Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Pattern Giveaway

This seems to be a month for making little nine-patch quilts. It's the July challenge for my Yahoo and Facebook small quilt groups and of course anyone else who cares to join in. I know some of you are making or have already made one. I started one myself based upon a pattern from the Little Quilts book Celebrate with Little Quilts  but have not quilted it yet. Family stuff and other things like cleaning up my messy sewing space got in the way. But July's not over and I will definitely finish it soon. Here's a peek at my quilt so far. Don't have too much left to do. 

Because I love a simple nine-patch block more than anything, I've made a few other other small quilts with this block. So, to encourage you to make your own nine-patch quilt, I am giving away 2 FREE patterns to 2 lucky winners for my sweet Eliza Jane's doll quilt. Yes, whaddya know - it's a pattern booklet for a little nine-patch quilt  that was part of a small quilt club  - The American Schoolgirl Club - I created a few years ago. The pattern includes a little bit of fun historical information about doll quilts from the past.

Here's the deal to win - All you have to do is post a comment here on my blog about what it is you love about making little quilts or tell me how you display yours. Over the weekend I will randomly select the TWO winners of the free pattern and announce them here on my blog on Sunday or Monday. International friends are welcome to join in too. Even if you already own this pattern, feel free to enter the giveaway so you can give it to a friend. 

This club was a lot of fun and I am actually thinking of starting another club because I know many of you enjoyed doing that one. We'll see. 

So, here's your chance. Enter to win a pattern and even if you don't love small quilts yet, making this one just might change your mind. Only enter your name once, please. If you post 2 comments in order to increase your chances of winning you will be automatically disqualified. Make sure you come back to the blog on Monday to see if you've won. I'll ask the winners to send me e-mails with their addresses after I announce them.

Good luck! Tell your friends. Share the love.


Laura said...

I am loving your blog, small quilt group and Facebook page. I always liked small quilts, but never made any. The other day I was trying out a new ruler I bought and made sample blocks. They came out fine and I decided to make a small quilt with them. Thank you for the encouragement. I would never have done that before! Thanks for the chance to win one of your patterns. Laura

JMinKS said...

I've fallen in love with small charming, easy to display and so much fun to share with others. I recently rediscovered a doll bed that had been tucked away several years ago. It was made by my grandfather, crafted of walnut harvested from his farm and it is close to 60 years old. I've cleaned it up & rejuvenated the wood. I can't wait to make a nine patch quilt to put on it!

mimi'sdarlins said...

Thanks for the sweet giveaway! I've enjoyed your books and have made several of your little quilts and other projects. I am creating a wall of doll and mini quilts in my home. I always have several in process and love little quilts because I know I will always finish them :)

Unknown said...

I display a small quilt with each of my historical American Girl dolls

Kathryn said...

I often display little quilts on the table in my foyer or on my grandmother's treadle machine in my family room. Love them.

Leona said...

Thank these little quilts. I'm hooked!
Leona Dykes

Patticakes Patricia Mishler Handmade said...

I love your Facebook posts , blog and patterns! I have big plans for small quilts!

Robin McGuire said...

I have lots of small quilts and display them on walls, tables, over the back of chairs, etc. I make big quilts, too, but the small ones are mostly for me! There's something about the almost immediate gratification of small quilts that I love. I'm working on 2 nine patch quilts this month but would love to add Eliza Jane's pattern to my collection! Thanks, Kathy!

Ann in PA said...

Kathy, Your little nine patch pattern is darling! (the added historical information is a favorite-history & antique photos are what drew me to your books) The fabric and colors give it a vintage look, which I love. Small quilts are my favorites because they are finished lickety-split, make wonderful table toppers & wall hangings, and I can change them out with the seasons. Thank you for a great giveaway!

Renee Welton in MI said...

I just love small quilts, I use them on my walls, on my dining room table, on my side tables and just in a pretty stack! I have admired this pattern for quite some, thank you for the opportunity to win it!

Debby said...

I love little quilts. I plan to create a display wall when I get a few more done. Thanks for the pattern giveaway.

Kristy said...

What do I love about making small quilts and how do I display them? I could write a book, but in an effort to be brief. I love making the quilts because they are manageable and they are loved by so many. You can touch one life with one huge quilt, or you can touch many lives with many small quilts. The recipient's eyes light up, young and old alike, when they receive a special little quilt just for them. Display possibilities are endless....I rather like on those small doll beds, like the one your friend makes and sells. I have some small quilt racks as well that work perfectly. You can frame them or use them as table toppers. So many lovely possibilities. Simple patterns in gorgeous fabrics make a huge impact. Your patterns are absolute perfection for filling this desire! Thanks! Kristy soardkgatfusedotnet

Heartsdesire said...

