I go through phases where I don't always sleep well at night. Every woman I know has had this problem at one time or another too and for some it's chronic. I'm a very light sleeper and I'm usually fine until something wakes me up, whether it's snoring or the dog whining to go out. Just about anything will wake me and once I am awake I often have a hard time falling back asleep. One night, a few weeks ago, I woke up at 3:00 a.m. for no reason and could not get back to sleep. Instead of tossing and turning I went downstairs to make a cup of weak tea and watch TV, thinking it might help me to relax and eventually fall back asleep. It usually does the trick.
All that's on TV at 3:00 a.m. is infomercials. I got caught up in this one for the Nutribullet. Have you seen it?
Transform ordinary foods into Superfoods and add years to your life!
It's not a blender! Not a juicer! The Nutribullet PULVERIZES your fruits and vegetables to make smoothies that are healthy and easier to digest (one of my weak points) so your body can absorb the nutrients better. Juicers remove all the fiber (I need fiber) and blenders don't actually blend fruits and vegetables to a smooth consistency that well. Trust me, I've tried it.
Could this be for real? I was too tired to question it. I remembered my son's energetic fifth-grade teacher telling me years ago that "juicing" changed his life. But did I listen? One woman in the infomercial said she finally had a good night's sleep the SAME night she started drinking the Nutriblast smoothies. Oh my gosh, that did it, LOL. (This must be why they put these commercials on at 3:00 a.m. when no one can sleep.) Who doesn't want to be healthy and sleep well too? If it sounds like a gimmick you're probably right. But, tired as I was at 3 a.m. it was one I could not resist. Hey, it could have been worse - I could have been taken in by that 40-ft flexible garden hose that's being advertised all over (sorry, Judy) or wound up with 8 fake suede jackets in all the colors of the rainbow.
I did not immediately rush to buy it over the phone in 3 easy installments, give me some credit. I resisted, did some research and then took my 20 % off coupon and headed over to Bed, Bath & Beyond the next day.

Laugh if you will but I have to say, I haven't had so much fun with a new kitchen appliance since I bought my percolator . . . which is still working by the way.
This is a lot of fun. Easy to use, very easy to clean up. I should start feeling great and looking younger any day now . . . .
The recipe book calls for spinach or some other healthy greens as a base, then you add your fruit and water. Add nuts for protein if you like. I added a dollop of yogurt and a tiny bit of apple juice. I am thinking of buying some protein powder and adding that too. Frozen fruit gives it a nice cool texture.
My son the Nutrition Expert thought it was good and said - "Add more spinach to mine next time, I can't even taste it!" When was the last time you heard your child say THAT?
I love this thing. The smoothie tasted great. I won't lie though - if you put in too much spinach it will be green. But I could not taste the spinach at all - the whole thing was very, very fruity and smooth. Last evening after dinner, instead of bringing out the chips bag, I caught my husband grabbing the vanilla yogurt and cutting up some strawberries, bananas and frozen peaches and heading over to the Kitchen Smoothie Counter (from now on the KSC, if you will). Definitely the first time I have ever seen this happen.
This chip clip OINKS when you open the package. Someone bought it for someone else at my house. (No names.)
Vote now - am I the only crazy one out there who was sucked into this??