Sunday, October 16, 2011

Parent (and Puppy) Weekend

We took another little road trip up to Wisconsin yesterday. It was Parent Weekend at the college my daughter attends. She left in early September and so it's been 6 weeks since we've seen her. It's the first time she's been away from home for that long and we missed her. I'm so glad she did not choose to go to school all the way across the country. Those of you with doted-upon daughters can appreciate this, I know. We were given strict instructions to bring the little black poodle puppy along. (She's 3, but we still call her a puppy because she's so darn cute and wears the puppy cut hairstyle, not the poufy poodle "do.")

I think this barn needs a quilt block painted on it, don't you?

A car ride! So much excitement! Where the heck are we going??


The Princess and her Puppy - An emotional reunion.

Puppy got a special tour . . .


. . .  and a taste of dorm life. She also got to meet and make some new friends.

In honor of the special visit, my daughter wore her new "Poodle" sweater she just bought  -  isn't it sweet?? I had to laugh. Where in the world did she find it?? At the mall, on sale, she said. Even better.

When our son was in college he never really wanted us to come up for Parent weekend ("Nah, that's okay, I might miss some fun with my friends. I'll see you when I come home for break.") so it was nice to be invited. However, after a few minutes, something told me she had a few ulterior motives for inviting us. In addition to being the private puppy escorts (Guess who got the first hug? It wasn't me.), she needed to go shopping for a winter coat, toiletries and food. Our work was cut out for us.

Nevertheless, we all had fun and we're happy she seems to be doing well. Before we left, I checked on the quilt I made for her. It also seems to be doing well. Puppy was exhausted from so much excitement and the long car ride and felt like sleeping in a bit. This morning I had to literally carry her to her food dish, LOL. It's that princess gene . . . 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What's October Without Leaves?

On the way home from the retreat last Sunday, we stopped for lunch at a restaurant in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Bad move. It was Oktoberfest! and streets were blocked and traffic was backed up for what seemed like a mile. We grabbed a fast bite and got the heck out of the pandemonium but not before I took a pretty picture. As it was, we got home later than we planned.

Arriving home, I was pleasantly surprised to find that our front lawn was COVERED in leaves that had fallen from the tree in the front yard over the past two days. In the sea of green suburban lawns, ours was glittering, golden. I'm sure it drove our neighbors nuts since they usually have their leaves scooped up almost as soon they've fallen so the mess isn't too unseemly. While we were gone, the dogsitter (my son) had neglected to keep up with the Joneses. But I wasn't mad; I liked it.

I think we're the only people on the block who don't have lawn service. Yes, it's shocking, my husband actually cuts our grass himself. One, to save money (he's an accountant) and two - he says it's an opportunity for him to get outside and get some fresh air and exercise he might not otherwise find the time for now that he no longer coaches our daughter in soccer. Raking leaves in the fall  - another one of those old-fashioned traditions that seems to have fallen by the wayside in suburbia.

The little dog likes the leaves too!

My scraggly shrub roses are still blooming! For now, that is; they'll be turning brown in a bit.

The weather has been lovely and this season more than any other makes my senses come alive. In the morning, while I'm drinking my coffee, if I take time to listen I can hear the squirrels and chipmunks scurrying after each other, crunching through the potpourri. In the afternoon, as the children get off the school bus and walk home down the block, I can hear them shuffling their feet through my leaves. It's a great memory of my own childhood. Who doesn't love to skip through fallen leaves??

My husband has to work late a few nights this week so the leaves will stay until he can get around to raking them next Sunday. (Don't ask me to do it; I have allergies. Besides, I do the vacuuming.) That means I have a few more days to revel in the color and sounds until they're gone. What's that Robert Frost poem?

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

I love that poem. Time passes, change is inevitable. I guess I'll try to enjoy the leaves while they're here.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Small Quilt Retreat

The quilting weekend was perfect. The weather was just beautiful (almost a little too warm!) and lovely fall colors surrounded us. Except for the centipedes, things went well (I didn't actually see any but I heard stories . . .). Everyone seemed to have a good time and I was happy to see that many got their quilt tops completed. Here are the photos: (turn on your speakers for the full effect)

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Thanks for looking! I hope you'll join us someday . . .