Little quilts have always been my passion. They're how I learned to quilt some 20 years ago using Little Quilt patterns and their books. And above all, the nine-patch has been my favourite. I usually display them on a wall, but lately, I've been rolling them up and putting them into a large stoneware pot on my hearth. Would love to see you start another club, and I know they take a lot of work, but a new pattern every month is very enjoyable. Hope to see your little nine-patch finish soon. It already is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Kathy, if it weren't for you I would never have tried making a small quilt even though I already had several books with patterns for them. It was discovering your Smallquilttalk list and then buying all 4 of your books that have all the historical information in them that really took hold of my heart. Now if one of your books can tell us how to get more time in our lives for ourselves to make these little quilts, that would be the frosting on the cake so to speak, lol! I love the small quilts b/c I can easily hang them from an old hanger in my kitchen, switch them out as the mood directs, and enjoy them every day. Your smallquilttalk list is THE BEST! Thank you for all you do for us!
Carol in Mid-Mich :) and.... Bad Dog (Arf!)

sue bennett said...

I display my quilts on the wall up my stairs, on dresser tops, on the back of chairs, on antique trunks. You can't have to many. I like the doll quilts as it is like putting together a puzzle. Each piece is cut just right and placed in the proper place.. And believe it or not I do not own this pattern..

Jennifer M said...

My love for small quilts began when I first found your first book American Doll Quilts. I loved the history and pictures that went with the little quilts in your book, I was hooked! I have a large family and generally have made quilts for them over the years. Rarely any for myself. When I came across American Doll Quilts, I knew it was just right for me. History, beautiful Civil War Reproduction fabrics (always been a favorite) and they are doable for me. Also, so easy to display throughout my home. These little treasure have become a special time for me to make something for myself. I have also gained many talented, inspiring friends on our group and FB. Small Quilt Talk group and facebook page are my favorite reads of my day thanks to you. Thank you for the chance on such a sweet little pattern Kathy: ))

Karleen said...

Love making small quilts and have done some of yours. Thanks for a chance to win one of your patterns.

cocotte said...

J adore vos minis et particulièrement celui
Là merci de me donber la chance de gagner

marie said...

Small quilts are more manageable with limited time. I love displaying them here and there, odd places and on the coffee table. They just make the house look homey.

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

I love making small doll quilts. Small cute Projects that won't take years to finish. I display the quilts on my two treadle machines or we simply use them as mg rugs or plate mates.
It is a lovely give away and like the quilters before me I too would love to be the Lucky Winner :-).

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh what sweet little 9-patches! I like the almost instant gratification of making something for my home that comes with making little quilts. I love to display them on end tables, skinny walls and any where I can! I want to get a big basket and roll all of my minis not on display in it for a little accent in my living room. Thanks for the fun!

jane nj/wi said...

Two one for me and one for some other truly lucky quilter. I am thoroughly enjoying the 9-patch attention on group. Always loved them. I use scraps to make more and stuff in a plastic shoebox ready to play. Thanks for your contest and am interested in what. Comes of restarting a club.....when will your pup have time to go on walks with you?

Jane Modjeski,I

Anonymous said...

Well the first thing I learned in making small quilts is that they take much more time than I thought to get done. Small doesn't necessarily mean quick, but it sure means cute! I haven't yet but I envision hanging a laundry line above my washer and dryer in the hall closet and hanging these little quilts up to cheer me on when doing laundry. Grandma Rita

tpott said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway! I've only made a few small quilts as gifts and a couple for home. I usually have them under a candle or vase. It's great for a pop of color, or to use colors out of my comfort zone. ;-> Toni Anne

Unknown said...

I love small quilts and I LOVE 9 patches. I display my small quilts in a cradle that was made by my great grandfather for me when I was a child to use with my dolls. I also love your blog and your books. You inspire me! Thanks!

Linda Lee said...

I fell in love with small quilts when I discovered Kathy in cyberspace and have been a fan ever since. I would never attempt to hand piece and hand quilt a full size quilt but with Kathy's books and patterns it gives me the chance to play with the big girls.
I don't have a care in the world when I have my reproduction fabrics and a pattern in front of me. It's my time for me.

