Sunday, August 21, 2011

More Shopping

I can't believe how much shopping I've done this summer. Trips to IKEA are always fun and a great way to save money when both of your kids have new places to live but don't exactly have jobs yet.

What a deal!

My son just got an apartment and needed a few things to make it liveable. He's working on the job thing - meanwhile, he's going back to school.

This - or THIS?  Always best to bring the girlfriend along to make sure you get the right things.

My daughter will be going off to her school soon and you know how boring those dorm rooms can be if you don't spruce them up a bit.

What a decision! Black, silver or purple? Not sure how functional it is, but  pretty cool nonetheless and sure to be a big hit on campus. 

Everybody needs some bright-colored fake flowers when they go off to college, am I right?? (My fault - she watched way too much HGTV as a child, I'm afraid.)

He makes friends easily wherever he goes . . .

All I can say is, thank goodness we went to IKEA and not Pottery Barn. My daughter and I have a few more shopping trips to go before she's ready to go off to school, her new life. Let's see:  X-Long sheets, towels, shower caddy, mini-frig, and . . . oh yeah, a QUILT, in case I don't finish the one I'm supposed to be making for her . . . 

I'll have all the rows sewn together by tomorrow. I promise.

This empty nest thing  - it's very emotional if I take the time to sit and think about it. Better to keep busy. It occurred to me that maybe I'm dragging my feet on this quilt because subconsciously I'm thinking, if I don't make the quilt . . . perhaps she won't leave??? You know what my husband would say to that -  "Honey, I think you think too much." What does HE know. I'm missing them already . . .

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Doll Quilt Retreat

Only one more week to sign up for the Small Quilt Retreat! October 7 - 9, 2011 in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. With me and others who love to make small quilts. We could use a few more people to make it even funner . . . 

My classes are Super FUN! Just ask her . . .

Look at the great time she's having - Would she lie to you??

I have a few things planned for the weekend - a workshop to make a NEW little quilt.  I haven't designed it yet though (puh-leeze! My knee, remember? It hurts when I press pedal to metal  . . . ) but I will and I'm thinking Fall colors. Mine will have blue in it too, of course. Tips on how to get that old-fashioned look in your doll quilts. A Show & Tell where you can all bring the little quilts you've made and also a trunk show of some quilts from my books. A fabric or block swap. A race to make a cute little Needle Case if we have time.

I'll figure it all out as we get closer to October. I cannot WAIT for Fall after this hot hot summer we've had. Fall in Wisconsin is wonderful. Maybe I'll bring some bratwurst and we can have our own little Octoberfest! It IS Wisconsin, after all . . . Who knows, maybe S'mores too if they trust us around a bonfire . . .

If I have the nerve, I will bring the FIRST quilt I ever made to show everyone. If you promise not to laugh . . . I keep it around as a reminder of how far I've come.

So c'mon, time's a wasting people - get going and sign up. I need a few more people to fill it up. (Find my contact  e-mail at the top of the page under My Profile.)  It would really be fun to meet some of you I have "talked" with online.

Making little quilts all weekend - What could be better??

Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Thing After Another. . .

She looks innocent enough, doesn't she? What could be so difficult about walking such a little dog??

Well, you know I have been trying so hard to get into shape (ha!) after everything I've gone through lately. Three times in the hospital and recovery from 2 surgeries this past year did a number on my muscles and entire body in general. Like I was hit by a truck, a BIG truck some days. I know everybody is tired of hearing about it and I usually suffer in silence. But I'm still recovering and really working hard to try to overcome the toll it's taken on me. It's been a frustrating two steps forward and one step back most of the time. My doctor understands though and she keeps telling me to give myself a break, it hasn't really been that long, the body takes time to heal and Hey, guess what? I'm no kid anymore. Thanks. Pretty soon I will have to call this blog The Old, Broken Quilter Who Only Thinks About Quilting Sometimes.

I walked a lot this past Spring to get into shape a little before my surgery. One day I twisted my knee walking the little girl (see photo, above) as she pulled the leash and ran after a squirrel. It hurt, I limped home and put ice on it and wrapped an Ace bandage around it. It bothered me a little for awhile but after I had the surgery, the pain disappeared since I was resting a lot.

