Friday, September 23, 2016

And Many More

Thank you for all the kind birthday wishes! Thought you would enjoy seeing  a couple of my presents. Stop right here if you are sick and tired of hearing about my birthday. (Not my fault. Sue -  you're the one who started this and let the cat out of the bag! LOL)

I needed a new pair of scissors. I received two! My daughter also bought the little dish and polka dot case in one of my favorite colors.

(Quilt: Papa's Shirts, Mama's Dresses Doll Quilt Club )

Sue B. gave me some beautiful antique quilt blocks. 

She has a set of blocks as well and we are going to put them together and make matching quilts  : ) 

You may remember that my daughter gave me a little "birdie" dish last year too. 

Perfect for pins.

I love pretty little ceramic dishes for my sewing bits and bobs and rings and earrings and such. 

Karen gave me a mini blue and white quilt patterned after the blue and white quilt she made for her challenge -

I got a real kick out of this tiny book my son bought for me as a joke - taken from an actual book on manners for wives published in 1913.  

Lots of good tips on how I can be a better wife (if he can possibly imagine a better wife, haha) - 

Honestly, I NEVER tell him about or bore him with the dreadful crimes our servants have committed during the day.  Wouldn't dream of it.

Where am I all the time?? The older I get, the harder it is to tell some days . . . .

My husband made me promise I would sit by the fire with him and sing to him every night. He said he would absolutely LOVE that . . . .

Julia made me a pretty blue necklace.

I got the mini Keurig I wanted.

All in all it was a good day. And, if you are rolling your eyes about now, I promise I will NOT mention my birthday ever again. Matter of fact, I might not even have one next year . . . 


  1. That was very cute Kathy, love the gifts and the book is hysterical!

  2. That was great!! LOL I want a copy of that book. I'm 79 and that's the way we were supposed to behave ... LOL I never did!! I was a bit like Donna Reed and Father Knows Best in the beginning ... but then I started laughing! Thanks so much for sharing and you can do that everyday, should you choose!!

  3. Now that book is too funny. But we wanted to show you how special you are to us. Glad you had a special day. We a few days.

  4. Happy happy HAPPY birthday! It is wonderful to be cherished!

  5. Kathy, I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. And I really enjoyed hearing about the gifts you received!

  6. Loved hearing more about your birthday and seeing all the lovely gifts. The antique quilt blocks are so wonderful. And I'm completely smitten with the doll quilt under your 2 scissors!

  7. Kathy, That book is a hoot!! I love all your gifts. Such thoughtful ones. I love it when someone takes the time to really think about what a persin would enjoy. And by the looks of things, you will get a lot of enjoyment from these.
    Thanks for sharing......

  8. Fearless Leader as nice as your birthday turned out with waking up that day, my favorite, and a plethora of delightful quilts in our favorite extra personal gifts that make everyone smile you may have not been made aware of what Christmas time children do for birthdays...

    Beethoven and I share December 16 with a few years between us. I got so tired of answering the question "why is your name Merry Jane because you were born so close to Chtistmas! No because my mom was Mary and she said I was a happy baby.....then never used it except go make school enrollment difficult. Having a birthday 9 days before Chrsitmas kinda seemed a cheat. Everybody else seemed to have more and bigger gifts....and my whole gift year was 9 day span. So my mom said if I wanted I could have a "half Birthday" !!!! And people wonder where my creative brain came from. So June 16th is my official Half Birthday....cake and Ice Cream and any gifts I can finagle. Mostly I gift myself but that isn't because I don't have loving nieces and nephs and their kids and so on.....

    So I think you should think about a Half Birthday in March. You can vote just what you want to do although if it's as "crisp" and as Chicago could be maybe a nice Quilters cruise in the Caribbean might be nice. Hey you could bring everyone from SQT with.....hooting in background.....they say there are special Companion Bear rates..

    Glad you had a special birthday. Let's do it again next year!


  9. This year my birthday celebrations started a week before and continued for another three weeks, it was lovely! I'm sure yours is far from over :))never say never lol!
    Love all your sweet pressies :))

  10. Loved all you gifts Kathy and looks like you id too:) I don't think we get tired of hearing about your birthday, birthday's are our special days and you have certainly been special to our group.

  11. Loved this post! Looks like you had a great birthday...and I wish you many, many more!!
    Sandra B

  12. Thank you for sharing your lovely birthday! The coffee cup quilt is sweet - Do you have a pattern source for it?

  13. Yes, there will be a pattern available for the coffee cups quilt as soon as I finish it. -K

  14. Hi, I just found your blog after ordering 2 of your books ($5 each) from your publisher, Martingale. sells books from $3.59. I've ordered many, many books from them, including quilt books.

    Just wanted you to know, I'm buying, I'm just not paying full retail.


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