Mary said...

Little quilts are so fun. I use them on side tables, hang them, stack them, roll them up in baskets, play with them with my granddaughters. I have one very scrappy one that we pretend is a box of candy; we have lots of fun naming the different kinds and choosing our favorites. I can't get along without little quilts - they are a necessary part of life! And of course I love making them!

Carolyn Boutilier said...

I am a doll collector, some are antiques and these little quilts go perfect with my dolls. I loved your wooden beds and ordered one from your friend last Christmas. After Christmas, I made some bedding for the bed and a doll quilt with stars. Long before I knew about this small yahoo quilt group I was fascinated with your doll quilt books. I had bought 2 and since have acquired the other two books. the first doll quilt I made is the Hexagon Flowers Doll quilt. My local quilt shop was offering a free class on English piecing. I was so enthused about making these hexies I made the Hexagon Quilt. I would love to have this 9 patch pattern as I have been admiring it since you showed it on your blog.
thank you.
Carolyn B

Danette said...

I love small quilts because they are so much easier to quilt on my sewing machine. I've made numerous placemats before Everyone seems to like them because they are useful. I need more tablerunners so this would be great to win. So cute! thank you,

Anonymous said...

I love mini quilts because of the quick result and I can shop my stash for the right fabrics! Ellen Remijnse

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and all the little quilts. I hope you do another club - it would be such fun. Hope I win so I can share the 9-patches.

Barbara Cissne

Laurel said...

I have been blessed with 7 granddaughters. I have loved making them small quilts for their dolls. I often make a small quilt from the leftovers of a big quilt that I have made for them. We all love quilts and now the oldest ones have started piecing together quilts of their own making. That is how I learned about quilts, from my grandmother who patiently let her granddaughters hand piece with her.

Bethanaann said...

I enjoy making little quilts, I started to make them for my mom's room at a nursing home. I inherited her little rocking horse and her rocking chair from her childhood and I display my little quilts on those items

Joan said...

I love little quilts. Yours is so sweet. Thank you for the chance to win.

Jocelyn said...

I love little quilts. They are instant gratification :-) I display them on my tables, over the sofa and on the walls. This booklet looks awesome. Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

This would be awesome to win! Ninepatch is my email name! I've made several ninepatch quilts and mini's. Love, love my ninepatch! Thanks for the opportunity! Laura V.

BobbiG said...

Love little quilts. Easy to learn new things. Hang on my wall in my sewing room.

Anonymous said...

What I love about my little quilts for preemies are that I have handsewn them all. Every little stitch is a prayer for that baby, its doctors, its family , its precious life. I don't sew as fast as some sure but my one quilt counts.
mindingmomma at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I love small quilts. Fun to make and almost instant gratification. I vote yes for your new club idea. Thanks for the chance to win.
Paula P

Unknown said...

How do I display my small quilts? Let me list the ways--draped over cabinet doors & doll cradles, rolled up and display in a basket for the grandkids to play with, and the tiniest ones are framed. That is the beauty of small quilts. They're so versatile!

els said...

I have never made a doll quilt yet, but I would like to try one. Your little quilts are very charming and the booklet looks lovely. One of these days I'll start a cute little 9-patch!

Jackie said...

Love following your blog. I have made a few small quilts and really enjoyed the process. I love changing them up for the seasons and am looking for a small doll crib so I can make quilts for it as well.

Lillian Carol said...

I love small quilts and have admired this pattern on your blog for some time. I would love to give this one a try. Thanks so much for the chance to own this small quilt pattern!

Anonymous said...

Love all your Small Quilts, but my favorite are the Log Cabin. You such a nice job with your blog, Facebook, & Yahoo I don't know how you keep up. And your photos are so neat with lots of little sewing bits. so glad I found you and got to meet you too.

Linda in IN

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Love small quilts! Recently purchased Lisa Bonegan's Itty Bitty rulers and they are the best. Small quilts require more accuracy in quilting and can be unforgiving--still love them!

kmcallister said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I love little quilts because you have a finished project in a short amount of time. Love your patterns.

Karen said...

I love using up old scraps to make small quilts for my 7 year old daughter and her dolls. She helps me make them, too, so is learning about shapes, measuring, rulers, color, etc. It makes for a satisfying, quick finish, rather than large quilts which I tend not to finish. I also like to just hang them on the walls.