When I finally got the okay from my surgeon to resume exercise a month ago I started walking and trying to exercise again. But then the weather around here became unbearable so I joined  the local YMCA so I could exercise inside. This was working great and it actually felt good to move so much again and get my heart rate up. UNTIL, one day, I walked the dog and did that half-step-slide off the curb again . . .  My knee twisted and this time it hurt REAL bad.

I went to the Orthopedic Dr (I have a doctor for every occasion, LOL) who made me get an MRI and then told me I tore the cartilage in my knee and needed surgery to repair it. You can imagine I was not happy to hear that. He suggested pain killers and a cortisone injection if I did not want surgery. The pain didn't really go away and I like to avoid pain meds. Walking comfortably for more than two blocks? Forget it. This time it felt like I took 3 or 4 steps backwards.

Instead of surgery, the doctor said I COULD try the conservative approach and give Physical Therapy a shot and see what happens. I could tell he was not confident it would help, but then he's a Surgeon and that's what they do, surgery. If I had not already had SOOO much surgery recently I would have consented, pronto. For now this is what I have decided to do and here's where I feel like I spend a lot of my time -

What's next, the hip??

I'm only telling you all this because I  know there are probably many of you out there my age with knee and hip problems and I need some sympathy. At least I hope I'm not the only one. Getting older sure is no fun.

Therapy does have its perks, however. The other day I went up to the front counter to schedule another appointment and had to walk past someone on another table. The buzz in the room was about  pulled hamstrings. I looked at my therapist and quietly said - "Is that . . . ???" "Mmmm hmmm" he answered. No, sorry, it was NOT George Clooney. This is Illinois and we take what celebrities we can get. In my house we are all NBA basketball fans so this will not mean anything to most of you, but I was  excited. I stepped out of my shyness and walked over and asked if I could have his autograph and oh, by the way, also get a picture for my son, who's a big fan.

I went home and texted my son that I  had just finished physical therapy, then sent him the picture telling him they assigned me a "personal trainer" so I could get better and maybe hopefully play basketball with him someday on a Mother-Son team.

He texted back with an annoyed sigh: "Mom, that's Kirk Hinrich, I don't think so." Well, I  thought it was funny but I guess you can't put anything over on kids today . . .  Kirk Hinrich ("Captain Kirk" to his fans) played 7 seasons with the Chicago Bulls (our team) and is currently with the Atlanta Hawks. Nice to see him back home.

If I ever run into Kirk again and by chance he asks how I'm doing, what's wrong, I plan on telling him I injured my knee in a much more dramatic fashion than "Walking the Dog"  LOL. Maybe something like, say - speed dribbling down the court on a fast break. I don't think I'll mention the squirrel . . . . .

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Small Quilt Retreat

Here's something for you to think about - What could be more fun than spending a weekend in October at a rustic retreat in Wisconsin, sewing with me and lots of other lovers of doll quilts??

Sound like a good time? If we get enough people to sign up, I'm hosting a Fall retreat in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.  Join me on October 7 - 9, 2011 to celebrate our collective joy of making small quilts.

Total Retreat cost: $180.00. E-mail me at to sign up or get more details. Package includes lodging for 2 nights, meals (Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast) plus a Saturday workshop to make one of my small quilts with an antique touch (a new quilt that isn't in one of my books). I'm also hoping we can have a little fabric or block swap on Friday night, Show & Tell and I'll do a trunk show of some of MY quilts as well. Space is limited so don't hesitate for too long. We're bound to have a good time and, oh yeah, get some sewing done too!

"Oh Maude, did you hear?? A Doll Quilt Retreat!"
"Yes, Agnes, with Kathy Tracy! We definitely should go - I hear it will be the most delightful event of the year! I'll bring cookies and fudge!"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another Hole in My Head

I need new fabric like I need a hole in the head - and I say that every time I go into a shop. It's been a while since I've shopped for fabric because, as you know, I've been taking a little break here. But, I finished the blocks for my daughter's college quilt and needed to get the sashing fabric.  What's wrong with doing a little shopping for myself while I was there, huh?

