Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hot Summer Fabric Giveaway

 Wow! It's HOT here. But there's good news. Today and through the coming weekend 15 of you will have a chance to win a charm pack of Andover fabric designed by Renee Nanneman - from her "Linen Closet" collection - that I used to make this sweet summery pillow. (Along with some pink and brown prints from her "Villageware Toile" collection that just came out.) This should cool you off a little.

If it weren't so darned hot I'd be out here lounging on my pillow, sipping an iced tea . . .  

Linen Closet fabrics.

Just looking at these light and airy prints almost makes me feel cool in this heat wave we're having here  . . .

All you have to do is follow the instructions below and leave me a comment to enter. There will be 15 charm packs given away in all. Make sure you leave your name and a way I can contact you if you win.
Okay, in keeping with the theme of this fabric, here's the trick to winning - tell me what's in YOUR linen closet that doesn't belong there, something that isn't exactly like linens or isn't even close. If your closet is anything like mine, it needs cleaning out terribly but you're waiting for some of those cute wicker baskets or shelf dividers you see in magazine linen closets to be on sale before you take everything out and get it organized once and for all. And buy some new sheets and towels too.  Maybe this August. Do they still have the August White Sales??
If what you keep in your linen closet is your darkest secret, I promise I won't tell a soul. You can trust me! I am not prepared to show you a photo of my linen closet right now but I can tell you it probably contains some things I either just can't bear to part with or had no other place to throw them. Not linens.
Don't you love the bees?
So leave me a comment here - see instructions above - and your name will be entered into the giveaway. If you left a comment yesterday or the day before on the other post I wrote, it will not count - to have a chance to win, you have to post your comment on the giveaway post that's dated July 18. Comments will close sometime on Sunday and I will announce the 15 winners on Monday. Make sure you leave your name and a way for me to contact you if you win. Good luck!
I know that Andover Fabrics would love it if you visited their Facebook page and thanked them for the chance to win some of this wonderful fabric. (Tell them you like the free pillow pattern too!)  Oh, yes, you can download the free pattern for the pillow here.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Northern Illinois Quilt Show

Love visiting quilt shows? If you live in northern Illinois, I will be giving a presentation at the Batavia Quilt and Textile show on Sunday, July 21.  The annual show is held at the Batavia Park District’s historic Eastside Community Center, 14 North Van Buren Street, Batavia, Illinois.  The show will feature over 150 beautiful quilts made by local quilters (including a special reproduction Civil War quilt exhibit), a vendor hall that features new products and fun demonstrations as well.  Here's the info.

This show looks like it will be a lot of fun. I'll be talking about quilts, showing off some of my quilts and selling and signing books and patterns (maybe some jewelry too?).

Last year I had a booth at the Galesburg, IL,  Quilt Show.
Quilt shows are soooo much fun!
If you're in the area, please come by and say Hi!
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Also - stop back here on Thursday, July 18. I will be holding another cool Andover Fabrics Giveaway on the blog. See what I made from some very pretty fabrics, then leave a comment and perhaps you will win something.
(FYI - Comments left today will NOT count, only AFTER  Thursday's giveaway kick-off. )

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quilt Fest Chicago - Part 2

More photos of the International Quilt Festival that came to Chicago last week.

In addition to vendor booths, the International Quilt Fest also had an exhibit of wonderful quilts. Some of  the  photos  did not come out as good as I hoped they would.  Here are a few of my favorites -
Milady by Sheri Hohman
Flower Quartet by Yasuko Sugaya, Japan
Hand pieced, hand embroidered, hand appliqued and hand quilted.
Crosses by Ikuko Yeno, Japan
Sorry that these also came out a little blurry but I wanted to include them anyway.
The Candy Shop by Miyuki Hamaba, Japan
These next few are photos of a  quilted yurt  created by Linzi Upton of Scotland. So cool!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Quilt Fest Chicago

This past weekend I was so excited to attend the International Quilt Festival, which returned to Chicago after a several-year absence. There was so much to see! If you've never had the chance to attend a large show like this, here's what you're missing.
It's huge. Aisle after aisle of quilts and vendors as far as the eye can see.
 Lots of  award-winning quilts on display -
Intensity by Vicki Hodge
Sunburst by Connie Watkins
Some of my favorite booths were there -
Country Threads
I fell in love with this quilt and was able to find that sweet border/setting fabric at another shop. I have so many nine-patch blocks already made and have been waiting to find a good setting print. Now I have the perfect fabric to go with them.
Lori Smith -   From My Heart to Your Hands
JJ Stitches
I did not go overboard and buy everything in sight or things I didn't really need or knew I wouldn't use.

Just a little bit of fabric . . . .
I was pleased to find some small pieces of hand-dyed wool scraps  . . . 
. . .  and a cute kit

I haven't done anything in wool yet and I am anxious to try it but don't really need yards so this nice, colorful assortment of small pieces will do just fine for a few applique designs I have in mind.
Lots of antique quilt vendors.
Very few doll quilts. None I liked. This one is kind of unusual.
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Come back for Part 2 later this week when I'll show you more photos of some of the beautiful quilts on display.