Kathy L. said...

This is so pretty. I love your small quilts, only made one so far. Hope to get more small quilt patterns to do these. This one is so pretty. I like the small quilts because there are so many ways to display.


karen said...

Making doll quilts is so satisfying! Quick - well sometimes, but most get finished and I love to give them as gifts!

Deb aka SilentCrazyStars... said...

Hi there !! I love to make small quilts and every month, I like to put small quilt on my dining table along with holiday (display)arrangements on it. This month, I had a small quilt and I put my "Old Glory" Angel sitting on a small twig chair along with flowers in a blue old mason jar. It's simple and pretty. I like to change different small quilts on my table. My family love to see what it is on my table.

I enjoy reading your blogs. You are very talent with anything and love the colors that you pick for your small quilts. Tell a big hello to your furbabies!! They are darn cute!!

Have a great day ! SilentCrazyStars aka Deb.. <3

Anonymous said...

I really like making small quilts because 1) I can finish them within a week or two, 2) I can quilt them myself, 3) I can afford them, 4) I can hang them all over the place.
LeeAnne B.

sunny said...

I love everything about small quilts! I can try new patterns and new techniques without committing myself to a huge project. Thanks for a chance to win!

Caroline said...

I love all kind of small quilts. Maybe i have a chance. Caro

Sue SA said...

Whats not to love about mini quilts, they are fun, quick and you get to enjoy them every day, all day, as I have them displayed (hung and rolled in baskets) in the living areas of our house. I also love to use scraps and because you need so little fabric I can use up old favorite scraps or steal a few inches from the newly purchased pile!

Sandy said...

I love small quilts and maybe it is the little girl that lives in all of us. My nephew just picked a beautiful solid oak cradle out of the dump because the bottom was broken. He fixed the broken board and brought it to me and this would be the perfect opportunity to make bedding for this beautiful trash to treasure piece that I will give to my granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

I love small quilts to display with my dolls and cradles, my toy sewing machines and bears. I have all your books and love them. I love to hand quilt them.

Christine Gibbons

Amy Jepson said...

To begin with, I started making small quilts to have the satisfaction of completing a quilt in a day or so. I love the chance to experiment with pattern, fabrics, and colors that I might not otherwise try. They also give the much needed practice of bindings! My favorite way to display my minis? In a cradle my grandpa make me when I was born.......and on a wreath on the front door. Thanks you, fingers crossed! Amy

Clare said...

Your blog is one of my favourite blogs. I also have a few of your books. I like reading the history of of any quilt but little doll quilts sounds interesting too. Love to stitch together little pieces of fabric to see what the blocks will come together,so cute. Happy Stitching.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win a free pattern with nine patches! I love nine patch quilts! I also am making miniature quilts for my sewing room wall and this pattern would feel right at home!

Sharon said...

When I first started quilting, I made miniature and small quilts. Just because I loved them...the size, the handwork, the patterns.... Then I started making larger lap, throw and bed-size quilts. Everyone has told me I did this backwards, that you learn by making big quilts first and then use the scraps to make smaller quilts. I just love all things small and since I began sewing many years ago for my Barbie doll, miniature quilts didn't seem all that small to me. So I still make miniature quilts and that will always be my first love in the quilting world. I never knew about your American Schoolgirl Club, but wish I had. And if you resurrect it, I will become one of your members, for certain. Thank you for this nice giveaway. Someone will surely enjoy your booklet.

Material Girl said...

I love mini quilts and small quilts- such a challenge to piece! Would love this pattern so I don't have to try to figure it out!

Lynn S said...

I display my little quilts several ways--as wall hangings, as center pieces for my family table, and as a little doll quilt on a doll bed for my grand-daughter. Thanks for all the tips and ideas you share with us!

skpitt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
skpitt said...

I love the *almost* instant gratification that comes from making a small quilt. Small quilts pack a lot of character in a small package!

scottylover said...

I haven't made a mini quilt yet, but would love to learn how! Your pattern sounds like one I could handle. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sandy A

the girlfriend gap said...

I like to decorate with little quits. Thanks for a chance to win. Janita

Unknown said...

I would like to learn how to make a small quilt, as I fabric left from my civil war quilts I have made in the past.I recently aquired a small doll cradle that was my mother's and would love to put a small quilt in the cradle.

Jeanne said...

I have several of my little quilts displayed on a ladder that is about five feet tall. The quilts fit nicely on the rungs.

