This one doesn't have to be fancy. Even a simple one can be fun to make. You can make it artsy or Amish. Make it primitive or bright. Use any kind of fabric.
This is a fun way to use up some of your scraps. I suspect some of you may even have packages of charm squares from the fabric swaps we hold every year. Go on - cut into them already!
Cut your strips whatever width you think you can work with – 1", 1 1/2" or any
other size. Play around a bit and
see what you come up with. You may arrange your strips to make a Bars quilt, a
Coins quilt, a Courthouse Steps quilt, a Rail Fence quilt or perhaps even a log
cabin. Anything goes. Sew some strips together and see what happens.
There's a cute little Coins quilt in my book Remembering Adelia - one option if you haven’t already made it.
Last year I made a bag using strips of some of my favorite prints. Sewing long strips together to make a simple bars quilt is another option.
You get the idea. Have fun and if you're in one of my online groups (see sidebar) show us your
quilts or projects by the end of January if possible.

So many simple possibilities.
I love you positive attitude. Does putting together Quilt Jail from dear Jane count? That is my current block.
Kathleen Mary
Oh some lovely fabrics you have! I am planning on the January Challenge, just not certain what yet. I am finally feeling like I can manage a bit of time for me:))
It sure is a fun way of using up fabric scraps and i've got plenty of those lol! Right now i'm having fun playing with selvedge strips, which i've been collecting over the years. They're coming together nicely and they're scrappy too.. i wonder what i'll end up making??
Ooooohhh I love the first little quilt xoxo from France
Great way to use scrap fabric
I had a bunch of 5" strips that I didn't know what to do with. I am truly inspired by your Coins quilt with the borders. That's what my scraps will become! Thanks for the inspiration!
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