Monday, February 15, 2010

It Must Almost Be Spring

I ventured out to an indoor flea market on Saturday. Can you tell I'm yearning for Spring? Don't get me wrong, I love winter, but I also love browsing the flea markets in Spring and Summer. I love the hunt--you never know what treasure you'll find, what gem you'll uncover. This indoor one I go to is just ok, not great, but still fun. I'm looking forward to going to the outdoor kind beginning in April.

I didn't buy much--some photos for the book and a little antique bow pendant for my daughter. There was an awful lot of vintage jewelry this time. I always have to ask myself: do I really need to bring home more junk to clutter my basement?? I do love to see if there are any quilts, but I'm not usually lucky enough to find something I LOVE that I can afford. Most of the quilts are not old enough for my taste. And I NEVER ever  find any doll quilts.

I like Shabby Chic as much as the next person, but these were a little TOO shabby. This pink and blue one was $200 with lots of worn spots and holes, so no thanks, although I loved the colors and the quilting. There's the Baptist Fan design again.

I loved the colors in this one and the placement of the blocks too. I'm thinking I'll probably reproduce it for a little quilt pattern.

One of the things I really love about flea markets or antique markets is that fact that I can see a lot of my childhood toys for sale at prices that would make my mother gasp.

I wanted to buy one of these little 3-D TV pencil sharpeners I had in the 4th grade. They were so cool. If you turned it gently from side to side, the image moved. I remember having had this red one with the ice skater spinning and twirling and used it every day. Didn't buy it, refused to spend the ridiculous price she was charging, but it was still fun to see after all these years. You  forget the little things you were attached to as a child.

Some other quilts, but nothing too special.

I love a good flea market and if you're in the market for vintage treasures you didn't know you couldn't live without, or just a darned good pair of tube socks, you're sure to find it there.


  1. What a lovely day you had. I do remember those little televisions. How time's have changed!

  2. Thanks for sharing all of the photos. I agree many of the older quilts I have found have been falling apart. Some of the nice ones are also out of my price range. I am sure you had a nice day!

  3. The triangle would be great reduced in size for a doll quilt.
    I had one of those pencil sharpeners when I was a kid. It was the tv in my Barbie Dream House!

  4. Your lovely book Remembering Adelia arrived from the UK yesterday. What a lovely combination of information - history, patterns, design advice, pictures, projects. I love it.

  5. I have both of your books and love this blog : )
    I really enjoy seeing the patterns others have created - and the "love" we share of fabric...
    I wonder if there you can tell me how to make a crazy quilt?

  6. There is a little crazy quilt pattern in my book American Doll Quilts.


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