Barbara Black said...

I love small quilts because I can try a quick pattern or certain colors and get the quilt done!

Rilene said...

What I love most about little quilts is how fast they are to finish.
Secondly, I love that the fabric doesn't cost an arm and a leg!

Jean Belle said...

I've only been making little quilts for a few years, but am really enjoying them. I can try out a pattern or new technique and have creative some fun, and it's way less work than making a bed sized quilt - and much easier to store! I like to change them out every month or so to keep the house festive.

Jan Horn said...

I love little quilts. They're something I can finish and move on to another one. I have a wall of quilts in my bedroom so every morning when I wake up I can enjoy my handywork. My husband is my biggest critic. He brags to all our friends about my work.

Minnie bea said...

I have always been captivated by the beauty of little quilts, doll quilts and miniature quilts. They are fun to make, easy to decorate with and easy to change from time to time! I have two granddaughters and have made them doll quilts for each on their birthdays which they love playing with but I hope I instill in them a love of quilts and some heirlooms along the way.

Linda T said...

The best part of making small quilts is that they actually get done. Sometimes I hang them on the wall, put them on a table or hang on a small quilt stand.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I love your blog, books and the small quilt group. All have inspired me. Thank you for a chance to win one of your patterns. I would be honored to be one of the winners.

Unknown said...

I love your blog, books and the small quilt group. All have inspired me. Thank you for a chance to win one of your patterns. I would be honored to be one of the winners.

Aunt TC said...

I like little quilts because they can be made quicker than a full sized quilt yet they remind me of all the quilters who have made quilts or are currently making them. Also, it's easier to find a soace to sisplay little quilts and they're nice to donate to my quilting guild for a raffle. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book with pattern.

Unknown said...

I love your blog, your page Facebook, your books and the small quilt group !
I would like to win one of your pattern.
It is very well to do these small quilts
Thank you for all you do

Kleine Vingers said...

Just love the little ninepatch quilts you have made. And when I see them I want to start making one immediately. But somehow I never do, I make big quilts that I can cover a bed with or sleep under, or very small quilts for in a dollshouse. But one day I will make such a lovely little doll quilt...

Vickie said...

Little quilts are so fun to make and they warm the heart. So much versatility with mini quilts for display.

Lee said...

I'm so glad I found your blog and all of your lovely creations! I've always admired little quilts and would love the chance to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Little quilts are so much fun to decorate with because they are so charming. I roll some up to fill a crock, and some I place underneath pieces of my ironstone. They are very addicting to make as well!

I so appreciate all the inspiration I get from your blog and the Facebook group.

moosecraft said...

Whew! Blogger finally got the feed to your blog back into update mode a couple of weeks ago! Yay! :-) What I enjoy most about small quilts is that you can have a beautiful quilt to display in areas of your home that don't have much space. I'm attracted to so many quilt designs and fabrics.... that I would need a warehouse to display them all in a full size! :-) For displaying, I just tuck one here and there among cabinets and stoneware... and maybe even a few on a line with clothes pins to dress up a wall... ones with seasonal colors or designs get switched around as the season calls for... thank you for the opportunity to win this little pattern booklet! Happy Summer!

judy knorr said...

I have my father's rocking chair he used when he was a child. I always have one of my little quilts folded and hung over the back of the chair.

Susan said...

I love little quilts for many reasons! They add so much charm and beauty to a room. Actually, I think that from a decor standpoint, they add just as much as to a room as a large quilt does. They are so much quicker to make than a large quilt so I tend to actually finish them. And I can easily have little quilts for seasonal changes since they don't take much room to store. What's not to love about little quilts? I'd love to win your booklet and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your new series.

Carla said...

My little quilts are in a doll cradle I purchased just for them. Had to have a place to see the colors of the quilts.

Susan said...

It's hard to beat a nine patch quilt in my opinion! I have old wooden clothes hangers that I use to display my small quilts. Some have clips on them, some are pants hangers, and some of the larger quilts I just fold over the bottom part of the hanger.

Unknown said...

My favorite block is the simple nine patch! I love small quilts and use them all over my house. I place them on tables, chairs and benches and even pin them on my wall!

Anonymous said...

I hang small quilts all over my house have never made one would love to attempt one love your blog.. Gail,

Betsy said...

I really enjoy making small quilts after I've finished a larger one. It's just nice to take a break and work on something small. I decorate the house with them, tucking them here and there to add a bit of color or interest. I also have an antique ice cream crate that holds several on the fireplace. Love your blog, Kathleen!

linny said...

