Friday, February 21, 2020

Creative Decisions

Here's what I know: Quilters are creative people. Creative people are open to inspiration. Inspiration is all around us. We're always making creative decisions whether we know it or not.

Playing with fabric is inspiring. What should I make?? Decisions, decisions.

At times, most of us get overwhelmed by all these ideas that are swimming through our heads. We start something but pretty soon another idea pops up. We become distracted and move on to work on something else. I think this is pretty typical for many of us. With all of the inspiration available, who wouldn't want to create some of the beautiful things we see in patterns and books, quilt shops or on Instagram, Pinterest or other people's blogs?

But, when you lose interest or stop working on a project, ask yourself:  is it because you hate doing a particular task in order to complete it - like applique, quilting or binding? Or, did you lose interest because you don't really care for the project anymore?  This will blow your mind, but - I think it's actually okay if you do NOT finish something. I do this with books all the time (not finish reading them). I used to feel compelled to finish reading a book I started even if I wasn't sure I liked it. Persevere. Now, I don't waste my time on something I consider mediocre. Too many other good books to read.

(This book was one of my recent favorites. Got me started reading all of Ann Patchett's books.)

But, anyway, there will always be projects on hold that we come back to. For me, it's my Dear Jane. Yes, I always have many other things to work on and so it often gets pushed aside for a time. But I know I will always go back to it because I love it too much. Perhaps some of your projects are like this?

Here's that radical thought again: Not every project you start needs to be finished. Sometimes, I think projects come into our lives to inspire us to get sewing again if we've been feeling stuck or blah. A new project can be refreshing. Dwelling on all of the unfinished ones lying around only serves to make you feel guilty over something you started but didn't finish. That can be a heavy burden to carry around and a real drag on your creativity. Can you pass along an unfinished project to someone else who might be happy to finish something new (to her)? Maybe it's already served it's purpose for you.

This quilt is just a little off . . . . I have a feeling I probably won't ever finish it. I'm not crazy about the fabrics I used and I don't really care enough to spend the time. So, it will probably go in the "Eh" drawer of UFOs. Poof! It's already there. 

Occasionally, I sort through my projects and pull out the ones I really, really want to finish. Then I put the ones I'm not sure about or can't make a decision about yet in a drawer. If I can, I try to make a decision about the ones I haven't worked on for a long time and know I will probably never finish. Getting rid of the guilt over not finishing is kind of freeing. Try it.

Next time I'll show you some of the quilts I'm really really anxious to finish. I thought it would be this year but who knows. Working on a big project like a book takes up so much time and space in my brain that I just don't seem to get a lot of other stuff done. Especially around-the-home stuff. Right now we have bathroom issues from a roof leak last year. The roof was replaced but the damage to the bathroom wasn't fixed because I had no time to deal with it while I was working with deadlines. So fixing (and updating!) that room is what's on my plate right now.

Decisions, decisions.  My husband said: "I think I like the bluish ones best." Me, Blue Girl: "Oh, okay. If you say so." LOL 

And the winner is . . . Blue! But you already knew that.

Then there's that other bathroom that also needs work . . . . And now the rest of the house is looking a little sad and needs to be painted/updated . . . . It goes on and on. This stuff has taken a back seat to my work for way too long and now it's time to focus on doing some creative home stuff. Making some creative decisions about paint, de-cluttering and throwing out stuff.  This is creative too. Wish me luck!


Monday, February 3, 2020

Fun Little Things to Make in February

February always ends up being a busy but often creative month for me. The holiday crunch is over and I usually have more time so I get down to business. I often "think pink" around this time of year. Ever since the kids were little I loved decorating for Valentine's Day. It was always a very exciting time for school-age kids. "Secret" valentines, parties, candy, etc. Mine are all grown up now and so no more vinyl heart stickers on the windows but I still have fun displaying my pink or red quilts around the house and changing the wreath on the front door. Maybe getting a little chocolate . . . .

If you've been following my 2020 Mystery Quilt Sew Along you may have finished the blocks for January -

Well, we're moving right along. The blocks for February were posted a couple of day ago.

No photo description available.

These should keep you busy for awhile. You can find the patterns in my Facebook group files or on my website under the Mystery page. It's never too late to begin. If you haven't thought about starting the Mystery quilt yet, read more about it here.

If you're in the mood for more projects, join me in making some other things this month. My Facebook small quilt group also does monthly small quilt challenges. This month we're making a Valentine's Day themed quilt for the February Small Quilt Challenge.  Make a little quilt with a heart motif or make something using red or pink fabrics. The pattern is your choice but the file describing the challenge in our group files gives some suggestions. I hope some of you will join us. Here's the quilt I started and I really hope to get it quilted before too long. I designed it for the groups as a challenge idea a few years ago but never got around to making one of my own so this is the year. Just a simple four patch turned on point to make scrappy "hearts."

Perhaps there's a pattern you've always meant to make but never found the time? Maybe this is the year. Pick out some pretty fabric. Sew some squares or triangles together. Make something just for yourself. Put your heart into it.

Here are a few other suggestions. The Be My Little Valentine quilt from my book Small & Scrappy is a really easy project. 

My popular Vintage Valentine quilt that I designed last year is still available as a pattern on my website or in my Etsy shop. Many of you bought the kit from me and so perhaps that's another good idea.

This Little Sweethearts runner from a few years ago is also available as a pattern. I don't typically use novelty fabrics much but this one with all the little heart prints was fun and easy to make. Many of you bought this kit too so now may be the time to finally make it. 

Last year's February challenge pattern is also available in the online group files. 

As a little extra this month, I thought it might be fun to have a Valentine's Day pincushion challenge - make a sweet little pincushion with a Valentine's Day theme and post a picture in the group. These are usually really simple and fun and take hardly any time at all to complete. The fun part is always playing around with pretty red or pink fabrics. I know we could all use some little decorative things around the house for February so grab some of your scraps and make a little something. A few simple pinnies displayed in a bowl would be fun. We often get busy and always think we have so much to do but sometimes taking a little time for yourself to make something small and cute can be just what you need to perk you up in the winter. 

Making even a little something can motivate and energize you and just plain make you feel good. Or, here's a better idea - make a small gift for someone else.

"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."   ~Helen Keller

Happy St. Valentine's Month!