Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Jig Is Up!

It was unusually quiet in the house this morning. My husband had already left for work. I was drinking my coffee and checking e-mails when I heard a THUD coming from upstairs. I looked around and waited for a dog to bark, but  . . . nothing. Shoot, I hoped it wasn't a raccoon in the attic. I heard it again, this time mixed with a few playful growls. Sounded like it was coming from my room. I climbed upstairs and instead of a bat I took my camera -
I knew what was up. The rule is - NO DOGS ON THE BED (well, at least when my husband's around. "No, dear, I do NOT know how that dirty paw print got on your pillow . . . No idea. The dogs never go on the bed.")
I'm pretty sure that thud I heard was one of them falling off the bed, LOL.
The big dog is feeling so much more playful since his surgeries last year. 
The little one likes to instigate him and I'll bet this was her idea: "Mom's busy in the kitchen, let's go upstairs and jump on her bed!"
Uh oh, cool it - Mom's here! 
       MOM? Where???
Okay, the jig is up! Time to take it outside.
Meaning: You are caught, you are discovered, the deception is uncovered.
Origin: "Jig" is defined as a trick or game. Hence the "jig is up" literally means the trick is over. Alternative: Webster's gives the origin of the word "jig" as a transliteration of an Old French word defined as "frolic" (c. 17th-18th century).

Yes, a morning filled with frolic. And, hey, by the way, I haven't posted photos of dogs for WEEKS.



  1. ah oh...someone is in the dog house...but can they take a quilt with them? lol

  2. I used to have that problem with my big white kitty. He would go out, track in the mud and head for my bed, lol. My bed is too high and the dog is too big to get in mine, but I am sure he would, if he could.


  3. Dogs will be dogs-------such a cute story. We do love our little furry friends who like our children sometimes get into trouble.

  4. LOL what an adorable post---and two adorable furbabies. :)

  5. Looks like their having a great time. Love that last cute!

  6. How could you scold those two adorable faces!!

    I just lost one of my three dogs and although she only weighed 6 pounds, there sure is a hole in our bed where she would stretch out. It is amazing how much room they can take over in the bed. Yes, they all sleep with us.

  7. Too cute! Just like little kids--when mom's not around!

  8. Oh my goodness, they are sooo cute. They look like they're having a ball.

  9. Dogs, they are awesome, couldn't live without em. That word "jig" sounds like a good title for a cute little quilt? ! Natalie, Western Australia.

  10. oh what naughty puppies.. but oh so very cute lol!!

  11. Well, they for sure had a greatgreat time together ! And what a lovely little dog-sweater ...

  12. Jig is also a lure and a dance. Very appropriate for your doggies' activities! I think Natalie in Western Australia has a good idea--Jig as a name for a quilt!

  13. Kathy, I love reading your doggie posts. I am an animal lover, my parents had a pet store when I was young so I grew up with all sorts, from monkeys to fish. My husband not so much, he was bitten badly when young by a big dog. So no pets for me now. Thanks for sharing your fun stories!! Karen/IL.

  14. I love reading dog stories and seeing your pictures. My two make me laugh all the time!

  15. LOL - they are so cute. (Thank goodness the bed was made....)

  16. Yes, Shirley, my house may not always be neat as I like or my dishes done but I always make my bed. ALWAYS, LOL - I guess you could say I'm neurotic about it.

  17. Funny and the big dog looks guiltier than the little dog.

  18. Love your pups!!


  19. Gasp!!! No quilt on that bed? Is that REALLY your house?

  20. How cute, but I also was surprised not to see a quilt on your bed!!

  21. Please - give me a break. It's on my list. I have made over 120 small quilts (and some large ones too) for books and other things and have been pretty busy in the last several years. My son and daughter are lucky I made quilts for them, LOL. Plus, would you put a handmade quilt on a bed that gets dog slobber on it?? (See photos)

    Also, bedroom is decorated in shabby chic decor and light florals - Civil war quilt would be out of place. (Do not wish to take my work to bed with me either, LOL.) Excuses, excuses. I'd be happy to accept one that was made for me though if you have the time!


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