I really enjoy reading your blog & seeing all your minis. I love making minis as you see results quickly & they look great displayed in groups all around the house.

LavenderBlue said...

I always have a doll quilt in the works. My fondness of them began several years ago when I started participating in a charity group that sews them for little girls of very low income families at Christmas time. I have to admit I have kept one of them for myself. ;-) Making the small quilts lets you enjoy making block patterns you might otherwise not include in a full size quilt and loosens your creativity. They are great scrap busters and, lastly, are just SO adorable! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Unknown said...

I have always been intrigued by quilts --especially mini quilts. I always thought one day i'm going to make them all the time. Well that day is here.
My children are all here and I am no longer a caregiver after 14 years for my Mother---I just lost her a few months ago. So now I have all this free time .
Quilts are my passion. I want to hang some on my walls and others on table tops, still others no doubt will go to my family. My other passion is embroidery and would love to do some of that along with the miniture quilts and see how that goes. I love your blog and your books.

Nettie said...

I really love making "little quilts" and table toppers so much! The reason is that I have run out of places to put all my big quilts. I usually sew my mini quilts out of scraps. I have an alcove in my living room with a little wrought iron quilt rack, which displays 12 in square quilts perfectly! I change them seasonally.
I also display my little quilts on a small rocking chair that belonged to my daughter, when she was a child. An old teddy bear sits guard there too.
I love getting ideas from your blog & FB group.
Nettie from Spanish Fork, UT

Nancy said...

Well, the best thing about making a mini is that it is 'fun and done' in a short amount of time. My favorite one is hanging now in the kitchen just as you walk in the doorway. Little bit of wool on cotton and hand quilted. It's a good place actually, away from the cooking area and very noticeable as you walk in the door. It's a small wall next to a pantry so the perfect spot for small quilts!

cityquilter grace said...

i love little quilts because they are nearly instant gratification! you pick up a gorgeous fabric, choose a pattern and voila! it's a quilt....and they look so gorgeous and homey when displayed here and there....

cityquilter grace said...

i love little quilts because they are nearly instant gratification! you pick up a gorgeous fabric, choose a pattern and voila! it's a quilt....and they look so gorgeous and homey when displayed here and there....

Ruth said...

I started making doll quilts when I retrieved my childhood doll bed from my parents' house and wanted to set it up in my bedroom. Then I purchased some doll beds at garage sales and wanted to fix them up to sell. I also have sold many doll quilts from my Etsy shop and given them away to many grand-nieces. Not to mention decorating my home with them. Is it an obsession? Ask my hubby!

Karen said...

I love small quilts because they are quick to finish and are so cute! I have them on table tops on the walls and rolled up in baskets.

Unknown said...

I have a collection of small quilts (mostly Civil War or 30's Reproduction, and enjoy displaying them as table toppers, table runners, on the wall, and in a copper firewood holder, that is an antique. This month I have made two small patriotic quilts, inspired by your blog, and when I get them quilted will post on Facebook. Right now my sewing machine is in the shop, but I hope to pick it up today.
Thanks for the chance to win the pattern!

Sherry B. said...

You always seem to know the right thing to say to remind us to take time for quilting. I fell behind on my June project - it is cut out and waiting to assemble. An haven't started my July project. I let life get in the say - doctor appointments, yard and garden work, and peach harvest. I just finished the last peach processing last night, and am excited to focus on something creative like my June and July mini quilts. I have one of your books, and follow you both on Facebook and Yahoo Group. Sorry I have neglected my creative side of life but I will get back to posting pics soon. Have a great day!

Celeste said...

I enjoy making small quilts to display on a short wall that faces our entry door. I change them every month, some of them have seasonal themes.

Maureen said...

Making a small quilt is a good way to try a new pattern. I am also making doll quilts for my granddaughter, she loves to sit on my lap and watch me sew. I hope to turn her into a quilter one day, she is not quite two now. Would love to win the pattern, and would also be interested if you start another group.

Maureeneh said...

I display my small quilts as wall hangings and as table toppers on small tables.

Unknown said...

I love making little quilts. They are portable and so easy to hand quilt.

Deborah said...

