm cutting up trees . . . "   

Sew three trees together and add borders. 

Merry Making!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Challenge Yourself to Make a Small Quilt Every Month

Quilters - If you have a desire to make more small quilts, we'll be starting a new Monthly Quilt Challenge in my Facebook group on October 1, 2024. I'll help you become motivated to finish more small quilts from some of the patterns I've designed. This little group venture will be organized to help you achieve your goals by working together on a weekly basis to get some things done. Perhaps you'll learn some good organizing skills in the process. We'll see how long we can keep this up. Wouldn't it be nice if you made several quilts to add to your collection (or maybe start one!)?


This challenge will involve trying to finish one quilt each month - your choice of project. I'm not going to pick one for you since we've done quite a few monthly challenges over the years and some of you have made many of my quilts from my books. My suggestion is - if you have one of my books or patterns, you probably liked at least one of the quilts enough to buy the book so just go with what you have or like. No need to buy a new book or anything. You are all welcome to join in and post photos of your progress in the group as long as it's a quilt from one of my designs. 

At times, I'll give you a pattern for a specific block and you can challenge yourself to make something from it. Or, keep to your own choice of quilt each month if you prefer. Remember, it's not a contest or race. Some of you will have lots of successful finishes and stay on track. Others may need more of a nudge to keep going if they fall off the path. But please don't fret - if you're in the Facebook group, take advantage of the support I know you'll find there.

So, before we begin, take this time to go through some of my books or patterns, pick out a few you'd like to make and perhaps create a list. If you don't have any of my books, no worries, there are some free patterns in the group files so start there. A little notebook where you can list your quilting goals and weekly progress can be a valuable tool.

This is going to be a very loosely organized event. If you can't start in October, no problem, jump in whenever you like. If you have to miss a month, don't stress - do the best you can. You will be accountable for yourself and set your own goals. We'll be here encouraging you along. Jotting down your progress and goals in a notebook will help you stay on track.

Another suggestion is to set small goals for yourselves - put 2-3 quilts on your list or in your notebook at first, then add to the list after you complete those if you feel like you want to continue. Or, if you have some unfinished KT quilts lying around, work on one of those each month. I have quite a few unfinished tops I would like to finish as well. I'm excited to begin! 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Part 2 Simple Square in Square Quilt

Here's part 2 of my simple blue and white Square in Square Star quilt I posted about last week.

Directions are in my FB group files. I will also put them up on my website later today.


Make 9 blocks. I know it's a very simple design for some of you but hope you still have fun with it.

Fold your center square in half, then half again (quarters). Line up the triangle points with the lines as you attach the triangles. Sew opposite triangles first, then add the others. 

Make sure you follow the other tips in the pattern for sewing your blocks together so that your points come out perfectly (or almost). I hear some quilters have trouble with points that get lost. This will really help you in making lots of other quilts.


Sew to the right of the "X" to avoid cut-off points.

I finished sewing my blocks together last night and picked out a couple of border fabrics but got tired and couldn't decide so thought I'd just sleep on it.

This morning I woke up and said "What was I thinking??" LOL. I love that print on the left but I'll probably go with the dark blue border . . . . If you squint you can see the Star!

* * *

Coming up: I often hear that some of my followers in the FB group wish they could make more small quilts, or have several of my patterns on a list to make "Someday" but don't seem to be able to get around to actually making them. When I started leading groups years ago we used the Challenge Method: I would select one small quilt per month from one of my books and people would challenge themselves to make that quilt, following along with the progress of others. Lots of quilts were made! 

I always tried to encourage quilters to break down their monthly project into 4 weeks, cutting and piecing in a couple of hours the first week, making the blocks the next week, perhaps taking only another couple of hours, adding borders next and then finishing up in the last week. It's a very efficient way to get things done in small chunks of time if you schedule them. So not too stressful. And it leaves time for doing other things. 

By the end of the year, some quilters had finished twelve small quilts! That's pretty impressive if you think about it and if you're someone who just can't seem to organize yourself to make the things you want to make.

So this means we'll be using these ideas as we begin a few new sew alongs in my FB group soon, working through some of your favorite quilts from some of my books or patterns. Your choice on what quilt you would like to make or maybe I'll give you a block where you challenge yourself to make a small quilt out if it. Seeing photos of what others are doing and watching their progress can be very inspiring. Something to look forward to.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Square-in-Square Quilt

My Facebook group is making a sweet little blue and white quilt in two parts. We'll be making some easy square-in-square blocks in Step 1 and then assembling them into a small quilt with borders in Step 2 which will be posted next Monday, August 12.  If you're in the group, you'll find the simple directions in the group files. Or, you can get the block directions from my website Country Lane Quilts.

