Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Pretty Thread Giveaway

Quilters love pretty threads, am I right?  I have a nice collection of favorite threads I use for all of my quilting projects - piecing, applique and quilting. I'm sure many of you do too. The Mettler thread company contacted me recently about giving away a set of their new 100% cotton "silk finish" thread for one of my lucky blog followers to try.


In case you don't know, Mettler thread is a brand of sewing thread that has been around for over 100 years. The company is known for its high-quality threads that are available in a wide range of colors and weights. Mettler threads are perfect for a variety of sewing projects, from patchwork piecing and quilting to applique and intricate embroidery.  

The Mettler company recently expanded their thread color range with even more beautiful colors. 

 To win some thread, just leave me a comment and an email address for me to contact you. If you win, I'll ask you to send me your mailing address. Sorry, the giveaway is only for those in the U.S.  

The giveaway will end on Friday, January 16, 2025. I'll pick a comment at random and announce the winner shortly after that. Good luck! I haven't had a giveaway here on the blog for quite awhile so this will be fun. Remember to leave your email address to avoid being disqualified. I've sponsored a few giveaways in the past where someone comments but forgets to leave their contact info and it kills me to pass over them after they've been picked because I had no way to reach out to tell them they'd won. So I have to move on to the next person. Also, you may post ONE comment to enter. Remember that anyone who posts two comments will automatically be disqualified. 

You have to admit these threads sure are lovely with that silky finish. The winner will receive these 3 spools of Mettler SILK-FINISH COTTON 40 in the colors shown.  

Good luck!  Check back after Friday, January 17 to see if you won. 


1 – 200 of 206   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Hi, Kathleen, I would love to win these threads. blodwensbookstore@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to win those beautiful threads, you can sent them to my friends house in the States, will be visiting in Feb. mjveen@gmail.com

Kaylene said...

You can never have to much thread!❤️ kaylenesroosters@hotmail.com

belarmina said...

Kathleen gracias por compartir tu hermoso trabajo. madrina2050@yahoo.es

Anonymous said...

Your quilts are beautiful. janethasler@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Love all your books and your style. You are an inspiration. Thank you for your challenge Facebook page. Would love to win the thread.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kathleen! I follow you on Instagram and have loved your work for many years. Mettler thread is all I have ever used for my hand applique projects. It’s my favorite. Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity. Eileen My email is: epehanich@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Your Civil War Sewing Circle is one of my favorites. Needledaisy@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love Mettler’s silk finish thread. I had no idea they have these larger spools. The colors are lovely. Thanks for the chance to win. Patrioticquilter at gmail.com. (I wrote it out to be a bit more secure.)

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful shades! Mettler is the best- Mary Taylor mltaylor1448@gmail.com

Barb said...

What lovely colors! I haven’t tried this thread before.

Anonymous said...

I use Mettler thread to appliqué. It just melts into the fabrics! ❤️

Anonymous said...

What beautiful colors! I have never tried Mettler- may have to grab some and try. Thank you for your generosity of the giveaway. I recently finished “welcome Home” for my mother in law and she loved it! Can’t get enough of your patterns ❤️

Ann Post said...

I love Mettler thread. What a generous giveaway. Can never have to much thread.

bpark said...

Although I am not a famous designer, I am a long time quilter. Settler thread has been my go to thread for years, works best in my machines and is a lovely thread for hand work. My favorite quilts are timeless scrappy quilts.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful thread! I have never tried Mettler- may have to grab some and give it a try. Thank you for the generous giveaway . I love your patterns and can’t get enough!
Angela B.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen. I’ve been following your page for about a year now and really enjoy the old-time vibes of the quilts you share. I’d love to have some new threads ☺️. My email: deedweeds@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love pretty threads!! Thanks for the chance to win them!!❤️ lisavdbrink63@gmail.com

Carol said...