I love making little or tiny quilts cause I live in a little or tiny house. I've made everyone in my family and my friends bed quilts. We have only one bed. I don't need to make big quilts now. So I can still make quilts in tiny form. I hang them on my walls and switch them out with the seasons.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I have little quilts all over the house--on walls, tables, rolled into baskets, etc. I also use one (a less favorite) under my dish rack to absorb the runoff--works great and looks cute!

Patti said...

I like making little quilts because they are fast and there is instant gratification. I have an old maple doll bunk bed from when I was a child where I display little quilts and teddy bears that I make. Thanks for a chance.

Doreen B said...

I love little quilts. Great way to use scraps. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Donna W said...

Little quilts are fun to make and can be used everywhere in the house. They also make fantastic gifts for friends and family.

DebrafromMD said...

I love making little quilts so I can display groupings on the walls of my house. I don't have wall space for large quilts.

linda said...

I have not made a little quilt yet, but I so admire them. I did just make a patchwork binding for a needlework project and really enjoyed the look of that. I do not own a sewing machine but love sewing by hand. I would definitely try one of these.

LuAnn said...

Hi Kathy, I think that the reason I love making little quilts so much is that they can be completed in a relatively short period of time. I have them displayed throughout my house. I have them on the counter, wall and even on the back of my toilet in the bathroom. I have them peeking out of baskets, hanging off shelves and on tables all over my home. I love them! They make my house feel so warm and inviting.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved making little quilts but not particularly perfectly to scale miniature ones so when I found your group I was thrilled. Other quilters who agreed with me! I am an avid doll collector and dolls and little quilts go hand and hand! Love the idea of you starting another club! Anne R

Heather371 said...

I'm very new to doll and mini quilts and yours are so very inspiring. I'm still learning how to quilt and display them and would love to have one of your books.


Gloria said...

I like displaying small quilts on table tops, draped over the side of a table or on my wall. They can be tucked into small places. Thank you for the giveaway!

Louise said...

After having eye surgery I thought my quilting days were over - I just started this summer sewing again and have made two little quilts. Making them gave me such joy.
I like to display my little quilts by hanging them on my shelves to cover my fabric stash - that way the fabric stash is protected from light and I can enjoy the little quilts as my art work.
Love your blog it is so encouraging and inspirational.
Thanks, Louise

Anonymous said...

I love small quilts. They make nice gifts for granddaughters.
I love having them around on the center of my dining room table, on wall quilt racks, laid across the back of the couch, or easy chair.
Thank you for the chance to win.


Denise said...

The best part of making a small quilt is that I can start and finish one in a day, also a great way to use up my scraps......I hang mine on walls or doors to add little splash of color, sometimes I use them on a table.

Kathy H said...

I enjoy making small quilts, probably because they are faster to make and they always look so cute! I display them in a doll bed or use them as a table topper. I have been thinking of putting them on the wall as a grouping too.

Nyla said...

I love small quilts because they are adorable. I am hanging them in my entryway but need some more. I love nine patches and this is a very cute pattern! Looking forward to checking on Monday and seeing my name!

Nyla said...
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Nyla said...
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Mona said...

I love anything miniature--miniature houses, furniture, dolls. And I love fabric, so I adore doll Quilts as well. I display Quilts on tables, but hope to have enough one day for a doll quilt well display.

Unknown said...

I love making small quilts! In my local quilt group, we are doing a challenge this year, where everyone makes a miniature quilt. I ended up googling "miniature quilts" and found the yahoo group Small Quilt Talk. I've been hooked ever since! My "bucket list" goal is to make 50 quilts. Then I got to thinking how and where I would store fifity quilts. This is much less a problem when the quilts are miniature! I've made several small quilts since joining the yahoo group. I love decorating my home with these miniature quilts.

Gayle said...

Small quilts are fun to make because they come with a sense of instant gratification! Right now I have a fun display on my coffee table with about 10 small quilts folded and tucked into a little wooden box - so cute!

Linda said...

I hang my little quilts on the walls or put them on two doll beds I have--one out of twigs and one is an antique cradle my grandfather made my mother when she was little....

Anita said...

I have come to really appreciate small quilts. I have them hanging in my sewing room and on tables throughout the house. Would love to win one of your fabulous patterns.

djtidwell said...

I love little quilts and finding different ways to display them.

VickiT said...

I love the little quilts I keep seeing everywhere. I haven't made one myself yet, but do know they are on my list to do very soon. I have two granddaughters who each have American Girl Dolls and they need little quilts for their dolls. It sounds like these would be perfect. Thank you for the chance to win your patterns.