Some years ago, I saved a picture of a blue and white antique pillow I found in an old decorating book and when I came across the photo recently I thought, why not turn this into a sweet little doll quilt?? Square-in-square blocks stitch up pretty fast so it's a fun little project. 

What is it about blue and white quilts? 

You'll see in Step 2 that when the blocks are put together you get a secondary image of a star. All you'll do this week is make 9 square-in-square blocks - 4 with light centers and 5 with dark centers. Next week I'll show you how to put the quilt together with borders. Simple and fun. 

This is intended as a two-color quilt so of course you may use any two colors you like. I happen to love blue so it was easy for me to pick out some favorite blue and light scraps. Whatever colors you choose, make sure you use enough contrast so that the star appears.

Step 2 will be uploaded on Monday, August 12. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Summer Challenge Quilt

My Facebook group began working on a new little group project - my Small Quilt Challenge for Summer 2024. The challenge is to make a small quilt using this block.

You know I love antique quilts and reproducing them with today's reproduction fabrics. I saw some antique blocks in these colors and when I saw the name of the blocks I knew some of you would appreciate this choice. The block we'll be using is called "Contrary Wife" and I have to smile when I hear it. Who among us hasn't been called "contrary" when we express our opinions or stand up for ourselves?? I'm sure my husband can recall a few times in our almost 40 years together when I've lived up to that title, LOL.

The combination of pink and blue/indigo fabrics mixed with light shirting prints is a favorite of mine and I have to say I have a nice collection of fabrics in these colors. So choosing was easy. 

Double pinks and indigo blue were a popular color choice for quilts made during the latter part of the nineteenth century. I picked up this one (below) at a quilt show last year.

*  *  *

The Contrary Wife block is pretty simple and you'll find directions in the FB group files under Summer Challenge 2024. I also uploaded it to my website. Look for the Summer Challenge page.

Make your quilt using as many blocks as you like and choose any setting or colors you prefer. There are some suggestions in the file. The block measures 4 1/2" finished so if you're new to making small quilts, take a look at the FB group files for some tips on sewing small blocks. Those of you who have some of my books can look at the Quiltmaking Basics sections at the back of the books for sewing tips.

There is no deadline. Take your time and play around with fabrics until you find the perfect combination of prints. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your quilts in the Facebook group!

There are so many possibilities to make a cute little quilt using this block. Play around with settings until you come up with a pleasing arrangement. Hope you have fun with it!

And here's to all of the contrary wives/women who speak their minds and stand up for themselves!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Dear Jane Motivation

Quilting friends, I can't believe we're already on Week 9 of Dear Jane Fridays in my Facebook group. I hope some of you are following along too. I'm seeing lots of good progress.

For years, I enjoyed looking at all the wonderful Dear Jane quilts others had made and always thought: Never in a million years would I be able to finish one of those. Well, guess what? I loved this quilt so much and finally took the leap 14 years ago (!). I know, I know - some quilters finish in a year or less. Don’t let that deter you. You have to do it your own way. My journey was a lot longer than most - but my excuse is that I also wrote a few books and made numerous other quilts during that time. My DJ top is finished and now I just need to quilt it. Who’d have guessed?? Lesson: If I can do it, so can you. But you really, really have to want to do it.

Remember: There’s only one way to make this quilt and that's one block at a time. Do your best, persevere and you will get there. The blocks do add up over time.

If you get stuck, check out some of the online resources for help - is a good one. YouTube videos on making the Dear Jane blocks are also very helpful. If you're not hand piecing the blocks, learning how to paper piece by machine is a very quick and efficient way to make many of them. It's worth the effort to learn how to do this. Here's one of my favorite paper piecing tutorials if you need help getting started.

If you're thinking about beginning Jane's quilt or have gotten stalled on one you've already started, take heart - make small goals for yourself, stick to them and keep going. One block per week maybe? That's 50 blocks in a year. Make a list of the blocks you’ve completed and try to add to it. Don't beat yourself up if and when you need to stop. My progress was sporadic. Just keep making the blocks, continue on with your journey and who knows, maybe you'll also become motivated to finish.

Have a good weekend! Try making a block if you have the time.