For quite a few weeks now, I've been working hard to get some new patterns out for wool applique. And also learn HOW to do applique with wool at the same time. It's pretty simple. For weeks my house was a total mess, however. Tiny pieces of wool, pins and thread everywhere. I'm usually neater when I work on things. Can't explain it other than - there was the excitement of learning a new hobby and becoming totally distracted by that new hobby. I wanted to Create, not clean up, and just kept going going going until I became too tired. My husband became tired of finding needles everywhere he stepped.

What he should have said . . .
I carried my projects from room to room as I worked on them. When one surface became overcrowded I moved all my stuff to the next room, LOL. After I lost two of my paper pattern drafts (I KNOW they're still somewhere in the house) and had to spend extra time to redo them, I was afraid to clean anything up in case I inadvertently threw something valuable away. I became frantic to get the projects finished before Thanksgiving so I could finally clean the house for company. Thanks to some great help, I was able to make the deadline. The patterns are finished and the house is now clean, clean, clean.
There's some scrumptious wool out there. If you're new to wool, as I was, you'll have a lot of fun playing around with some of these projects and getting the hang of it. The patterns are all relatively simple and the directions pretty clear. I find working with wool to be very relaxing. (It's writing [and losing] the patterns that stresses me out!)
Hope you like them. You can see more and order them here.
Have a great week! Go buy some wool and get started.
L*O*V*E your new patterns!! So scrummy!
P.S do you sell your patterns as PDF patterns?
Kathy, you may know this but there is a fabulous Facebook page called Wool Applique that allows designers to promote their designs once a month. You may want to check this out. Your designs are gorgeous.
Love your new wool designs! You may know this, no pins for me, I staple all my wool pieces to the background. Nothing gets lost.
New Wool Designs are Awesome!
Great designs! I love wool applique!
love that you have come to the wool side :)
I too caught the wool bug this year! And now, I am addicted! Love your new wool designs - you are such an enabler! Now I am going to HAVE to get your patterns! ;o) HUGS... and stitches
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