I would be thrilled to win some of their thread to try! I do a lot of piecing and hand sewing as well and would love to try it! My favorite thread is not as widely available as I would like and this could be a game changer. Thank you for the chance to get some. Contact me at mamacooky@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Happy new year and thank you for your monthly challenges ~ love seeing everyone’s work and inspires me to quilt by hand. Your threads giveaway is a perfect way to get started! Take care ~ ksmithhupp@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Dear Kathleen - I do love your pattern and your choice of colors and fabrics is always perfect 🙏🏻

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts and would be over the moon to win these beautiful threads! lisettemoreno251@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the inspiration through your books, patterns and sew a longs!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the lovely Mettler threads!! 🧵🪡

Anonymous said...

Ze zijn prachtig de klossen garen van Mettler.

Anonymous said...

My email is: kwebb_66@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kathleen! I follow you on Instagram and have loved your work for many years. Mettler thread is my favorite and I have used it for all my hand applique projects. Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity. Eileen My email is: epehanich@aol. com

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kathleen, for continuing to inspire me to create antique-style quilts to enhance my home. . . and to know that quilts don't always have to be BIG! jacobsckd@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love hand stitching and good quality thread makes such a difference - your quilts are so inspiring. I want to make them all
Kind regards Jane jhdale@hotmail.co.uk

Anonymous said...

I’ve never tried their thread. This would be a great addition to my sewing threads. bbtb4004@hotmail.com

Debbie J said...

Thank you, Kathleen, for continuing to inspire me to create antique-style quilts to enhance my home . . .and learn that quilts don't always have to be BIG! jacobsckd@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm in the UK so don't pick me, Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Ooops - please delete this comment . I didn't realize that it hadn't posted until I posted again below. I'm sorry!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful threads. ssnpieper@gmail.com

Carla said...

Hi Kathleen, thanks for having such an assume giveaway. Love that they included blue in their colors (they know you lol). My email is: thecelticknot10@yahoo.com. Stay warm, Carla

Micki VD said...

I have followed your blog for years and so enjoy your color pallets. Thanks for the inspiration! mevdoma@gmail

Anonymous said...

I love those thread colors!

Anonymous said...

I love Mettler threads! Their colors are absolutely scrumptious. Thank you for the opportunity to win. susanboakes@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hada.haynie@gmail.com love mettler and beautiful colors

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful shades-and I know Mettler is great to work with!!!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful colors by Mettler. I love hand piecing, applique, quilting…all the things hand related. Stefnie. Hatch@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...


Sherry Keith said...

Thanks for the chance to win, I would love to win the thread. sherrykeith62@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to try this thread. drew@blarg.net

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful!! Love the colors. ksmalligan@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love these colors and would be happy to try the new Mettler threads! Spspineto@live.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen. The threads are beautiful. I would love to win the threads. I could sure use them on the quilt I’m working on now.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Mettler set of the new silk finish thread. Kathleen, thank you to the Mettler Co. and you for the chance to win. Me email address is: ronp@netins.net.

Nancy said...

Thank you for offering the giveaway.
Mettler is a company whose name I know but I've never tried their threads. I would love to have a spool to try. If I win, maybe you could send me just one spool and the other two could go to someone else. Thanks!

Robyn said...

I've never tried t these but I am anxious to. Rb quilter at g mail (no spaces)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen. I love following you on FB. I particularly enjoy your helpful hints and comments. I’d love to win your giveaway. quilterkb@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

The colors go perfectly with each of your quilts. I love a fun giveaway, thank you. tpott@optonline.net

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Kathleen! Your quilts are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to be the recipient of these beautiful threads. You can contact me @ johnsontracyl1960@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Cole: I love Mettler thread. I use it for my appliqué. Beautiful colors. Colecasto@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Kathy, these threads are so softly beautiful. Would love the chance to win!

Sue McQ said...

Kathy, these threads are softly beautiful. Would love the chance to win. My first comment went thru as anonymous. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Love your books and would love Mettler threads. jproot325@gmail.com.
Happy Tuesday from Patty Root

Anonymous said...

