Thursday, September 1, 2016

September at Last

At my age I should not be asking for time to fly by fast but I am so ready for September and cool, cool weather. My garden has gone from bad to worse. If it's not hot hot hot here then it's raining. And my allergies are awful so I have not felt like spending time tending to anything in the front or backyard. Sad, but I'd rather be at the Chicago Botanic Garden, walking and taking in the fresh air and nicely groomed gardens there. 


Guess my other excuse for not gardening is I've been busy quilting. I've still got two more quilts to hand quilt for my Papa's Shirts & Mama's Dresses doll quilt club.  You've already seen pattern # 1 from the club - 

Cherry Baskets 

Here's the quilt I designed for August - Pattern # 2 - Laundry Day.  

Don't you love it? Sue Bennett made this one (I picked the fabrics, she sewed). She even made a matching pincushion! Love to see quilters having fun with my patterns.

(Cute pincushion displayed with a few of the flowers that actually made it through the summer in my garden . . . .) 

Hope some of you are enjoying these little quilts. I know you are thinking -  Whaaaat? They're so-light colored. Where are the dark reproduction fabrics?? That's because the first two were from the hot hot days of summer (July and August) and if you look hard enough, the reproductions prints are still there, they're just lighter ones mixed with some of my favorite shirtings (lights). Don't worry -  the quilts in this club series get progressively darker as the seasons move along. (September's quilt has lots of reds and blue. And applique! October's quilt has some brown in it. . . . )  You can purchase the doll quilt club patterns here.

*   *   * 

I'm also working on finishing up a quilt for our small quilt group(s) challenge - which is to make a Blue & White quilt. (You'll get a real kick out of mine and I know some of you will want to make one for yourself. Maybe I'll make up a pattern.) We'll have an online show of the quilts on September 16. I've finished the top and still have to quilt it. These challenges are really a lot of fun. This time you can pick your own block or pattern and make it in blue and white. Simple is fine (sometimes better).  We had a great turnout for the Red & White show last December. Hope some of you will join us again. 

You've got 2 weeks - grab some blue and white fabric and go make something . . . . 


  1. Kathy if that is your garden at its worse, I will take it. Love those flowers and you make the quilts want to jump off the page. Love how you displayed the little pincushion.

  2. I love your little quilts. Can these be made with fat quarters ? I enjoy very much reading your blog. Thank you, Pam

  3. Pamela - Yes! My small quilts are easy to make with fat quarters, if you have enough of them that are different colors and prints to give them a nice scrappy look.

  4. Sue - Thanks, but that little spot where I put the small chair was probably the BEST little spot in the whole garden and where no flowers have died, LOL. All the other pics except for Laundry Day were taken at that other garden. There's always next year . . .

  5. Kathy, sad to say but my garden probably looks a lot like yours, except for my Brown Eyed Susan's and Sedums everything else just got tired fight all this heat. Such a cute pin cushion Sue, I love that little quilt and look forward to making it one day.

  6. Love those pictures on your walks! I was thinking exactly what Sue said about your garden LOL. Mine is not good at all with this heat either. Love the pictures of Laundry Day and the matching pincushion. I love the temps outside today, I hope for a very long Autumn:)

  7. I decided a long time ago that I could have a nice garden or I could quilt. I can't do both. I chose the A/C and quilting.

  8. I just got back in my garden after a hot and muggy spell, we have been without any significant rain all summer, I believe southern Maine is about 7 inches behind in rainfall, very dry, wish you could send a little of the rain this way.

    Love all your little quilts, they are such a great way for me to use up my repro scraps and the fat quarters I collect from shop hops.

  9. Make it SNOW! My local weatherman has reported that this is the second hottest summer on record, second only to 1872, which had even more 90° days in Concord, New Hampshire. So much for global warming, LOL!

    Love your refreshing photos and the eye candy doll quilts, thanks!


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