I don't need ANYTHING really but I couldn't resist a couple of new pieces (!) just to get me dreaming about the little quilts I'm going to make SOMEDAY . . . I have a few in mind, just still working on the time thing.

It's raining here this morning and I didn't want to get myself or the fabric wet by taking it out in the garden - my favorite spot for taking photos lately.

I had some of this lovely Moda print (in middle) a few years ago and I was excited to find more! How about that? I love stumbling upon older fabrics I've used before.

I'll get the sashing  done on the college quilt and then if the Princess (no, not the little dog, Princess Lia) -

- the OTHER princess, the Princess Who Wants A Quilt, will spend the time to go fabric shopping with me someday, we'll decide on the border.

She's always been a Pink Girl at heart and wants a brown/pink print for the border. I'm trying to talk her into this one from Jo Morton's Spice Chest line. She's not sure and wants to look around a bit.

It's getting close to finishing time and I don't want to take a chance and surprise her with my choice just to get it done because she's very particular, and if she doesn't like it, well . . . let's just say I'd be upset. Might even put another hole in my head.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Civil War Days

Yesterday, we went to a Civil War Days event held at a local history center. Those of you  who are at all interested in this sort of thing should try to attend one someday - it was kind of fun (despite the heat).

"President Lincoln" recited the Gettysburg address.

The dining room of a  restored 1860s-era house.

(Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress)

The "Battle"

It was a lot of fun to see the costumes and all - these people take this VERY seriously and try to be very accurate about everything.

(Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chocolate Emergency

Last night we had a chocolate emergency at our house. No, the dogs did not get into any, thank goodness, although one time years ago one of our large dogs ate a whole box of Frango mints that was wrapped up under the Christmas tree while we were out. How stupid of me - he was okay but I never did that again. 

You may remember that I have been trying so hard to eat healthy and for the most part that's working. I don't keep ice cream, candy, cookies or cake around unless it's for a special occasion. I just do not have that much will power. I rely on diet chocolate pudding made with skim milk, a tiny handful of chocolate chips or flavored yogurt if I need something sweet. WELL, until yesterday, that is. I discovered a box of Fudge Brownie mix in the pantry as I was rummaging for even just a few chocolate chips left over from the last time my daughter baked cookies for her brother. I was desperate and my chocolate craving would not go away. (FYI - A nutritionist who once worked with me told me that the chocolate craving is related to a magnesium deficiency.)

Aha, I remembered from my old Weight Watcher days that you can make some not-bad brownies from a mix without using the eggs or oil  - replacing them with a container of lowfat vanilla yogurt instead. What luck! I had the lowfat vanilla yogurt in the frig!

I haven't made this recipe for quite awhile. They're not the same consistency as real homemade brownies but they'll do in a pinch. The fun part? You can scrape the bowl and lick the spoon since there are no EGGS in it!

Everyone knows I love plates and bowls and this set of  cute little dessert plates was a gift for my birthday last year.

I treated myself with a pretty plate and some delicioous brownies I did not feel too guilty about. Couldn't stop at one. Low-fat brownies just hit the spot sometimes whether you're having a chocolate emergency or not. You might want to try these someday if the craving calls.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Quilts in the Garden

It's incredibly hot here in the Chicago area. We lost our internet, phone and cable TV service for a few hours yesterday. I was so worried that the power would go out too and that the heat would be unbearable. I  told my husband if that happens I swear I will go to a hotel - I just cannot take the heat. And I'd bring my dogs with me.

Despite the steamy weather, I went outside this morning for a few minutes to hang some more quilts and take pictures. I always say that the photos in the books do not do my quilts justice. They are so much prettier than they appear in the flat shots. Take a look.

I love this quilt. It's called Crosses Mourning Quilt and is from my second book, Prairie Children and Their Quilts. There's a great story in the book relating to an entry from a young woman's diary that inspired me to make it. Etty Scott wrote about the death of her mother from Cholera on the trail West. They had to leave her and move on but they buried her amidst the hills and "heaped her grave with roses."

Time to get out those books again and make a few of these quilts, huh?