Sunday, December 8, 2024

Christmas and Tiny Trees

Have you made any little trees yet? Everyone seems to be making these. Large or small, it's the perfect seasonal quilt project. My pattern is especially tiny  -  each tree is only 2" x 4" finished. 

My Facebook group has inspired me to get a few more trees finished this year. Each December I bring them out and add a few to the pile.  Then I decide to use some to make a couple of gifts or small projects. Before I know it I've used up the ones I just made and I'm back to where I started. This season is going by too fast! I need to keep going so I can have a larger tree quilt someday . . . .

There's a free paper-pieced pattern in Files in my Facebook group and there's also one on my website. There's another one using flying geese if paper piecing is not your thing.

"It's coming on Christmas, I'm cutting up trees . . . "   

Sew three trees together and add borders. 

Merry Making!


  1. Replies
    1. I agree. I wondered onto this site and I am going to bookmark it.

  2. Oh those sweet trees 🌲 ❤️

  3. Thank you Kathy I love these little trees so versatile. Great project for using up scraps

  4. So adorable. I've been watching them pop up on Facebook, and if I weren't tied up with two other Christmas projects (why yes, it IS less than 2 weeks now...) I'd be all over them.

  5. I made my first one. Took a sample and watching the video to get it right. Now to start assembly line sewing and get at least the top finished before Christmas. Need to get the add a quarter ruler. Would make it easier than usinga larger ruler and measuring. Thank you for the pattern.

  6. That Add a quarter inch ruler was a life saver for me when i learned how to paper piece.