Oh my Kathleen I have all your books and love all your quilts and color choices
Reproduction fabrics and shirting are what I gravitate to the most
I want to make all the quilts in your books Especially the soiled cot quilt as well as the
Many others
Thanks for sharing all your talent you’re a blessing

Anonymous said...

Robin K should say soldiers cot quilt

Anonymous said...

I would love to try these beautiful threads! mosenme@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon and good quilting. Frigid here in PA so it’s a great time to quilt. I’ve never used fancy threads because my piecing is a constant struggle of sewing and ripping out. But I would love to try these threads. Thanks for your books. Jeepgrl42@gmail.com 🤞

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of Mettler threads, they are so smooth. I'd love to win these as the colors are too precious. jkozloski@roadrunner.com

Anonymous said...

Kathleen thank you for sharing your talents. I would love to try these beautiful threads such pretty colors! Nb.quilter@hotmail.com

Julierose said...

Lovely thread colors--i would love to win them...pyanorose@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

This is exciting! Thanks Kathleen for sharing!!
Rachel mrssummy@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful color choices, this thread is very inspiring! Thanks for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

LOVE those blues in your 4 patches, they POP! Beautiful threads too. victimlewis@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love the variety of colors available from Mettler; plus Bermina loves it too. kweather78@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns with the reproduction fabrics. silverbackred@kc.rr.com.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your blog as it is an inspiration for many little projects.

maryofkern said...

Such beautiful colors; I have never used Mettler but with your recommendation I will have to try it soon. Thank you for the opportunity. maryofkern@gmail.com

Sherry B in Sacramento said...

This is exciting! I just love special threads and pretty colors. sherrybush413@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I love Mettler thread! Dlso@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thread to go along with your beautiful patterns! Thank you for the giveaway! Jackie in Maine jaxnsteve397@gmail.com

DebRochester said...

Hello, I am so enjoying the tiny quilts. Threads are always fun to play with. Thanks debsjrc@gmail.com

bennettas said...

The colors of the thread look beautiful. Good luck everyone. Such a beautiful give away.

Anonymous said...

I love your traditional work and am in love with the thread colours. I love bright colours but am always drawn back to traditional and vitage colours. My email is mina@borromeo.net

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thread colors!!!

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to me. I loved making the School Girl Sampler. Good quality thread is always worth the money. Love those colors.

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Kathleen! I’m enjoying the monthly mini quilt challenge! I was first introduced to your miniature blocks during the School Girl Sampler. I completed my first appliqué for the center of the quilt and used matching thread for the petals and leaves. I’m so excited to have purchased three more of your books in the last few much. I appreciate your teachings in the books and your willingness to coach via FB, Insta and email! Thank you!

Karen McMahon said...

What beautiful colors! Thanks for a chance to win. earlynoone@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Love the colors of these threads

Alder Hill Farm said...

Love the colors of these threads. Hope I win. alderhill@frontier.com Sue S

Elaine A said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! el1956@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I love making small quilts with reproduction fabrics and using Mettler Thread is my go to thread. Bquilter@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Fay A , would love to own, this wonderful thread give away, Thank you ! dannyandfay@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen. These threads are gorgeous and would do any of the mini quilts justice. It would be great to have these threads for my mini quilts. Rsmanifold@gmail.com

Gloria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am sure these threads will make my quilts look even more beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on IG and love your quilts! Also love Mettler thread. Thanks, trinitypreschool.gayle@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love those new soft colors, Kathy! What a nice way to begin 2025, stitching with pretty new colors. Ann in PA quiltfeather(at)yahoo.com

Cathy W. said...

I’ve used Metler thread for years and years. My machine likes this brand! I’m happy to see they have new colors. CWash3266@ aol.com

Danette said...

