Monday, February 4, 2013

Giveaway Winners

Boy, you all gave it your best shots at guessing what was in my basement. Many of you guessed correctly but - did you seriously think I would give away my books, my dolls, or my fabric?? Nice try though.
There were no vintage sewing machines, no antique doll beds. I have lots and lots of things I don't want or need but cannot afford to ship them to you. Such as  - an antique headboard for a full-sized bed. (We have a queen, don't ask why I bought it. As I told my husband - it was a steal.) Two blue plaid arm chairs from my "country" decorating days.  Four pairs of used crutches, all sizes, belonging to the clumsy members of my family who kept breaking their legs and ankles and/or feet. Two vacuums that sort of work but not really well. 8,000 pairs of children's snow pants. (They seem to multiply.)  Four tool boxes full of nails that we inherited (we use about 4 nails per year). Lots and lots of baby clothes that I will not part with yet. Oh, and one pair of SIZE 8 skinny Calvin Klein jeans. ( In 1980 NOBODY wore a size ZERO.) Noooo, I will never give them up! Nor will I ever fit into them again, you understand - they're there just for the record. I fit into them for exactly one day, I believe. But that day I said to anyone who would listen - "I'm a size 8 now." 

Thanks for entering my giveaway and leaving a comment. Here are the 3 winners of the magazines with a pattern for this cute little doll quilt I made. (This month's challenge, which is also in my book The Civil War Sewing Circle.)

Granny Lyn

Cathryn in Corvallis



Yay!! Please send me your addresses ( and I will mail out your magazines this week.

Again, thanks for entering and please come back next week when I will be giving you a free pattern for an adorable little quilt. I'll also be giving away some beautiful FABRIC to quite a few of you, more than 3 this time. That's all I'm saying right now. Mark your calendars for Valentine's Day. Be here.


  1. Congratulations to the winners! Looking forward to next week.


  2. winners are grinners!! congrats to all three!! i remember being a size 8 in a previous lifetime LOL :)))

  3. had to laugh as we cleaned out our basement last year and there were boxes in there still not opened from 2 moves ago! and we have lived here over 13 years!
    that was a fun giveaway question!

  4. Congrats to the winners. Kathy, I think I have some jeans like that lurking somewhere! I also have my favorite concert tee shirts from the 70's. It's fun to look at them and remember the good times LOL. Happy Day to you!! Karen/IL.

  5. I have a pair of skinny jeans. Maybe we shoud start a Skinny Jean Club. Congrats to the winners!

  6. Enjoyed your post this morning. I remember keeping a pair of bell bottoms (okay so this is dating myself) in my closet that were a size 6. Had a really cute top to go with. I think we all have "treasures" that we hang on to. Congratulations to the winners!

  7. Congrats to the winners, I'm sure they will enjoy the book as the pattern is so sweet. I've been working on my challenge quilt and am having lots of fun playing with my fabric. Will certainly be back next week to see what you have in mind. Perhaps you could make a quilt out of those size 8

  8. It was fun teasing you with thoughts of what might be in your basement - never expected to have you send us any of it. We have our own basements full... Lol Love your blog.

  9. Hey, I'm just envious that you have a basement.


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