Thursday, April 11, 2024

Blog Trouble

Just wanted to let all of you who have subscribed to email updates know that when I write a new blog post you probably will not be getting any email notifications. The Mail Chimp service which is supposed to send out the emails to you is not working out. Time after time they do not send out the emails to let you know there is a new blog post from me. This has been happening for awhile and is disappointing to say the least. I have a few thousand followers and I use the blog more for quilting information than advertising. Most of these services are set up for marketing or advertising products. I refuse to pay $200 or more per month for them or another service to do this for me. Not exactly cost effective for me.

Clearly, I cannot send out thousands of emails myself every time I write a post. So, sorry to say - you are on your own. All of you will have to find or bookmark my blog and check every now and then if you want to read all of the IMPORTANT and INCREDIBLE things I have to say, haha. Then, eventually, it will probably fade away because everyone will forget. I enjoy blogging when I have time and something to say or just want to let you know about any quilting info. It's definitely an end to an era. Nobody really blogs anymore anyway. Glad I have been able to connect with some of you for so long. Thanks for the support! 

I'll still be quilting, possibly blogging about it. You can always find me on Instagram or my FB group if you get desperate. 


  1. Love your first block, it's the fabrics that make it! Love reading your blog.
    I still have quite a few that blog most every day and look forward to reading them.

  2. There are a lot of bloggers still posting. I use Feedly to follow all the blogs I like. I enjoy your posts and get a lot of inspiration from them so I’ll be continuing to follow and enjoy when you do post!

  3. I read your blog using the RSS reader Feedly, which is free for up to 100 blog subscriptions. It’s available as a website and also has iOS and Android apps. It tracks which posts you’ve read, and shows you all the new posts on all your blogs in one place. As long as your blog is compatible with RSS, it will work. I recommend it.

    I do enjoy your blog, and I don’t use Instagram, so I hope you’ll keep blogging. Dot in NC

  4. Dot - I still do use an RSS feed. but I don't think many subscribe to that alone. My problem is the thousands who signed up for email notifications through my blog with Mail chimp. They will not longer be getting notifications anymore. Sigh. So I imagine I will lose quite a few followers unless I start paying $$ each month. Maybe I should start charging everyone a fee to read it LOL.

  5. I also follow you with Feedly. I highly recommend it to your email followers.

  6. You could offer as an option for your readers to receive emails about new blog posts. It is free. I don't know if there's a way to retrieve all the emails from mail chimp and add them in, though. You may have to depend on the readers themselves to realize they're not getting email updates of your posts.
    I use feedly and read your posts there.
    The first block in your post is gorgeous! I like how you've made it scrappy, with the four different greens but used the blacks consistently and use the same fabrics for each side of the four geese.
    I hope you can figure out the reader/mail problem.

  7. I subscribe to quite a few blogs. One suggestion might be, what another quilter does….anytime she has a blog update, she posts a link to her blog from her Facebook page. That seems to work out great and anyone following your FB page will see you have a blog post. Just a thought.

  8. I have enjoyed you blog for so many years, but I get it,, enjoy your quilting , it is fabulous..
    Thank you for being there for so long..

  9. love your blog, I'll keep looking for you and I do follow you on FB and Insta
    Robyn Sydney Australia

  10. Kathleen,
    I got the notice in my email about an hour ago that was received from mailchimpapp regarding your blog post, it took a couple of days but it did arrive. I think maybe with more than just a few thousand followers, it is taking time for all of the emails to go out.

    MaryAnn in Oregon

  11. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions! I will be patient and see if I can figure out what to do going forward.

  12. You have a beautiful blog, and it is a joy to read it!

    I follow you through Bloglovin, which sends out a post every day with new posts from those blogs that I follow. If you didn't already know, you have 1927 followers (including me) just through Bloglovin!

  13. I really enjoy your blog and am not on other social media. I hope you continue to write even occasionally because you have such pretty things to share and encouraging things to say. I enjoy your style and hope that you will be able to get beyond the technology issues. Quilting is really way more fun!:-) K-

  14. I am a lucky one, I still get an email letting me know when you post a new blog:)

  15. This email was in my junk section - first time ever! So it is unjunked and hopefully I'll continue to get them. Many thanks for them too! I do enjoy.

  16. I love to read your blog and I always get the mail wherein your post is announced, but blogspot is not always working. So if I click on the link in the mail I sometimes get to see the "domain of blogspot isn't there" anymore. This is very confusing, because some days later it's working again, surprisingly but to my satisfaction. Three days I could not read the post I'm reacting on and today all of a sudden I can! I do follow you on Insta too, but I still like your blog, thank you!

  17. A few of the blogs I follow,I have to pull up through my management blogs list,one way or the other I'll get in 🤣 beautiful colors for the quilt block


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