Friday, August 23, 2019

Summer's Almost Gone

How has your summer been? Mine has gone by so fast. First we had a wet, wet spring and we thought summer would never get here and then after the heat wave laced with so much rain and humidity we're really starting to look forward to fall here in Chicago.

There were a few nice days where I could actually sit outside and do a little bit of applique. And enjoy my morning coffee. 

I've been busy, busy, busy - quilting and writing my next book. When fall gets here I'm sure I won't even notice. Time is flying by and I'm not finished with everything I still need to do. But I'm pretty close. You're going to love this one and I'll tell you more when we get closer to the release date (if you can wait until December 2020 - hah). Publishing takes a really long time. Not my fault. After I finish and send the manuscript and quilts to Martingale for photos and editing (that takes more than a few months), they send it off on a slow boat to China to be printed.

This may have to tide you over until then. If you love small quilts, you might want to pick up this new Martingale book - The Big Book of Little Quilts. There are two quilts from my book Small & Scrappy in it. Plus, lots of other great quilts from some of your favorite designers.

Does this quilt look familiar? It's the small quilt challenge some of my small quilt groupies are working on for August. Barn Raising, from my book A Prairie Journey.

Working on a book doesn't leave you much time for fun. You really have to focus every day and just hunker down at the computer or sewing machine for hours at a time and do stuff when you'd rather be outside playing.  For instance, I haven't been into the city much this year but one day a couple of weeks ago my son called and wanted to have lunch so I drove down there to meet him. After lunch we walked along the lakefront. We picked a beautiful day and now I really miss the lake and the city (and free time). No summer vacation this year.

On the way home I stopped at the International Market and this "little girl" was behind me in line, just begging me to snap her picture. What a sweetie. I guess it's okay to start bringing my own poodle along with me when I shop now??

If she's not too busy, that is . . . 

Oh yeah. I lucked out and got a dog who likes to read quilting books in her spare time. What are the chances??
(Sorry - the longer I work, the sillier I get . . . .)

Have a great weekend!