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Inspired By

I'm really inspired by Inspired by Antique Quilts today. Kathie has been talking about quilting small quilts on her blog lately and I love how hers have turned out. I am going to take the time to relax at the retreat this weekend as soon as I have everything ready and planned for those who are attending. I decided not to bring my sewing machine, just my needle and thread, and get some of my quilt tops hand quilted. Who am I kidding?? SOME of them? I'll be lucky if I get one finished; I am that slow. But that's the beauty of hand quilting - you HAVE to slow down. No rushing allowed. And boy, does it feel good.

I bought this antique doll quilt a little while ago and think the simple hand quilting adds something really special to the simple quilt. (The primitive little bed helps too, don't you agree??)

I almost didn't buy the quilt because it was so simple and plain. Unexceptional for the price. And then, as I  looked closely, I spotted one block in the corner that was different. The quilt is a simple four-patch design and the quilter used light shirtings in the background squares. Except for one. In ONE block she used pink for the background . . .  Just a little quirky and not noticeable at first. Did she run out of shirtings? Or did she insert a tiny bit of creative play into the quilt? Did she say: What the Heck, I'm doing this one in pink. It's probably the thing I love most about this doll quilt. I don't like perfect quilts and I sure don't make them.

So simple and unassuming. But clearly loved to death by some little girl I'll bet.

I was so inspired by this quilt that I made THIS quilt that's in The Civil War Sewing Circle.

Again, just a  simple four-patch design with mostly light shirtings for background.  Pink in the setting squares. All of the darker squares in the blocks align except in one block.  I turned ONE of the blocks in the right hand corner the other way deliberately. Did anyone notice? Many of you probably thought I just made a mistake, LOL. No, I tried to do the same thing as the maker of that little doll quilt did.

I had so much fun hand quilting this little quilt with an orange peel or pumpkin seed design as some call it. I think hand quilting really makes little quilts special, even if the quilting is rather simple and  not spectacular. Click on the link above to see how this one was done. Very easy.

Last year, when I was recovering from my surgery, I hand pieced a copy of the antique doll quilt using some of my favorite prints and shirtings. This morning I layered and pinned it to bring to the retreat this weekend to work on. I'll let you know how it goes. Wouldn't it be nice if I finished?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Quilting Frenzy

I'm getting ready for my 1st Annual Small Quilt Retreat this coming weekend and scrambling to get everything done in time. I say 1st annual with a grin. Who knows how it will go? It's my first time hosting a retreat, so wish me luck. I have lists all over the place so I don't forget anything. If it turns out to be a success, we'll definitely do another one next year. I'm looking forward to relaxing and sewing in a woodsy place in Wisconsin in October with a group of ladies who like to make small quilts too. What am I saying - of course it will be fun!!

The colors have just barely begun to change here. Wisconsin is farther north - I hope it looks like this.

I'm almost finished with the quilt I'll be teaching on Saturday and hope to get it done today or tomorrow. I left it ito the last minute, of course. Instead of using a quilt from one of my books, I wanted to design a new small quilt just for the retreat. As usual, the quilt took on a life of it's own. When I began, I had an idea of what I wanted to make, using Ohio Star blocks. After I designed it, I kind of knew it was just a draft. I took my time picking out the fabrics. This part takes me so long but is probably the most fun. I always make a few sample blocks when I begin a quilt.

As I go along, if the colors are not quite right, I'll  make a few more blocks. I always make extra blocks just so I have the option of choosing different ones and playing around with them. While I play with the blocks (This is actually my Yahoo Small Quilt group motto - "We Play with Blocks"), I get ideas and the quilt evolves and changes. Fabrics are swiped out and others substituted until I get the look I like.

The table sure gets messy. Fabric flies!

The quilt has changed a quite a bit from its original design. Hardly the same quilt at all! I decided to make it more scrappy and colorful and added more blue in the blocks. I'm getting ready to quilt it today and will show you the finished quilt next week.

Karen, who is coming to the retreat, made this darling wool pincushion for me and promised to bring a few nore to show everyone, along with her doll beds. I think some others are bringing their antique doll beds and everyone is supposed to bring some of their small quilts for Show & Tell.  Don't forget, ladies.

This retreat will be so much fun and I cannot wait to meet everyone  (I've already met a few of you) and have a great time together, sewing and chatting! Now, back to work. Friday will be here before I know it.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Quiet Lazy Day

Good morning! Isn't this the cutest cup? It goes so nicely with my quilt too.

I just love cups that have a design printed on the bottom.

It's raining a bit here and I think it's going to be a quiet, lazy day. My son came over last night and is going to spend the day with me. My guess is his laundry needs to get done and he wants a free lunch. He has to work on a paper for school. I may get some reading done. Oh, and I have to work on the Retreat quilt - only 8 more days! Will she get it finished in time? Stay tuned!