Those threads really are lovely! I have used Mettler before and I do like it. Thank you, dstankovich@protonmail.com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thread colors!!! Great addition to any quilt. Great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen! I would love to win this beautiful thread by Mettler. The colors are stunning! If I am the lucky winner email me at hahmom@hotmail.com

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

Mettler does indeed have very nice thread. It's kind of you to offer to give it away. San / e-mail: bonniekelleyquilter@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I have been using Mettler threads since I first started sewing in 1960. I still have some of those threads that I use today! email: josephsonsk@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Hi..senglaub@aol.com..love their thread!!

Myra Jane said...

Those are such pretty thread colors! arksinglems@yahoo.com

Judymc said...

I would love to see how those Mettler silk finish threads work in my machines. I've used Mettler for years. Thank you for the chance to win and for introducing them to me. judysbluequilts@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to try these in my EPP project.

sue s said...

I've never used Mettler so I'd love to try these!

Anonymous said...

Would love some new thread!

Anonymous said...

Your needle book and that fabric look beautiful with the treads, the colors are so antique/vintage! atudorrose@aol.com

LindaB. said...

Love Mettler threads and would enjoy using them in future projects. starbasketus@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I agree you can never have too much thread!
The colors are gorgeous ❤️ Thanks for the chance to win squilter.wright@gmail.com

Beckyjean said...

Thank you for the opportunity!! primitivesnstitchin@hotmail.com

pbj fiber marietta said...

Oh, these colors of the threads are beautiful!
Thanks so much for sharing with us!

Cindy Berry said...

Happy New year - thanks for the chance to win. cmberry@lsu.edu

Karen in Ohio said...

Great colors and I like the Mettler thread. It is my go-to thread brand. This is a great opportunity. Thanks for letting us know. Ksmithdar@yahoo.com

Mary said...

I have been using Mettler thread for well over 20 years for all of my machine applique. Beautiful thread..slides right through the machine, and the number of colors is outstanding! Would love to receive these threads. I do love reading your blog, Kathleen, and following you on Facebook.

Sharon Soule said...

I’ve used Mettler for years. I still prefer it over some other threads. Your sample colors sure are pretty!! crowhill2011@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful looking thread, I have never tried it. Bethanaann@aol.com

Cindy said...

Mettler is a great thread company. What a nice giveaway.

Chris K. said...

Looks like some great piecing thread. I've always been happy with Mettler. Blogger knows who I am, so presumably has my email address, which I'd rather not have scraped off your page by spammers. If not, oh well.

Carol G said...

I like Mettler but did not know they made large spools. All I have a small spools, which don’t go very far when sewing with the sewing machine. Would love to win. Your small quilts are wonderful. They make me happy.

Victoria M. said...

Hi Kathleen, I've been a follower for years and always enjoy your postings, as well as your books and patterns. This thread is beautiful and would fit right in with my thread collection.

Marsha B said...

Those are gorgeous colors, I would love a chance to win them. Thank you for this opportunity. I love your patterns and books, what a fun way to test out new threads by picking one of your patterns and creating something beautiful!


PWhite said...

So pretty, and I’ve never had their thread. Whitep50@aol.com

Mayme said...

The thread is beautiful. Would love to give it a try. maymewyns@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

These threads look so nice! I’d love to have them! -Wendy. wpmk91@aol.com

Jody said...

Their thread looks beautiful, I’ve never tried it before. Thank you for the opportunity to win some! Jcarter551@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog. Excited to follow and love the thread. amywetzel65@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to try the thread. Love your little quilts. jlcruzan1@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Beautiful threads are always appreciated! Wells1274@gmail.com

Joyce Carter said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I have never used this thread before.

Anonymous said...

Mettler threads are wonderful and the colors are gorgeous! I’d certainly love to find this package in my mailbox! sevenson@paulbunyan.net

Anonymous said...

