Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Working on Your Scrappy Stars?

If you are joining in on the small quilt challenge this month (Civil War Stars, remember?) or thinking about doing it - try playing around with some little four patches for the centers of your star blocks to get you going.

You may wish to make your quilt in different colors than mine and that's fine. On a rainy day like today I enjoy taking a few minutes to play with my scraps and make scrappy four patches for another quilt for another rainy day.

I always have an abundance of little scrap squares cut for projects like this . . .

 . . . and some four-patch blocks sewn together and ready to go.

It's not easy to get these small blocks to turn out perfectly, but don't worry too much. Try to cut accurately and slow down when you piece. Press each piece after you sew and trim the units before you sew them together into the blocks. Go a little more slowly than you would with a larger block but try not to get stressed. When you start fussing about perfection you lose some of the joy in making the quilts in the first place. Even if it's a little wonky, it will still be cute! And like I always say -  doll quilts from the past were not perfect and that's one of the reasons we love them so much.

Okay, maybe we don't love this one so much but you have to give her credit for trying - and finishing, LOL.

Looks like I will need to fudge these seams just a little . . .

Get your pieces cut this week and if you can make them into blocks, all the better. I am going to Iowa tomorrow for a presentation and some classes and will start nagging you about working on it again next  week after I come back.  Mother's Day is coming up - have some fun and take time for yourself  - sew a little something.


quilting Jeannet said...

I am busy whit this cute lovely quilt Kathy!

BobbiG said...

I love it. How big are your nine patches?

Loves to Quilt said...

I finished quilting mine last night and just have the bindind to sew on! I almost always cut more squares than I need, so this time, I made a second doll quilt!

Anonymous said...

Hate to correct you on this but those are 4 patches not 9 patches. Doesn't matter they are still adorable

Kathleen Tracy said...

Oops, you are right! That's what I get for rushing and not reading before I hit publish.

Dineke said...

This is a lovely little quilt,

Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

I have 4 of my blocks made but then changed my mind about the scrappy colors I was using so now I am considering a whole other color palette. I may end up with two quilts for this month!

Daniëlle said...

Not much of a Spring here in Holland so when I saw this post ... love the colours!!!! Maybe I need start a new quilt anyway hihihi! Take care, hugs, Daniëlle