*   *   *

Today is our 27th anniversary. My wonderful husband was grumping at me about something this morning as he was rushing around getting ready for work and so I waited until he was finished and then smiled sweetly at him and said "Happy Anniversary, Hon!" He stopped grumping for a minute and then said "Oh." Guess I won't be any getting diamonds or jewels or flowers unless they have them in the cafeteria at work since I don't think he will be shopping much today, LOL.

The happy couple.  (Mustaches were very popular back then.) What a beautiful dress! Now sealed and packed away in a big box on a shelf in my daughter's closet, waiting . . .

Look - twenty-seven years ago I had a waist! Not a tiny waist, but still a waist.

Well, I don't really remember this moment when it appeared the honeymoon was over before it actually began but I'm guessing he probably just said something to really annoy me, LOL . . . Happy Anniversary, Hon!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Birthday Blues

Just kidding - I'm not really blue about it; it made a good title. But it sure is hard to admit to being older than I used to be sometimes. Every year, it's the same darn thing, LOL. Mostly, I become frustrated because I am not quite back to feeling the way I used to feel before all of my health issues from the past year unfolded. The going is slow now that I'm older. But I keep plugging away, trying to be optimistic as I deal with my stresses, counting my many blessings, focusing on my family and pets as well as all of the wonderful things and people I have in my life instead of the stupid health things which do not seem to end.

My old dog and I both had cancer scares recently - he had another tumor which required surgery last week. It turned out to be benign AGAIN. He is recovering nicely but I did not sleep for a week, worrying about the biopsy results. On top of that, my recent mammogram showed a "suspicious" shadow, which of course required further investigation. That also turned out to be nothing to worry about. TMI, perhaps, some of you will say. But it was another week where I did not get much sleep or quilting done. Hopefully, things have calmed down a bit now and I will be able to get back into better shape again before my next birthday. Attitude is all, don't you think?

You saw the doll bed, mattress and pillow I gave to Julia for her birthday.  We actually share a birthday and it was a good day for me too. Someone commented that I was a good friend. It's actually the other way around - I am surrounded by a few incredibly wonderful, caring friends and for that I am so grateful.

Julia gave me a bunch of BLUE presents, LOL, to go along with my BLUES I guess. OMG, she found a beautiful vintage blue and white doll quilt too! How lucky am I?? The vintage bracelet is a heart locket. So sweet, I love it. She also knitted this adorable blue headband to wear when I walk the dogs when it gets cold . . . . I think I definitely came out ahead this year in the gift department, LOL. She's very understanding and I'll make it up to her.

I thought you'd also enjoy seeing a few of the gifts from my daughter and my husband. They spoil me too. A couple of books, a polka-dotted basket to hold my scraps, a sweater and a necklace. Bless his heart, the sweater is in a smaller size than I wear. I must look thinner than I really am, huh? Or those bifocals he just got are  not working very well . . . . My son is going to take me on an architectural tour of Chicago for my birthday when my knee gets better (a whole other depressing story for later). I've been on a Fossil kick lately. Look - Julia's Fossil earrings perfectly match the Fossil necklace my husband bought! How did they know? In cahoots, I'll bet!

To celebrate last week, my husband and son took me out to dinner (daughter is away at college) at a small seafood restaurant in Chicago and then my son found me a gelato place for dessert. Gelato is hard to find where I live but it is becoming popular in the city and I suspect more shops will spread to the suburbs soon.

If you haven't jumped on the Gelato bandwagon yet, it's a sort of dense ice cream. Like ice cream, but distinctly NOT ice cream. It's churned at a slower speed than ice cream, and so not as much air is whipped into the mixture. Regular ice cream contains about 50% air - gelato contains about 25 to 30 percent air. And it's not completely frozen, but stored and served at a slightly warmer temperature and has an amazing, rich flavor. Not as much fat either, I hear.

I got the single scoop of chocolate that you see sitting up on the counter above. So rich that a small scoop was even too much for me, believe it or not. Me, the woman who can eat a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting could not finish that small cup. Sad. See what advanced age does to you??

The gelato place was in a trendy neighborhood and, as we were leaving, I couldn't resist taking this photo of the Pedal Pub passing by. Everyone was pedalling, laughing and looking so happy and obviously having a great time. I had no idea what it was (or that they were drinking beer! No wonder they looked so cheerful)  but I looked it up when we got home. Maybe you have seen these in your area?? I believe they were first introduced in the Netherlands and have slowly spread to a few cities in the U.S.