Karen said...

I would love to win one of the patterns for your Eliza Jane's Doll Quilt! I would also be interested in joining if you do start another club. I love making small quilts because they don't take as long as bigger quilts and they are so adorable! It also gives me opportunities for trying out different fabric combinations. Love your website! Thanks for all you do!

Phyllis Thompson said...

The years pass all too quickly and I must now be content with making little quilts. Just as much fun and often just as sweet, more quilts means more smiles.
Phyllis in Tx

Chris Jensen said...

I am a new quilter but have always loved small quilts. I love to hang my small quilts and because they are small I can hang several. Love your blog and your books are great. Thanks.

Jeanne said...

I love to quilt and my little quilts seem to get the most attention. People are drawn to them when I hang them on the wall or drape them over bookcases, cabinets, or any little space. They add so much with their size. I love this website and visit every day. Jeanne Bird

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I usually display small quilts on top of either coffee table or dining table. Starting a 9 patch today.

Liz Buxton said...

This is a delightful pattern. I do have it already and have used it several times. It makes a charming doll quilt and is very versatile.
Thank you Kathy for giving everyone the chance to win one.
Liz B in England.

Sally said...

I love your small quilt group and your blog. I have an entire wall full of small quilts I've made based your books 9and blocks of the month). I have more scattered around the house and studio. They are so much fun to make. Love anything 9 patch!

Sally said...

I love your small quilt group and your blog. I have an entire wall full of small quilts I've made based your books 9and blocks of the month). I have more scattered around the house and studio. They are so much fun to make. Love anything 9 patch!

Shirley Jewett said...

I recently joined your Facebook page after reading and loving your blog for a long time. I am participating in this month's challenge by making my second small quilt ever in the nine patch pattern. I am almost finished and looking forward to showing it off online. I plan to make another small quilt using next month's pattern. Thanks for letting me join. Regards, Shirley Jewett (

Edna Kidd said...

I love making small quilts and will display as soon as I make a few more...Love your blog..Thanks for the giveaway..

Anonymous said...

I love to make small quilts because I get lots of finishes that way - it is also great to only need a few blocks before you move on to another part of the process.

Love the patterns

Mandy Adams

liz said...

I love to make small quilts cuz they are SMALL and I cam quilt them myself : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,
You were the first person to introduce me to the fun of making small doll quilts. I had never even made a quilt before seeing your first book. I enjoy every minute of the piecing and sewing process and find it quite challenging. I display the finished items with teddy bears and dolls that sit happily on small doll beds and little doll benches. I enjoy sharing my results with anyone who will listen. Thanks for all your inspiration and for the opportunity to win one of your patterns. I am looking forward to more fun activities through your blog.
Peg F. in NJ

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy, I have two of your books and have made almost all the small quilts in them. I display my small quilts on the backs of chairs and also folded over a cupboard door. They are quick to make and are very sweet. I find with a small project I fuss more with it and of course it comes out better. I guess the larger projects are sometimes overwhelming. I enjoy your blog very much and find your posts very inspiring. I would love to win your patterns. Thank you, Dianne

Brook said...

I love small quilts, my favorite blocks are nine patch and log cabin.I like small quilts because I can make more and my joy is choosing the fabrics. I like to display them from a wire hanger, table top, chair back and with my dolls. Thank You for your sharing of your lovely blog and very sweet of you to have the giveaway. Blessings, Brook

Montserrat said...

M'encanten els edredons petits! El teu blog és meravellós!

Gràcies per donar-me aquesta oportunitat.


KMSC said...

I haven't made small quilts since my daughter was little but, if I win your pattern, I might start again! Thanks for the giveawat.

Charlotte said...

I have lots of small quilts and doll quilts and like to display them throughout my home- in doll cradles, in wooden boxes, in watering cans, in crocks, in doll trunks, on drying racks, and on the back of small chairs.
Wherever you look, you probably will see a small quilt!

Enjoy your blog,
Charlotte S.

fournieces said...

Love making these small quilts, and have quite a few around the house. My father made me a little red chair when I was a little girl, and I especially like displaying quilts on this. Lots of fun to make and enjoy!

Dody said...

My daughter and I made several mini quilts. It was a lot of fun and something we could share together that didn't take months to complete. Thank you for the giveaway!

OhioLori said...

Love Little Quilts too...& yours is Beautiful! Thank you for chance to win the Pattern! :)