After last year I told myself, when I got to feeling a little healthier, I would consider doing some yoga. Everyone I know does yoga, it seems. I saw my nephew for Easter and he's looking great. He is totally hooked on Bikram yoga - which is yoga practiced in a room that's heated to over 100 degrees. My reaction when I heard this was - "You have got to be kidding." I would pass out after about a minute. So I Googled the different types of yoga and in my quest for information, I found out about something that's a little more suitable - DOGA! Uh oh, should I have been doing Doga with my dogs?? Is this in my future?
Are my pups suffering because we do not take yoga classes together? Tell me - does that little dog look relaxed to you?
My dog has been doing yoga on his own for years. He does his stretches religiously every day. Look at him - he's never even taken a single class! (This particular photo was taken a few years ago when he was much slimmer and had just gotten his Spring haircut, LOL . . . ) I ask you - who does a downward dog pose better than . . . a dog??
I wonder if a part-time career teaching yoga would work for him? At 9, he's mostly retired now but it'd be a great way to earn a little extra money on the side. . . . for all those rawhide chewies he loves so much.
He's already sparked some local interest!
Chipmunk: Sign ME up for a class, guy!