They are pedalling about 5 mph.

It seems that it's like a large bar on a bike - you can get a group together and rent these with a driver and pedal your way to different bars in the city for a genuine bar-hopping experience.

I wonder if we quilters can get a hold of one of these to work off a few pounds as we go from quilt shop to quilt shop, wouldn't that be fun?? Without the beer of course. I say we even try a Gelato Shop Hop someday. Then I wouldn't feel so guilty about eating it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Primitive Doll Bed

It was my friend Julia's birthday a few days ago and I knew for awhile that she has wanted an antique doll bed to display some of her little quilts. I've looked at the online auctions and antique malls but could never find anything that wasn't out of my price range. Then I saw a doll bed at a quilt shop that Karen and her husband had made and I knew it was perfect. So I contacted Karen and ordered it and Julia graciously accepted it as her present LOL! That means she LOVED it. Wouldn't you??

I made a mattress and pillow to go along with it. Originally, I was going to use ticking fabric but decided against it and thought Julia might like this better. I think it turned out quite cute and here it is with a couple of my quilts. I'm so sorry, Julia, this year I did not have time or enough energy to make you a quilt to go along with the bed, but maybe next year.

Luckily, she has a stack of her own that will work just fine. She's made just about every small quilt I have ever designed so that's more than a few LOL.

One of Julia's antique doll quilts.

More than a few of her own . . .

I LOVE this bed so much, don't you? Karen's husband makes them in black or red, large or small. This is the large one, about 12"  x  20". The small bed has a rope mattress. Karen is coming to my retreat in 2 weeks and is bringing some of the doll beds to show everyone. She promised she'd have 2 set aside for me by then - I think I will buy a large black one and a smaller red one. I can't wait to take them home for myself! Karen does not have a website but here's her e-mail address so you can contact her if you'd like a bed for your little quilts too!

Here are a few more of Julia's small quilts that didn't fit on the stack on the bed. She's been a busy lady!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Shopping for Inspiration

Three of my close friends are having birthdays this month and so I needed to do a little shopping for gifts this past weekend. I'm still feeling a little creatively blocked and just cannot get going on that quilt I need to make for the Retreat in a couple of weeks. It would be nice if I had something to show when I teach it LOL. 

A trip to some stores was in order to accomplish the buying of gifts and also to feed my soul a little I think. Author Julia Cameron calls it Filling the Well. When you seem to have no inspiration left inside yourself to create, she suggests going out and filling yourself up with images that nourish the process. When the creative pond is empty because it has just been drained by a large creative project, it needs to be filled again and restocked. My husband laughs but sometimes a simple shopping trip fills me up enough so that I become inspired without breaking the bank so to speak. And I've found that it doesn't always need to be quilting-related. Sometimes it's almost better if it's not. I often get sidetracked by what other quilters are making and need a break from it all to create something that's my own.

Look at those colors! Fall is almost here.

I so need to make a quilt using these colors.

Ahhh, dishes! Keep moving, Kathy.

Last year we bought a new sofa and loveseat in a sort of tan/taupe fabric. After years of living with busy blue prints or florals on our sofas, we needed a change from that  - so we bought something completely different and bland. Something I could accessorize with color. We could never go with white because of the dogs and my husband wanted something a little darker. He's accommodated my choices and lived with blue all these years so we compromised and bought a very neutral sofa with no real color I like to say. 

I was so thrilled to be able to buy a colorful area rug (with little touches of blue and applique-looking patterns) that didn't clash with the sofa for a change but the problem is that lots of things now clash with the rug LOL. I still have not found time to make a nice colorful quilted throw but that is on my list. It will have to be simple to go with the rug, don't you think? The one you see here is store-bought and striped and usually is in my son's room. But he's gone now and doesn't miss it. It's fine for now but doesn't really match. I'd like to make pillows too because the ones I bought clash a bit since I bought them before I fell in love with the rug. I wish I could just buy some colorful ones like these - but no, they wouldn't work at all.

So pretty though!

Love the blue floral! If only I didn't have that rug . . .

But, oh, the colors in the pillows at the store were so inspiring.

Not my style at all but they sure looked cute and fresh here  . . . Why does it all have to be so darn hard? Wonder what I'll eventually come up with for a sofa throw? And -  will I finish it?