Monday, February 14, 2011

Be My Valentine Quilt

 I had a very productive pre-Valentine's Day weekend.

A couple of weeks ago I designed a small Valentine quilt project for those in my Yahoo group, using little nine-patch blocks combined with hourglass blocks. I didn't think I'd have any time to make something myself so it was fun to see what people came up with. I became really inspired looking at some of the quilts in the album and said What the Heck with chores this weekend and spent time working on my own. (I did finally  mop the kitchen and front hallway yesterday, so that counts for something . . . Quilting seems to energize me some days).

 First, I cut my pieces. I decided to make it completely from my scraps, using assorted reds, pinks and shirtings.

The nine-patch blocks are made from 1 1/2" squares, finishing at 3" x 3". 
The hourglass blocks in the center are made from four 4 1/4" squares, cut twice on the diagonal to get 4 triangles from 4 different fabrics. Each hourglass block also finishes at 3" x 3". Arrange the triangles to get the Pinwheel in the center. (I ended up using different prints.)

Lookie here, I got the top finished!

I started out thinking it would be a red and pink and white quilt, then started adding more muted colors. I decided to scrap the initial center piece I made - too bright for me - and remade the rest of it with more vintage fabrics, including BROWN! Don't quilts just take on a life of their own sometimes?? Funny, this is NOT the quilt I had planned, just the way it turned out as I worked with the fabrics. I will probably trim the pink border a little and then add a darker pink binding. The brown floral border is a Judie Rothermel (Marcus Bros) print left over from the Peony Star quilt I made for Remembering Adelia.

 I love my little vintage Valentine's Day quilt!

*      *      * 
According to the Huffington Post, a widely accepted belief about the holiday is that Valentine's Day grew out of a Middle Ages tradition of celebrating Feb. 14 as the day "the birds began to pair." The first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time.

In the U.S., the first mass-produced valentines of embossed paper lace were produced and sold shortly after 1847. 

On Feb 14, 1861 - Adelia Thomas wrote in her diary:

"Feb 14
"This morning it snowed and the wind blew very hard. Towards noon the weather moderated and then it rained. In the evening went to Mr Sharp's Spelling school and when we came home it snowed very hard. Mary Lincoln was there and made herself very conspicuous I thought. Maria Shaver spelled the school down. Valentine's day—never got one! Good."

I know Adelia had a special beau in mind (she referred to him as "L" in her diary) and so I think she protested too much! 
My "sweetest of the sweet" husband took his 2 girls out for a special Valentine's Day lunch yesterday. (That would not include the little black dog, although she runs a close third . . . some days she even comes in first or second.) 
Tonight, I will return the favor and cook something nice : ). 

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. A very pretty Valentine quilt! That is really great border fabric. Now you'll have to make something else with of the leftover block :0)
    You really have a gift for taking pretty pictures. I have that same cookbook but I wouldn't have thought of using it as a prop in a quilty picture.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Thanks for the directions for the sweet little quilt.

    The BH&G cookbook was the very first one I ever owned. It certainly matches your little quilt well!!!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day, Kathy!! It's our 23rd anniversary & Andy took me out for dinner too..i gave him some chokkies in return LOL!
    btw i love your sweet little valentine quilt with it's punchy border!

  4. I had the Betty Crocker one first - for years and years. Then I bought the new edition of BHG cookbook just recently.

  5. I love the Valentine's quilt! I so much wanted to make one, but have promised myself to stick to finishing other things, including 2 quilts from your Civil War Sewing Circle. It was the most talked about book at my small quilt monthly meeting!!
    Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Kathleen I LOVE this. I saw your post on Monday and went right down to my sewing room and got busy. I'm not suppose to start anything new either-but DANG! this was too much fun and I had everything already on the shelf! :) this is why my 'to do list' doesn't get done!
    much thanks for sharing!


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