This past weekend was the retreat I attended in Woodstock, IL sponsored by Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop. I was sure many of you would be curious about it so I snapped a few pictures. Everyone had a great, relaxing time and I was happy to participate and meet some new faces and renew a couple of friendships with those quilters I already knew.
The retreat venue itself, run by Loyola University of Chicago, was very nice. Not at all monastic, LOL. It was still quite cold yesterday, however, and I wish the weather had been a little warmer so we could have taken advantage of the lovely grounds. I brought my walking shoes and everything but the wind was bitter. Still pretty and tranquil despite the small traces of snow and ice on the ground. It's definitely not Spring yet . . .
Large and spacious general meeting areas
Plenty of good food. Very important as you work up quite an appetite with those foot pedals, LOL.
Quilters often pack up and bring everything but the kitchen sink, LOL! I was happy to see soooo many little purple Rowenta travel irons - my own personal favorite. Not only for classes but perfect for using at home too when you're pressing those small blocks. It really heats up well.
I taught the Union Stars quilt from my new book, The Civil War Sewing Circle.
I love to see how others make the blocks and what kinds of fabric they choose.
I suggested patriotic prints for the center of the star blocks. Someone chose to make hers with Nancy Gere's Presidents fabric for the centers.Very cool, I thought.
This is all I know - Windham, by Nancy Gere - don't ask me where to buy it.
It was also fun to see what a few others brought to work on for the weekend.
A happy group of quilters!
Check back TOMORROW - I'll show you a lovely little collection of antique sewing kits someone brought to the retreat to show me.
ALSO coming this week - A peek at a charming new book I just bought that I'm sure you'll all love.