Here's Block # 4 for my Civil War Mini Quilt sew along - Friendship Star
Friday, March 21, 2025
Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along - Block #4
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along - Block 3
Here's Block #3 of our Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along - 3" x 3" Nine Patch.
Small nine-patch blocks are a favorite of mine. Nice and easy, using 1 1/2" cut squares. Switch up the light and dark background squares if you like or make them all scrappy. This is going to be a mini row quilt with five rows of four blocks. Make four nine-patch blocks for setting in the row quilt this week. You'll find the instructions in my Facebook group files or on my website. Click on the top tab for the Sew Along page.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Civil War Mini Sew Along - Block #2
Here's Block # 3 for my Civil War Mini sew along - Penny Candy. Too sweet or what?
Yes, there was hard candy during the Civil War! By the mid-1800s, numerous factories in the U.S. were manufacturing candy, mostly producing individual hard candies which were then sold loose. Peppermints, lemon drops, jelly beans, rock candy and molasses twists were common sweets. Hard candies were also very popular among soldiers during the war because they were small treats that didn’t spoil. They were often part of a soldier’s rations. Enjoy making some penny candy blocks!
Friday, February 28, 2025
Mini Sew Along Block #1
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along
Winter doldrums got you down?? Agonizing or stressing over the state of the world?? You're not alone. Join me in in my Facebook group for a new March sew along to make a cute little quilt using your Civil War/reproduction fabrics. Playing with fabric and small blocks always perks me up and takes me away from it all. Set aside maybe an hour each week in March to make some little blocks with me and see what it does for you.
We'll be working on a few small blocks each week. Details and instructions for making the first block will be posted tomorrow, Friday, Feb 28, 2025 in the Facebook group files and also on my website. Look for the page titled Civil War Mini Quilt. I'll add instructions for subsequent blocks on Fridays through March.
I hope you'll join us - The blocks we'll be making will be small and using up some of your fabric scraps may be all you need to get started. Before you start - tidy up your sewing table, change your needle and poke through your scrap basket for some tantalizing fabric scraps you'll want to use up. An organized sewing space goes a long way to feeling motivated to begin working on something new.
None of the pieces to make the blocks will be larger than 4" x 4" so you won't need much fabric. Although . . . even a little bit of new fabric always helps us feel inspired. Have you visited one of my favorite shops online? Ye Olde Schoolhouse in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, sells wonderful bundles of fabrics that are just perfect for making small quits. Last time I looked, Jeanie also had several kits available for some of my quilts. Making pretty quilts requires buying some pretty fabric . . . . but you already know that. I'll post the first block tomorrow (Friday).
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
February Hearts
I love hearts.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Thread Giveaway Winner
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Pretty Thread Giveaway
Quilters love pretty threads, am I right? I have a nice collection of favorite threads I use for all of my quilting projects - piecing, applique and quilting. I'm sure many of you do too. The Mettler thread company contacted me recently about giving away a set of their new 100% cotton "silk finish" thread for one of my lucky blog followers to try.
In case you don't know, Mettler
thread is a brand of sewing thread that has been around for over 100 years. The
company is known for its high-quality threads that are available in a wide
range of colors and weights. Mettler threads are perfect for a variety of
sewing projects, from patchwork piecing and quilting to applique and intricate embroidery.
The Mettler company recently expanded their thread color range with even more beautiful colors.