Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Swear the Dog Needs a Job

You know your dog visits the vet a little too often when he gets his own Walgreens prescription card!

The big puppy or "Big Rig" as we like to call him, recently had another bout with illness (tumor on his spleen, turned out to be benign) that required more surgery but is recovering nicely and anxious to get back to work so he can help pay for all of his $$ medical bills $$.

He was recently laid off from his longtime job of waking the teenage girl in the house every morning because she went off to college and now has to find someone else to do that for her. Chasing squirrels doesn't really pay much so if you know of any part-time positions available for a sweet, friendly, hard-working, conscientious Wheaten Terrier, let us know. Just send an application to the house because, look, he gets junk mail now too.

Only a matter of time before his voter registration card arrives. This is an election year and we live near Chicago where every vote counts . . . sometimes twice.


Pat from Florida said...

OMG! What a cutie! Maybe he can count hanging chads in FL in the next election. We have job openings down here in FL for that. ROFLOL.

Kathleen Tracy said...

Yes, he can do that. I can help to make sure it gets done right this time.

Marsha B said...

He is such a cutie, hope he feels good again soon! I love the Walgreens card and he gets mail, even the dogs information gets sold for solicitation. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets political calls to encourage him to vote this year! ! !

Rita said...

What a precious dog! I sure hope he's feeling better soon. They look so helpless when the aren't feeling well.

Anonymous said...

My mom is looking for a seeing eye dog. Can he open a can of orange juice? She is diabetic and has low blood sugars, she heard that dogs can be trained to alert a human of low blood sugars and get them orange juice to drink when they can not. May be he could come for a job interview when you come to Waterloo in Feb to the Grout. We are registerred to come to your workshop. Look forward to the time learning from you.

Christine said...

Too funny! Surely holding the seat cushions down pays something, right?

Kathleen Tracy said...

Yes, his sight is very good. If she left the orange juice on the floor in a bowl he would be able to push it over to her and make sure there was some left for her if her blood sugar got too low. I'll check his schedule and see if he's available in Feb.

Linda in Arkansas said...

LOL!! Too Funny.

psst - KitKat here, I tell you our jobs around the house so you can pay off those bills. Mine is to bark when the folks come home. Continually until it drives them nuts - but then they know they were missed. Neptune's is to sleep with the girl, but I understand yours is in college. She also licks the grandkids faces. Keeps them clean and neat. And Sugar keeps everyone's lap warm. Very important when it's cold outside. Let me know if any of these jobs work for you at your house.

Donna said...

Love your sense of humor! Thanks for the good laugh!

Silvinha said...

Hi Kathleen, as we were concerned about our pets, my cat did several tests at the end of the year. She is limping, it is arthritis. She has 14 years of age, I am very sad for her pain. But we all will to get old ...
I wish health to your lovely dog.

Ingrid said...

So funny! Glad he's doing well!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Rigby is adorable!! So glad that everything turned out well for him. I'm sure he will find that part time job soon with those big, soulful eyes :)

Colleen said...

He is just so cute. I hope he feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Big Rig looks like a sweety. I thoroughly enjoyed you tale about his prescription card!I hope he's feeling tiptop now.

Sue said...

Lovely post and what a lovely boy even he is in the ranks of unemployed.
I wonder which way he will vote. with his feet no doubt!

Julierose said...

Your dog is a-dorable!! I've only ever seen Wheaten Terriers on the AKC Dog Shows; I grew up with a mini poodle named "jou-jou"--which means toy in French. She was my constant companion...miss having a doggie pal--but have a granddog--'Kota--my son's baby dog....Julierose a dog lover

Unknown said...

You better start checking the mail. Rigby could start getting credit cards next. It seems he's already established an identity and legal address; that's all it takes for a line of credit!

Linda said...

This brought a smile to my day! Rigby is a cutie. I hope he finds a new purpose with benefits!

Jan said...

That is just hysterical! What a cute dog:)

Heirlooms by Ashton House said...

I'm sorry to hear that Rigby was ill but I had to chuckle when I read this post, especially after seeing the prescription card with his name! I needed some levity today. Thank you! I hope your new year is off to a good start!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

As long as he votes for the good guys... ; ) Lots of rabbits for him to chase down in the far western suburbs. Gee, he could vote here, too!