Juanita. I have used Mettler thread for so many things but have never tried it for hand quilting. Might have to try it and see if it adds a little sparkle to my projects...bikesnquilts@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I've used mettler thread and love it, those colors are just beautiful and would look great in many quilt projects . Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

These thread colors are lovely. Thanks for the chance to win and Happy New Year! Susan shv050199@gmail.com

Vivian Holmes said...

Such beautiful colors! I have several Mettler threads in my collection and would love to add these! Thanks for the giveaway. vcholmes419@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would love to have a chance win the beautiful threads.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love the colors. Sure hope to win. Thanks cjareed6269@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

A quilter never has enough thread. Thank you for the opportunity to win this group of lovely colors. hins3cougs@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

I’ve used mettler threads for my appliqué. Would love some new colors! Thank you for sharing this opportunity. charlit1pna@gmail.com

Barbara Rogers said...

Wonderful thread -- thank you Kathleen and Mettler. bmccoll7@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Love Mettler. Happy to see new colors.

Anonymous said...

I’d love to win that thread! Love your patterns! Quiltingatty@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the beautiful assortment of threads since I enjoy hand-quilting all of my quilts from minis to large quilts. Hiemstra.barbara@gmail.com

Pat said...

I have to admit that I have not had the chance to use this thread. If you'd consider me I would be thrilled!

Anonymous said...

Im a thread acholic and would love to try the new thread.

Anonymous said...

I know about Mettler brand thread but I wasn’t aware of the silk-finish thread. These threads would be great for any of us making Kathleen’s patterns.

Jacqueline said...

You are such an inspiration with all your lovely quilty things. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful Mettler thread! jspivey101@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I have used Mettler thread before and it is a joy to work with - acdiller@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

My Schoolgirl Sampler was finally labeled and washed today. I love it!! I would like to try the Mettler threads. Thank you for such lovely quilts! cjwilz75@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Such pretty threads to complement your quilts! Would love to try Metler threads in some projects. bonista@stny.rr.com

Anonymous said...

So excited for the chance to win, thank you so much! kim.heger@usd210.org

Anne R said...

I LOVE Mettler silk-finish thread! Whoever wins this set is going to be so happy! If by chance this should be me please contact me at asrol@aol.com.

Rosemary said...

Beautiful colors! restiwari@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

These thread colors are beautiful and compliment the antique look of the quilts. I would love to win and try these threads. ultschls@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

I’ve recently discovered Mettler thread and would love to add it to my collection. Ryalssharon@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Kathleen, thank you for your patterns. I have made your Schoolgirl Sampler quilt and several of your small quilts. Would l9ve to have the thread. Bennerjudy70@gmail.com

Dee said...

I love all your posts and watch for them. Your quilt projects are so lovely! I have your books, several, and dream of making all of the quilts! I especially loved the small quilts, so special.

Anonymous said...

I have used Mettler thread and liked the results. Would love to add more to my thread supply. Thanks to you and to Mettler.
Charlotte - kurtschindler111@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Those threads are beautiful! Valoriedavidson@gmail.com

koberg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
koberg said...

I used Mettler threads for years before switching to Aurifil and I would be thrilled to try their new silk threads. l.r.oberg769@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love mettler threads and it would be great to win some khughes310@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this amazing giveaway. Rmkiesling@gmail.com

shannonkayphelps@gmail.com said...

I would love to win these beautiful threads and to try Mettler. Thank you and the company for offering the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy I’d love to try these threads as I’m an avid quilter always after the perfect thread!!! 🙏🏼 judi.geddes@gmail.com.au

Anonymous said...

The colors are gorgeous that you displayed and would them to stitch with. Thank you patches1889@yahoo.com

Rebecca said...

Thank you so much. I have followed you for years and have done many of your quilts. They are classic and I always get compliments on them. I love Mettler threads too. These colors are beautiful. Mrebec4@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Your blog is inspirational! jjkron@lpctel.net

Anonymous said...

Love the beautiful threads against your quilts - gorgeous! I'd LOVE to win! Deb mdenders@msn.com

Kathy S. said...

