Friday, March 7, 2025

Civil War Mini Sew Along - Block #2

Here's Block # 3 for my Civil War Mini sew along - Penny Candy. Too sweet or what? 

Yes, there was hard candy during the Civil War! By the mid-1800s, numerous factories in the U.S. were manufacturing candy, mostly producing individual hard candies which were then sold loose. Peppermints, lemon drops, jelly beans, rock candy and molasses twists were common sweets. Hard candies were also very popular among soldiers during the war because they were small treats that didn’t spoil. They were often part of a soldier’s rations. Enjoy making some penny candy blocks!

 You'll find the instructions in my Facebook group files or on my website. Click on the top tab for the Sew Along page.  

Sew the blocks you made last week into a row. We'll be making a mini row quilt with 5 rows of these tiny blocks. Each week through March I'll give you directions to make a new block.

Block # 3 will be posted on Friday,  March 14.  

Have a good weekend! 

Friday, February 28, 2025

Mini Sew Along Block #1

Here's the first block of my Civil War Mini quilt.

Block #1 Framed Four Patch (3" x 3" finished) 

Make four blocks. I always make a few more so I can play around with the blocks. 

Sew carefully. There are some tiny pieces. I find it helps to press the seams open.

 You'll find the instructions in my Facebook group files or on my website. Click on the top tab for the Sew Along page.  Block # 2 will be posted on Friday,  March 7.  

Have a good weekend! 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along

Winter doldrums got you down?? Agonizing or stressing over the state of the world?? You're not alone. Join me in in my Facebook group for a new March sew along to make a cute little quilt using your Civil War/reproduction  fabrics.  Playing with fabric and small blocks always perks me up and takes me away from it all. Set aside maybe an hour each week in March to make some little blocks with me and see what it does for you. 

We'll be working on a few small blocks each week. Details and instructions for making the first block will be posted tomorrow, Friday, Feb 28, 2025  in the Facebook group files and also on my website. Look for the page titled Civil War Mini Quilt. I'll add instructions for subsequent blocks on Fridays through March.

I hope you'll join us - The blocks we'll be making will be small and using up some of your fabric scraps may be all you need to get started. Before you start -  tidy up your sewing table, change your needle and poke through your scrap basket for some tantalizing fabric scraps you'll want to use up. An organized sewing space goes a long way to feeling motivated to begin working on something new. 

None of the pieces to make the blocks will be larger than 4" x 4" so you won't need much fabric. Although  . . .  even a little bit of new fabric always helps us feel inspired.  Have you visited one of my favorite shops online?  Ye Olde Schoolhouse in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, sells wonderful bundles of fabrics that are just perfect for making small quits. Last time I looked, Jeanie also had several kits available for some of my quilts.  Making pretty quilts requires buying some pretty fabric . . . . but you already know that.  I'll post the first block tomorrow (Friday).

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February Hearts

                               I love hearts.

Happy February! To me, the whole month of February means Valentine's Day. I love hearts and have a soft spot for most things that are heart shaped. 

There are also a couple of heart-themed quilt patterns in my Etsy shop.

Thank goodness for February and Valentine's Day because it gives me a good excuse to indulge myself. I usually immerse myself in hearts and heartfelt thoughts all month long. 

I found this quote last week and needed to share it - 

“. . . In a time lacking in truth and certainty and filled with anguish and despair, no woman should be shamefaced in attempting to give back to the world, through her work, a portion of its lost heart.” 
                                                                                                            - Louise Bogan

It's funny that this quote (from 1970??) popped up in an old book I was reading yesterday, at the same time I decided to work on some appliqued hearts for a quilt. So I am hoping to send out into the universe one little heart a day in a very small attempt to spread some light to combat the hate and cruelty surrounding our culture. And remind ourselves that Love is what we need . . . .

I'm making one heart a day (or more if I am able to) for 14 days. Spreading some light and LOVE in February . . .

I think we need to use our art/creativity to shine a light and encourage others with compassion and love. Make a little heart, show you care.


There's a heart template in my Schoolgirl Sampler book and another one in my Facebook group files. Or just draw your own and use your favorite method of applique.  I like using the starch and template method and you'll find instructions for doing that in the FB group files or in the Quilting Basics section  of some of my books. The hearts do not have to be pink and red. I may play around with a border for the hearts. Or sashing. Be creative and come up with something you like and spread around a little LOVE this month.

"The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered 
acts of kindness and love." 
                                        ~ Wm. Wordsworth

Friday, January 17, 2025

Thread Giveaway Winner

The winner of the Mettler silk-finish thread is  . . .  



Congratulations! Send me your mailing address and I will mail your thread to you. 

Thanks to everyone who entered the Mettler thread giveaway and posted a comment. I wish all of you could have won some pretty new thread. Those of you who did not win, remember to look for Mettler thread at your local shop or craft store. I learned that Mettler has partnered with Bernina so if you're having a hard time finding it at your local quilt shop, try your local Bernina dealer. 

Have a good weekend!


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Pretty Thread Giveaway

Quilters love pretty threads, am I right?  I have a nice collection of favorite threads I use for all of my quilting projects - piecing, applique and quilting. I'm sure many of you do too. The Mettler thread company contacted me recently about giving away a set of their new 100% cotton "silk finish" thread for one of my lucky blog followers to try.


In case you don't know, Mettler thread is a brand of sewing thread that has been around for over 100 years. The company is known for its high-quality threads that are available in a wide range of colors and weights. Mettler threads are perfect for a variety of sewing projects, from patchwork piecing and quilting to applique and intricate embroidery.  

The Mettler company recently expanded their thread color range with even more beautiful colors. 

 To win some thread, just leave me a comment and an email address for me to contact you. If you win, I'll ask you to send me your mailing address. Sorry, the giveaway is only for those in the U.S.  

The giveaway will end on Friday, January 16, 2025. I'll pick a comment at random and announce the winner shortly after that. Good luck! I haven't had a giveaway here on the blog for quite awhile so this will be fun. Remember to leave your email address to avoid being disqualified. I've sponsored a few giveaways in the past where someone comments but forgets to leave their contact info and it kills me to pass over them after they've been picked because I had no way to reach out to tell them they'd won. So I have to move on to the next person. Also, you may post ONE comment to enter. Remember that anyone who posts two comments will automatically be disqualified. 

You have to admit these threads sure are lovely with that silky finish. The winner will receive these 3 spools of Mettler SILK-FINISH COTTON 40 in the colors shown.  

Good luck!  Check back after Friday, January 17 to see if you won.