Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quilt Show

You have to admit, quilt shows are so much fun. Last weekend I attended the Piecemakers Quilt Guild Show in Galesburg, Illinois where they set me up with a booth. I  had a great time and Carl Sandburg College was the perfect, spacious setting for all of the lovely quilts. Thanks for inviting me, Kae!

 "Inspired Baskets" made by  Niki Conklin (inspired by a class she took with Gwen Marston, can you tell?).

"Bright Coins" quilt by  Deborah Grohs. Coincidentally, we are doing a small Coins quilt this month, remember? How's that coming along??

I loved the colors in this quilt - "Moody Blues" made by Jean Near from a design by Tara Lynn Darr.

Simple and lovely by Debbie Spencer.

"Tequila Sunrise" by Jean Lohmar. 

Sandy Schweitzer was there, appraising vintage and antique quilts.

Here's a picture of my booth -

Hey, like my new glasses??

These ladies were all over the place -

My lady must have gotten her hand stuck scratching her shoulder . . .

I was so happy that some of you stopped by to see me and buy books and get your books signed. Julie from Me and My Stitches (you may know her from her comments on my blog) also came over to say hello. She drove there from Iowa.

Look closely at what she's wearing around her neck. When I saw her quilty necklace I wanted one too! I found out that Julie makes quilted jewelry and so I made her run back out to her car and bring in her samples to show me.

I bought a couple of pendants and of course now am kicking myself that I didn't buy more. They were all so beautiful and I could not decide. I do have a birthday coming up though, hint, hint. I wish the pictures had turned out better to do them justice but I had to take these with my cell phone because I forgot my camera that day, wouldn't you know it?

Tiny baskets!

This is one of the pendants I bought. Isn't it wonderful? Look at how Julie fussy cut the little flower in the center. I've always wanted to make a small pineapple quilt, just not this small LOL. Thanks, Julie - I'll think of you every time I wear it.

Take a look at her website and raise your hand if you would love for her to have a booth at the International Quilt Fest in Chicago next year . . . (Sorry, Julie - I couldn't resist nagging you, LOL.)


  1. I love your booth and I wish I was there, one day.
    I have jewelry by Julie, aren't they wonderful. Lots of compliments when I wear it.

  2. It was great to meet and spend time with you! And thanks for the praise and the nice shout out (and the early nag mail! Lol). I really do love all of your books and it was awesome to see all of your little quilts in person!

  3. it all looks wonderful, love the ladies & the jewelry!!

  4. Wish I could have made the quilt show would have loved to got to meet you. The jewelry is very nice. Maybe we will run into both of you at a show soon.

  5. I also have one of Julie's Pineapple quilt block pendants and I love wearing it - it always gets comments from appreciative quilters.... I'm heading to a quilt show on Friday and look forward to a great experience.

  6. Thank you for sharing all these photos of the quilt show. Some wonderful quilts there.
    I love all the little quilt jewelry!! Aren't they just gorgeous!! Such great ideas for gifts for our quilting friends. Hmmm I too have a birthday coming up ;)

  7. Julie the jewelry maker is my niece - doesn't she do a great job! Wish I could have been at the show, too! I think she should do Chicago - get to sewing, Julie! Love you!

  8. I have a necklace from Julie just like yours! It is really amazing jewelry!

  9. Hi, it's so beautifull, thanks you very much for this photos. Céline from France

  10. Hand raised for her to have a booth. I LOVE her jewelry and am purchasing one for myself as soon as my budget loosens up a tidge. Your doll quilts are just precious. I love making small pieces for my little girls that i babysit and they drag them all over the place - such a warm feeling !~!

    Thanks for the pics of the show.


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