Thank you for the chance to win the beautiful thread colors. Shahann@yahoo.com

Sarah R said...

Beautiful thread! turkey@blueriver.net

Anonymous said...

I love making your small quilts. The thread is nice. I haven't used that kind. mp2elf1@outlook.com

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

If you recommend Metler, I'm all in. Thanks for this opportunity. maryhugg@neo.rr.com

Anonymous said...

Oh my…many entrants for giveaway of Mettler thread. Happy for whoever wins!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this opportunity

Anonymous said...

I’m not familiar with Mettler thread, but I’d love to try it. Looks beautiful. Scaston53@gmail.com

Judyr said...

I want to try mettle thread. Judyr14612@gmail.com

Melody said...

Mettler is the best thread ever. This is only thread I sew with :)) Mettler is truly a thread above the rest. calicokid@tds.net

Anonymous said...

I love these colors and would like to win them! Thank you.. mxmiller200@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts! Alicemccabe77@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this beautiful thread., kleingm@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I love the thread colors and would love to win them. quiltmom61@yahoo.com

Denice Barker said...

The number of comments here is a testament to how much we love your designs, inspiration and time spent for us. Thank you!

Erin Anderson said...

Those threads look beautiful! I've used Mettler for years for applique - I would love to try these. qwilter98@yahoo.com

quiltgrannie said...

Oh My!!! Now those are some beautiful colors Kathleen, and I know which one is your favorite! I have never used that brand before. Something to think about. meandyou1974@sbcglobal.net

Janine Taylor said...

Beautiful Thread! I would love to win them! Thank you. Janine-Taylor@sbcglobal.net

greaterexp said...

Mettler Silk Finish is a wonderful thread, and I'd be tickled pink to win some! You're so kind to offer this giveaway. erindumont59@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I love Mettler thread!! Those are such great colors! Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Would love to win the Mettler thread - thank you for the opportunity😊 sesjtm@yahoo.com

Meredith said...

Would love to win this pretty thread! Loughran2@fuse.net

mangozz said...

I would love to try these threads. purrfection8@gmail.com

Lane Hill House said...

Beautiful shades; thank you for sharing. Your patterns are so inspiring to send us to our sewing machines! Thank you for sharing your creativity! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House kathleen[dot]e[dot]belongia[at]gmail[dot]com

Debra Grove said...

Hi Kathleen,
Thank you all you do for the quilting community and for the introduction to these beautiful Mettler threads. I’ve learned so much from you over the years. debraglltn@bellsouth.net

Anonymous said...

I love all your quilts and Thank you for your inspiration. I love to piece and do needleturn appliqué and this thread would be a great addition.

Tina said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this thread. I love needle turn appliqué and I do piece quilts on my machine also. I love to see what you are doing and all the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous threads! Thanks for all you do. zonawilson57@gmail.com

GranChris said...

Love the thread. Jmikebalou(at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I love your posts on IG! Your fabric work is beautiful. Lbunke@wi.rr.com

Heather said...

Mettler thread with a silk finish? Sounds lovely! I’d love to try some. gunterheather(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I quilt for the simple love of creating a lasting hug to gift to my children. I'm not a professional or a perfectionist but i love what i create! These threads would be so much fun to try! My email is gnhklansing@yahoo.com. thank you for the opportunity!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous threads. beth.corell16@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I just finished my schoolgirl sampler! This would be wonderful to receive to hand finish my quilt! Thank you Mettler and thank you Kathy , Spoolinaround@yahoo.com

JanetG said...

What a great opportunity. Mettler is my choice for hand applique, by the way. Thank you Mettler and thank you Kathy. jvglue@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathy. I have followed you for years and have most of your books. Mettler thread is a favorite of mine and those colors are beautiful!
henryz@ameritech. net

a said...

Hi Kathleen, love your quilts I have made many of the patterns and hhave used them to decorate the walls of my craft space. I would love to have these threads to trial as have not used them. Love the colors.

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