Monday, June 20, 2016

NEW Doll Quilt Club

Join the Club! Those of you who love making small quilts and working with scraps of fabric, particularly reproduction prints, will be happy to know I am offering a NEW doll quilt club beginning in July.

The club is called Papa's Shirts & Mama's Dresses and will feature monthly patterns for five little quilts using your favorite reproduction fabric scraps. Years ago, doll quilts made for and by children were often sewn from leftover scraps of Mama's dresses and Papa's old shirts.

When you sign up to become a member of the club, every month, for five months (July through November 2016), you'll receive a pattern "booklet" for a simple little doll quilt. The quilts will have an old-fashioned look like doll quilts from long ago that we all love so much. The full-color booklets will include photos, pattern instructions, tips and other little interesting tidbits.  (NOTE: Patterns will not be sold individually. You must join the club to get all five.)

Making small quilts from your scrap basket -  what could be more fun?

Get your fabric scraps ready!

The first pattern will mail mid-July. This is guaranteed to be something to keep you busy while we're waiting for my new book to arrive sometime in December . . . .

      Order your membership in my club here.

The new club will be similar to the American Schoolgirl doll quilt pattern club I created a few years ago but with different quilts, of course. These are all new patterns, none taken from my published books or previous patterns. Here's a sampling of the quilts from that other club - 

Can you tell I'm very excited about this? I've wanted to do another doll quilt club for a long time. Along with this club and the patterns for 16 little quilts coming in the new book you can say I'm even more devoted to doll quilts than I ever was before. I hope some of you will be too!


  1. Kathy, what a great way to pass the time until your next book is published!

  2. Kathy, what a great way to pass the time until your next book is published!

  3. Oh Kathy, i'm so excited about your Doll Quilt Club, i can't wait to sign up!! I loved your American Schoolgirl club and i've been hoping you would do something like it again.. YAY!!!

  4. Kathy, how exciting!!! A new club. Now I know what you have been up to!! I just ordered mine!! Can't wait to get the first one!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello Kathy... I m from Malaysia, can i join the club? Can u post it to Malaysia for me?

  7. JB - Yes, when you place your order on my website it will calculate the shipping cost for you for all five months and then add it to your total price. -Kathy

  8. Love your little schoolhouse club years ago, i was a member from the first day, try to get this one also.

  9. Love your patterns and can't wait to get started!


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