Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Quilt Show in the Garden

Last weekend I attended the Fine Art of Fiber show at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Lots and lots of pretty quilts in a beautiful garden setting. I've missed going the past couple of years because of the pandemic. Haven't been to any quilt shows for a looong time so this was fun.

The quilting on this one intrigued me.


The quilts on display were mostly modern designs but I came home with this antique/vintage one. I've always had a plan to reproduce this block someday. And now it's done for me! 

The day was a bit dreary and overcast but the bright and lively quilts inside provided a lovely balance. 

This tree sparkled! 


  1. I like the one you came home with 💕 And what a beautiful venue, especially this time of year.

  2. Thank you Kathy. Ive never come across the block on the pink vintage quilt. It’s very interesting.
    Liz L

  3. I had such a good time going there with you and Marian! It looks like it's as good as ever, thanks for sharing your fun day.

  4. What a lovely setting and such a beautiful collection of quilts. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Always so inspiring to visit a quilt show. I am always full of ideas when I get home, I hope you had the same. Love the tree, so pretty in fall colors.


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