Friday, October 7, 2016

Dear Jane - Counting Down

Yesterday I finished making block 155 (out of 169 blocks) for the center of my Dear Jane® quilt. I'm at the point where every time I check one off the list I become slightly giddy. Sure, it's taken me awhile to get here (started in 2010) but I'm taking it slow and working on it whenever I'm able to. And, as you can see, they sure do add up over time.

That indigo one took me forever. Not my favorite block. I kept getting frustrated, ripped out stitches, put it down a few times, picked it up again a day or two later. 

Now I have only 14 blocks left to go to complete the center of the quilt. I'm amazed at and excited about this and motivated to keep going. My goal is to finish those by the end of this year. And then tackle the triangles surrounding the center next year. I'm taking my time and not pressuring myself but, nonetheless, it's good to have goals. We'll see if I achieve this latest one. Finding the time is often difficult. I think about retiring just so I can spend all day, every day, working on my blocks . . . .

My piecing and applique skills have improved a bit since I began in 2010 and there were a few early wonky blocks that made me cringe every time I looked at them. So I remade three of them last month. My blocks are far from perfect but I knew if I didn't do that they would always bother me.

For years, I enjoyed looking at all the wonderful Dear Jane® quilts others had made and always thought: never in a million years would I be able to finish one of those. Well, guess what? I took the leap and I'm on my way. If you're thinking about beginning Jane's quilt or stalled on one you've already started, take heart - make small goals and keep going. If I can do it, so can you. Don't beat yourself up if and when you need to stop. Continue on with the journey and who knows, maybe you'll begin to love it and become motivated to finish. Better late than never.

If you're hesitant to begin, the Dear Jane software by Electric Quilt has been a great help to many of us. The software includes the patterns you can print out and tips on making the blocks. I know I would not have been able to get this far without it.


Jennifer M said...

Such an achievement Kathy! Your blocks are so beautiful and look perfect to me:) I still haven't gotten back to mine but know I will. Congratulations and keep plugging away<3

Judy said...

I truly admire your perspicacity! I'm pretty sure I couldn't manage to stick to making those blocks. Thanks for sharing.

Sheri in Iowa said...

Way to go Kathy! I feel the same way about that project too.....never thought I would get it done! But once I finished the center blocks.....I was a woman with a mission and really hunkered down. Frankly I found the triangle border to go so much faster, because for every pieced triangle you do, you add a solid fabric one on either side. BTW make sure when you print out the patterns on your software for the triangle borders, that you check size from quilt. Ask me how I know that!!!! :) I foundation pieced most of the triangles.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is quite an accomplishment , all those beautiful fabrics and the way you have combined them....
Thanks so much for sharing....please be sure to share the triangles too!
Sandra B

Christie said...

you are an inspiration to all of us! Thanks for sharing your progress and encouragement with us! HUGS... and stitches

marian said...

Kathy, you're almost there.. woohoo! I know how that feels! Your blocks are so lovely and i see we've used a few of the same fabrics. I'm still plodding along with sashing my blocks, but almost there.. you've inspired me to get back to it.

quiltgrannie said...

Woo Hoo Kathy!! You are so close to the finish line!! I haven't worked on mine for quite a while but it's comforting to know she is waiting for me.....
Your blocks are beautiful!

---"Love" said...

Your piecing is incredible! ---"Love"

Frankie said...

Well done! I've been following your progress on your 'Dear Jane' from the beginning and it inspired me to get on with more projects on my 'to do' list. I had so many things that were waiting for the right time and it suddenly dawned on me that that time was never going to magically appear! It's amazing how much you can get done in little bits of time, here and there. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

moosecraft said...

Wow! This has been quite a journey! :-)

Sjoukje said...

I love this blog post and your blocks, it's so encouraging to me. I haven't worked at my Dear Jane since early summer, I guess... it''s time to give her some attention and your words and photo's were just what I needed. Thanks!

Charlotte said...

You are to be congratulated. Your blocks are beautiful.

I just returned from a 7 week trip and one of the places we stopped was the Bennington Museum in Vermont. I got to see the Dear Jane quilt up close and personal. What a thrill. I think I remember you visiting there too. Seeing it in person was really special. It may be the motivation I need to start. Maybe just a "Plain Jane" - 20 blocks. Will have to see how this goes.

It was so neat because no one else was there for thirty minutes so we could just admire it and take photos. The "we" is me and my husband. Never imagined that he would be so interested in it.

Thanks for sharing,

Joan Barnes said...

Kathy, your color combinations are just wonderful. That is a true gift. Not just on Dear Jane but all you do. I have all I need to start my Jane Journey but just can't make the jump. Congratulations to you. I have been with your posts since the beginning and look forward to following your progress to the end - bound, quilted and you posed under it all comfy and cozy. Keep up the good work.

Summer said...

Very pretty blocks ♥

Susan D said...

Awesome! Totaaly awesome. I am so impressed.

I also started mine (which I call Jane's Addiction) in 2010, and I'm pleased that I'm on block 76. Not quite halfway. Right now I'm struggling with the challenge of G-6 (you know the one, 8-point star within a 5-point star) and I am determined to make it match Jane's. So of course, it's taking me longer than the last 4 put together.

Kathleen, you are a wonder.

Chookyblue...... said...

looking great.......

Sue McQuade said...

Wow! Wonderful and inspiring progress. I invite you to visit my blog which I started a few days ago. Blessings!

Sue McQ said...

oop! the blog is